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Pakistan will Join BRICS: China, Russia , South africa and Brazil are agree

Hahaha India is getting more isolated. All the others agree on our BRICS partnership. Now if india disagrees which it will when we will formally apply then its image within BRICS will also fall.:cheesy:

Well played Pakistan.
I Think the credit goes to PM Nawaz Sharif.So many people claim to be leader in Pakistan but Only States man A true leader we have is Nawaz Sharif without a doubt:pakistan::pakistan::smitten:
"Developing Mutual Understanding" between Pakistan and India ? Aren't you asking for something which is completely forbidden on PDF :stop:
But they still share the same table at SAARC and other places
BRICS are the emerging nation just behind developed nations. Pakistan does not qualify for that. But like china wants to be a part of SARC, Pakistan can aspire to be a member of BRICS though it does not fit into the criterion.
Dehati Aurat crying again.Expecting indian Presstitutes to cry more:rofl::rofl:
lets see, but we have what they dont ie importance in global games and strategic location right in the edge of the area where these countries belong to. Its in their best of interests to keep Pakistan in their camp in order to keep american influence our of region.
BRICS is not a strategic alliance , it is a economic alliance. So true that Indonesia has better chance than Pakistan. Pakistan is still far away.
But they still share the same table at SAARC and other places
Somethings are better left unsaid. I guess you are unaware of the fact that other SAARC nations have to sign separate agreements with India for Trade Routes and Power Grids, just because of one country :disagree::disagree::disagree:
Can you think of a greater Non performing asset to extend a loan to than Greece ?

I don't think Greece is a gone case. The thing with EU is that EU is not giving any freedom for Greece to form its own policies in the name of austerity measures. BRICS can be innovative in the way it set loan terms and covenants for Greece to not default.

But they still share the same table at SAARC and other places

Until the point India and Pakistan learn to separate political disputes with economic issues, SAARC or for that matter any economic group that consist both India and Pakistan is bound to fail.
Screenshots really !....... Atleast lets wait for a credible source :/
Should not allow.. Greece is a defaulter nation and its citizens lives like Aristocrat.. Major chunk of ICs money will be go down the drain...

As I said before, EU covenants on Greece are all negative covenants...no wonder Greece said no to EU.

Again all lenders are not equal. Each have their own capabilities. What EU cannot do with Greece, BRICS can do.
I don't think Greece is a gone case. The thing with EU is that EU is not giving any freedom for Greece to form its own policies in the name of austerity measures. BRICS can be innovative in the way it set loan terms and covenants for Greece to not default.

Greece is a rip off.

If they have defaulted the EU will they repay BRICS ? If they can repay whom will they repay first ?

Why would BRICS nations risk themselves with a basket case ?
Dehati Aurat crying again.Expecting indian Presstitutes to cry more:rofl::rofl:
Indians will be more than happy if Pakistan becomes member of SCO, BRICS, even G20. "Terrorist" Modi will then have more opportunities to terrorize the helpless whining country:rofl::rofl:
Greece is a rip off.

If they have defaulted the EU will they repay BRICS ? If they can repay whom will they repay first ?

Why would BRICS nations risk themselves with a basket case ?

All lenders are not equal. Each have their own capabilities. What EU cannot do with Greece, BRICS can do.

What Greece need is more than a loan...with loan, it needs a market to sell its products to earn to repay loan. EU is pretty saturated market. Most of the EU policies regarding paying loan is deep budget cuts and huge taxes, While BRICS can provide a market for Greece's exports and make it stand again on its feet to repay loan through earnings than through budget cuts and huge taxes
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