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Pakistan Vs India - 2017 Champions Trophy Final

tag some arrogant Indians on this thread

@Zibago sehwag k kl k show ki video ha ??
thats not going to help. They r shameless. They r currently cycling through the following delusions...
1) It was just a fluke and India is still the best team in the world...bcuz look at the statistics(not all the statistics of course bcuz that still shows India losing to Pakistan more often than not)
2) Hockey is the real sport and no one in India cares that much about cricket(a blatant lie)

These r among some of the delusions they r currently sticking with. This sore loser like behavior and their arrogance before the match are exactly the reason why I'm enjoying the victory even more. There's nothing more satisfying than to put an arrogant fool in his/her place.
han bhai burnol bhejon??
Nahi aap hi rakho. Aage future me kaam aayega.:)
then why do the soupa doupa bhartee team lost to minnow pakistan by only 180 runs??
Because your team played well that's it. Even our Captain congratulated your team for that.

Our media is as usual exaggerating things way out of proportion. They are the most stupid bunch of idiots I have ever seen
Ego shattered twice.

And that too in a row.. :cheesy:
Made us all jump, it was crazy.

When all the hype dies down and Virat sees back at this match in introspection, i think he'll realize this as an important part of his captaincy career.
He requires matches like these once in a while, for these are important part of his growth as captain.
Very few captains in history of game have had smooth sailing throughout their tenure and when setbacks like these come, it shows how media behaves, how fans react, how selectors respond and above all how team pulls itself out of the gloom. In short, the true character of yourself and everything that surrounds you.
India has played some fantastic cricket in last 2 years and failure to win some coveted silverware, while is going to hurt for sometime, shouldn't demoralize, beyond a point.
Last evening, they lost to a clearly better team on the day and for a lot of players like Jadhav, Hardik even Bumrah, this was one of first chance to play in Finals of an ICC event of such a scale. Ability to handle pressure on such a day is definitely one of the lesson they would've learnt.
For captain Kohli, he has a long season ahead of him and his biggest challenge would be to keep his team motivated and fit.
If i were in his shoes, the fact that India has been able to reach two consecutive finals of an ODI tournament in England, would give me enough reasons to be positive, for ODI World Cup in 2019 in England and Wales.

@WAJsal @Arsalan @The Eagle @nair
I think some basic mistakes were made, Ashwin finished his 10 overs...:what:

Brilliant performance from Fakhar and finally redemption for Amir, what do you think @anant_s ?
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India played well during entire tournament except final match.India was sloppy in the field,also they look like tired.there was problem with team management specially kumble kohli problem as well.Pakistan played well,pitch supported amir.we must thanks oval ground staff for this fantastic pitch.Pakistan is a great team.too many players already retired which created a vacuum and there was Indian dominance from the last 5 to 6 years.now we are slowly filling the vacuum with some young players.also India is a great team.there were players like tendulkar and dravid who always played well against good side.I think India must find new fast bowlers because sri Lanka also chased well against India.batting is not a problem but I miss suresh raina.I think raina and shami deserves a chance in starting eleven.
Indian cricket fans the most irritating and loser lot , see this example

1. indians calling Amir "Qaidi Number Panch"

2. Amir's reply

3. the disgraceful indian fans just left the stadium from the back doors without even waiting for the match to complete

That's the epitome of being sore losers!

What a bunch of tw#ts, Qaidi No.5 f#cked you up:agree:

Mohammad Amit: redemption

And now for my favourite bit. Eighteen years old and idiotic, but coerced and betrayed, Mohammad Amir might have been forgiven for throwing cricket to the wind. Instead he did time and resolved to put right his wrong. Last summer in England, he beat the bat, saw catches shelled and beat his fist upon the ground. His God was ready to forgive but not to reward. Redemption was at hand but not complete.

Until now.

Three balls to Rohit Sharma, a few more to Kohli, during which time he got them out three times. Wait, look, is it Wasim Akram with the new ball? Nope. Might as well have been. Rohit trapped in front by some pacy inswing; Kohli caught at slip by one that nipped a little off the seam. Oh no, dropped it! Azhar, what have you done?! No matter, the next ball nipped too and Virat's leading edge fell into the gleeful hands of Shadab Khan at cover point. OMG ROHIT AND VIRAT GONE! This the Rohit who made a sublime hundred in the semi-final and the Virat who is the best batsman in the world. Hearts rejoiced and hearts sank. Put frankly, we came to see Virat make a big score. We knew the record, we wanted to see the live performance. Fine, Pakistan can win, be great if they did, not that we want to patronise or anything, but Kohli must still entertain us: it's a part of the package.

Not today, it wasn't. Today was Amir's Bob Marley moment, his "Redemption Song" - Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery / none but ourselves can free our mind. In figures, the result was 3 for 16. In point of fact, it was the game. Hasan Ali took 3 for 19. That's 6 for 35 after you bat first and score 338; a slam dunk if ever there was one.

The noise was unforgettable. There were fireworks behind the old pavilion - of course there were - but it was the green that caught the eye: the Pakistan fans wrapped in the flags and shirts of their cricket team, which too often makes no sense but at such times as this, brings overwhelming joy to those who belong. Sarfraz Ahmed conducted his orchestra with the skill, flair and certainty of the maestros. The ball fell softly into his gloves, the match into the record books. The Champions Trophy had been won. Of all the dotty, improbable things!

You had to be there. It was fantastic. I left by the Hobbs Gate and sensed that Jack would have nodded his approval. Past Alec I went, both of us purring. Another time, another time.
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