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Pakistan Wants 'Battlefield' Nukes to Use against Indian Troops

you should have ....atleast 300+ nukes and do you know your major infrastructure is near our border....dams ..power plants.....air bases...nuclear facilities and comes under the range of our cruise missile....there will be a total black out ...and back to stone age for 100 years...we don't have to send troops on the ground..

List of power stations in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you idiots really think that we need 300+ nukes to make glass out of India? Both sides can't take a single nuclear hit.
Over the years, quality of PDF members have hit rock bottom, most are useless keyboard warriors lacking common sense. Everyone likes to think of themselves as an expert on such issues.
Pakistan's policy is to assure India of mutual destruction, just like was between US and Soviet Union. If Indians don't care which they like to pretend most of the time, then shouldn't complaint. We don't doubt that India will retaliate, but Indians need to get doubts about us out of their minds. We wont die alone, will ensure to take you with us.
The battlefield nuke option is a mind game just like the cold start. Pakistan's thinking is very clear; any action of the Indians by sudden attack will lead into a nuclear war. While the Indians are thinking any misadventure in terms of Terror on Indian soil will be replied to with sudden force. Where this thinking is flawed is in thinking that this would dissuade India from a cold start option, if cold start is exercised, are Pakistan foolish enough to start a nuclear war? or if India is clever, stop the cold start and watch how the world reacts to a country in this age use a nuclear weapon?

Regardless of the reckless, trigger happy banter by a few Pakistanis, their country will never use this tactical weapon since now India has the option of isolating Pakistan from the rest of the world in case Pakistan gets reckless. That sort of a victory is an added option that the Pakistanis themselves have handed over to India.

Having said all that the cold-start can be met with equal force and in my view that is what Pakistan is preparing for.
The more Indians will provoke us the more we will create weapons to counter them.........if they just learn to live and let others live then this region can be so peaceful but they wont do this !!!!!!
By Warning to use battlefield nuke Pakistan is reducing the red line in its nuclear doctrine so if India think that it can do surgical strike or use cold start its just playing with fire .the best thing for india is to cry like a baby if any thing happen by terrorist attack Real or Fake they can't do sh$t .
Nobody is stupid enough in india to start a war with pakistan they can just hire some low life which they are already doing to kill innocent public .Pakistan is tasting his own medicine what they did in Punjab .
Allah is with us, we can win a Nuclear war. Does the leadership, the WOGS in power have the balls to use them? Maybe???

The next war won't be limited and that notion should be taken out of peoples mindset. It is stupid to think that the UN, US, World will intervene to stop it. They will do whatever it takes to save India, not Pakistan.
It was Indian threat of Cold Start strategy that has forced Pakistan to develop and induct battlefield nukes. We have now developed this defense against Indian threats and possible aggression.
By Warning to use battlefield nuke Pakistan is reducing the red line in its nuclear doctrine so if India think that it can do surgical strike or use cold start its just playing with fire .the best thing for india is to cry like a baby if any thing happen by terrorist attack Real or Fake they can't do sh$t .
Nobody is stupid enough in india to start a war with pakistan they can just hire some low life which they are already doing to kill innocent public .Pakistan is tasting his own medicine what they did in Punjab .

Indians are Copy Cats - They Copies everything from West, USA, EU, China, Russia and even PAKISTAN! Yeah Pakistan Surprised just Watch to Bollywood Songs and Movies.................Indians Are LIARS AND CHEATERS OF HIGHEST ORDER - WORLD SLEEPS OF INDIAN cRIMES AND RAPES WHILE INDIA SHOWS THEIR ANGEL FACE TO EVERYONE.............!

It was Indian threat of Cold Start strategy that has forced Pakistan to develop and induct battlefield nukes. We have now developed this defense against Indian threats and possible aggression.

Indians are Copy Cats - They Copies everything from West, USA, EU, China, Russia and even PAKISTAN! Yeah Pakistan Surprised just Watch to Bollywood Songs and Movies.................Indians Are LIARS AND CHEATERS OF HIGHEST ORDER - WORLD SLEEPS OF INDIAN cRIMES AND RAPES WHILE INDIA SHOWS THEIR ANGEL FACE TO EVERYONE.............! INDIA IS MORE THEN JUST DEVIL, INDIA IS SNAKE DRAGON WHOSE NATURE IS TO BITE AND KILL SLOWLY WHILE CHANTING RAM RAM :smitten::pakistan::smitten:
Mainly neutron bombs on Nasr missile to stop an Invading Indian Army. If after that a full scale nuclear war begins so be it as Pakistan will have no other option even before that.
Yes, Pakistan WILL use tactical nukes on its soil in case of massive Indian attack. When you guys says India will bring its massive response, you forget one thing; Pakistan's second strike capability! The massive Indian nuclear strikes will be met by massive Pakistani nuclear strikes, this time on Indian cities BECAUSE Pakistan has second strike capability. So despite Indian massive nuclear strikes, India will be destroyed (so will be Pakistan). Both people will live on contaminated grass! Wanna play?

Kids who dont grow up....

We have nuclear balls
We have nuclear dick
We can fart Nukes
We still shit in the pants

Go get a life kid
It was Indian threat of Cold Start strategy that has forced Pakistan to develop and induct battlefield nukes. We have now developed this defense against Indian threats and possible aggression.
Wasn't it producing nukes like rabbits even before that ?? Thought your hunger for nukes was powered by the growing conventional disparity between us.
Investing in battlefield Nukes...is a waste....they could have invested in reverse engineered space tech from china...coZ according to indian nuclear doctrine....

"In April 2013 Shyam Saran, convener of the National Security Advisory Board, affirmed that regardless of the size of a nuclear attack against India, be it a miniaturised version or a "big" missile, India will retaliate massively to inflict unacceptable damage"
I don't think the Pakistani generals are bothered by anything Shyam has said. The addition of tactical nukes only adds up to the anxiety of the Indian (any enemy) generals (who will be) tasked with planning the offensive. I say Shyam's statement is worth zero dimes as if India pushes the "big" missile button after the tactical strikes so will the Pakistanis do to inflict the same 'unacceptable damage'. So, yes! investing in these battlefield nukes is NOT a waste at all
Do you idiots really think that we need 300+ nukes to make glass out of India? Both sides can't take a single nuclear hit.

Then you really do not understand the concept of tactical use of nuclear weapons.

Pakistan's policy is to assure India of mutual destruction, just like was between US and Soviet Union. If Indians don't care which they like to pretend most of the time, then shouldn't complaint. We don't doubt that India will retaliate, but Indians need to get doubts about us out of their minds. We wont die alone, will ensure to take you with us.

Boring! Understand the implication of calibrated escalatory nuclear strikes. Do you know what kind of response will be given? ... No ... so until and unless you decide that you have spent your last day on earth, you will be careful in tactical employment of weapons. Which comes back to the fact that the threshold of our offensive actions (if at all we do undertake them) will be maximum of 20 - 50 kms ingress. Period.

I don't think the Pakistani generals are bothered by anything Shyam has said. The addition of tactical nukes only adds up to the anxiety of the Indian (any enemy) generals (who will be) tasked with planning the offensive. I say Shyam's statement is worth zero dimes as if India pushes the "big" missile button after the tactical strikes so will the Pakistanis do to inflict the same 'unacceptable damage'. So, yes! investing in these battlefield nukes is NOT a waste at all

Firstly, the underlined portion. Anxiety? Whose? We are counting on you employing at a tactical level. That leaves us the option to retaliate in kind at the same level or at an increased level or ... not at all. You see, the concept is very clear. We have the response of choice open for us. The moment Pakistan employs a nuclear warhead at tactical level there will be overwhelming response from world powers, which will unite on the side of India. You think, the oft touted Pakistani method of nuclear sabre rattling is an act of a confident state? On the contrary, all know that you are on the edge. We are worried not of PA with tactical weapons, but of the fringe elements of your society who managed to penetrate your forces, getting hands on it and starting a suicidal war. We are not interested in getting into a confrontation with a nation which is increasingly failing and is likely to shortly join Iraq, Syria and Yemen in a failed state category. On the contrary, we want your army and government to remain strong, so that you keep fighting your own creation in NWFP.
Secondly, the bold part. What MAD? The moment you use a tactical weapon, we just might launch an all out nuclear attack. So until and unless you are telling me that you will be following up with a generalized counter value strike, expending all your weapons in one major strike immediately after employing at a tactical level, you simply have no way of knowing how many of your nuclear weapons and how much of your C2I will survive a massive retaliation on a counter force counter value strike by India. So ... your argument is just that ... an argument!

99% kids arguing uselessly on topic about they know nothing...
True that!!!! LOL
When all countries have tactical nukes, Why can't we have them.
Naturally they will be used in a war "if" required.

Idea of using them on their own soil id foolish and miscalculated. It shall have have disastrous consequences for Pakistan.
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