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Pakistan will export local solar panels to EU, Africa

RAWALPINDI: CEO, Tesla Technologies Aamir Hussain Sunday said that Pakistan has great potential for exporting solar panels to European and African markets which would boosts country economy.
Following the European Union granted Technischer Uberwachungs Verein TUV (a German Technical Association) certificate to a Pakistani solar panel manufacturing company Tesla Technologies, a number of European Union and African countries have placed export orders for exporting Pakistani manufactured solar panel to these countries, said CEO of Tesla Technologies Aamir Hussain while talking to the journalists here in a during a press conference.
Members of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sheikh Nadeem, Sheikh Mohammad Ilyas, Sayed Asif Ali, Abid Hussain and others from different cities also expressed their deep satisfaction over these export orders from European Union and African countries saying the economy of Pakistan will get big help to revive itself after the country was granted TUV certificate by European union.
Terming the grant of TUV certificate to Tesla Technologies by EU, they said this milestone achievement would open a new era of opportunities for Pakistani quality products to gain wide acceptance in European markets. They also expressed deep concerns over what they said the EU certified Pakistani manufacturing solar panel were yet to attract local government’s attention while a number of export orders were received daily from EU and African countries for exporting them high quality same products. “ Our government is signing MoUs with China and other countries to import the solar panels which could not win over the same Pakistani manufactured products in EU markets”, they added.
Aamir Hussain further said, “We can locally develop the complete solar energy system to help reduce the shortage of electricity from the country but lack the trust of government which should now be conferred to us by our policy makers and leaders after having TUV certificate by EU”.
In this way, he mentioned, we would not only be able to safe huge amounts of import bills but also benefited by the great export potential of solar energy system in international markets, including Middle East, Europe, African countries, Arabs and United States.
He told that Punjab Minister for Mineral Development and Energy Mr. Sher Ali Khan, inaugurated the Tesla Solar panel production plant lat year on 23 July and with the passage of just 10 months we have won the international trust with regard to high quality and efficiency. Manufacturing the solar panels locally will help reduce the prices of the Solar systems, making it possible for Solar users to buy A grade quality Mono and Poly panels at an affordable cost.
Other than lowering the cost of solar panels, local manufacturing will also help reduce the foreign exchange being spent in import of Solar panels from other countries, develop indigenised solar technologies, create employment in Pakistan and reduce load shedding.
Members of chamber of commerce and industry also stressed upon the government to develop government-private sector partnership to over come the crises like in the energy sector. They also admired Tesla industries, especially Mr. Amir Hussain and his team for taking the initiative of producing the cheapest and most viable solution to cope with the current energy situation in Pakistan.
They said TUV certificate granted by EU to Tesla Industries of Pakistan was a milestone as the export of solar panels will benefit our economy and generation of employment opportunities too. G.M. Tesla Ch. Tanveer Ahmed Janjua, G.M. Production Khalid Mehmood Khan, Export Manager Syed Zulfiqar Hussain Shah and Ejazuddin Qadri were also present on the occasion.
‘Pakistan will export local solar panels to EU, Africa’

But first full fill local demand and then export and also go for expansion also with proper planning
POF made firearms being imported in USA and now Solar Panels in EU. Good. We need to drive up exports. One place where we have tremendous potential is IT. Government should fast track the development of software services and export.
Should be import orders I guess...

looks like govt is not interested in ending loadshedding the cheap way...that way how will they manage to pocket some of the extra tens of thousands?!
I agree

It better alternative then wind one...
Wind energy is the cheapest source of energy man. They will be good for Farms in Pakistan.
The Pakistan which i live in, cannot compete with world on anything remotely related to Silicon.
I really wish we could. Our engineers planned on building solar panels but our feasibility report told us 2 things; 1) no one, not even Pakistanis wanted Pakistani Panels because no one trusts Pakistan made equipment, especially an equipment of such technical magnitude.
2) Our cost was a bit on the higher side due to lack of technology available and since we would be competing with Chinese panels, no one would prefer our panels compared to china.
In a nutshell, it will require huge investment, not only for R&D but also marketing so we could change the perception of people.
Excellent News. The more we Produce, the Cheaper they will be for our use as well.

This is Pakistan, "less we produce more money we can make" is the norm

But first full fill local demand and then export and also go for expansion also with proper planning

Its business not the charity, do you think they invested millions for the welfare of the country.
This is Pakistan, "less we produce more money we can make" is the norm

Its business not the charity, do you think they invested millions for the welfare of the country.

It is not control by company but by Govt. and every Govt. control demand and supply so that people will not suffer. I hope you understand my point.
It is not control by company but by Govt. and every Govt. control demand and supply so that people will not suffer. I hope you understand my point.

no its a private business and they are in it for money not for welfare.
The Pakistan which i live in, cannot compete with world on anything remotely related to Silicon.

Do you have a real understanding of your country's potential? All you were missing, was peace and a system. Both have started to take shape so only progress will come out of this in the next a couple of years. You all of a sudden tripled Pakistan's population without having the burden to care for the 400 plus million Chinese that Pakistan will be providing the trade , goods and services for, and will earn billions of dollars of pass through revenues per years. You have Gold, minerals like Iron and Copper, vast Coal, Hydro, Sun and Wind resources and huge reserves of Shale gas......

All you were missing was peace, stability and a system that would support proper utilization of these resources. That time, is coming very quickly and soon. Be happy and optimistic.
I really wish we could. Our engineers planned on building solar panels but our feasibility report told us 2 things; 1) no one, not even Pakistanis wanted Pakistani Panels because no one trusts Pakistan made equipment, especially an equipment of such technical magnitude.
2) Our cost was a bit on the higher side due to lack of technology available and since we would be competing with Chinese panels, no one would prefer our panels compared to china.
In a nutshell, it will require huge investment, not only for R&D but also marketing so we could change the perception of people.
Huh? PCRET a government institution in Islamabad makes solar panels but chinese panels beat them on price
Huh? PCRET a government institution in Islamabad makes solar panels but chinese panels beat them on price
You reassured my point there. Their panels are expensive. And our people already prefer imported equipment, they wont prefer an expensive local equipment compared to cheaper China equipment.
Big money for Pakistan's solar panel industry if they get the product and the price right. Solar panels are big business in Africa at the moment as their governments look towards saving electricity usage in the domestic sector to funnel towards the industrial sector. Monetary incentives are being given to households who convert to solar panels in SADAC nations. Please don't procrastinate if you have the capability to supply.
You reassured my point there. Their panels are expensive. And our people already prefer imported equipment, they wont prefer an expensive local equipment compared to cheaper China equipment.
But PCRET panel have a longer life span
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