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Pakistan Will Add 60,000 Troops to Patrol Afghan Border

IK will soon find out what it means to do business with treacherous Afghans. He is showing a lot of goodwill to all parties at the moment which isn't a bad thing necessarily. Let the euphoria settle and reality sink in after a while. The US, India and Afghanistan will reveal their true colors and things will get back to normal. Just a matter of time. These three countries are for the time being releasing some statements and observing. We know how it works, but so are we.

Let me tell you that territorial integrity and security has no price tag. Our economy and security shall improve as a result of fencing and more troops. We should have done this ages ago. You know how much pain and agony our enemies have caused with open porous borders with Afghanistan? When you put this in figures it puts the cost to shame.
Statesmen are supposed to talk about peace, albeit in their own terms with the marginal utility tilting more toward them, even during the time of war!!! I see no problem in Imran Bey's approach as long as the Pak defense mechanism remains ever ready and vigilant.....
Statesmen are supposed to talk about peace, albeit in their own terms with the marginal utility tilting more toward them, even during the time of war!!! I see no problem in Imran Bey's approach as long as the Pak defense mechanism remains ever ready and vigilant.....
Totally concur Sir and good to see you back :cheers:.Kudos
60 thousand more Jobs along with secure borders and less attacks its a win win
This indian member ZIP doesn't realize the rise in cost of Indian lives as well as budget in sending more spies, recruitment, sending, re-sending, training more insurgents in Afghanistan, more weapons and equipment for them and on top of that countering trained and battle-hardened extra 60,000 troops if a war occurs with india.

It is already FC's job to manage borders, not Army's.



what we need is MRAPs , armed drones , electrical fence , mines , attack helicopters and Tony Starks Iron legion to patrol Afghan border ..
This is a good move, I had already came up with the idea in 2016 when the LOC was flaring up, raising a separate 'western army' ie an enlarged FC with its own armour ( old Ty59 or Al Z ) and if budget allows half decent Air defence ( not counting manpads in that , they should be mandatory in any formation ) and surveillance drones and helis,
What this would do is offer a specialized army for the West with locals pashtuns balochis so less ethnic tensions , be cheaper to raise and maintain than normal PA units , officers can be posted to these for limited times so they get mountain experience and more diverse terrain experience, it will the leave the PA for its main task of countering the eastern hordes and when one day peace is achieved in the West or puppet gov is established in Afghanistan, these battle hardened units can be shifted to eastern regions with mountains etc
Also I forgot FC formations already have their own SOG too
Pakistan should have special border patrol security (BPS) agency that is trained by Pakistani Army. BPS should be given security and surveillance tools and gadgets. IMHO, Army should focus on Eastern border but if there is a need they can support BPS on western border.
FC and Rangers are your BPS
FC and Rangers are your BPS
I am talking about western border. Rangers are only in Punjab and Sindh.
If army want to keep FC on the border then they should be better equipped. Also, once Pak-Afghan border is secure and fenced, we should also fence Pak-Iran border to avoid any future incidents.
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