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Pakistan urge UN to act against drone attack

You have no proof that the number of civilians killed in drone strikes is any number, let alone "higher".

Ok, TruthSeeker here is the list of drone attacks and the number of people died in it, you said no proofs for civilian killing.

Now give me the concrete evidence of all these people that they were terrorists and no one was civilian. tell me one by one what was their link with terrorists? and how they were supporting them?

Drone attacks in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Democracy!! is it acceptable enough reason for you?

As long as you target both GoP and USA and not USA alone.. After all USA is doing these attacks based on an understanding with the democratically elected govt of Pakistan
Let me shred your statements to pieces, Grow some brains. Pakistan has all the standing in UN and now that Pakistan has become the member of UN Security council...Post 9/11 UNSC resolution does not imply and apply to Pakistan; to attack or interfere in other country or violate airspace-sovereignty.
I don't think you know what you are talking about. Being an SC member doesn't confer any special immunity on Pakistan. Under the binding post-9/11 resolutions Pakistan has no sovereignty where it does not combat terrorists, terror-havens, or terror-training camps.
Now give me the concrete evidence of all these people that they were terrorists and no one was civilian.

The point is, Mr. Jaguar, that drone strikes are the "cleanest" , least collateral damage method of striking terrorists.
Some few innocent are undoubtedly killed as is the case in any form of warfare where one of the parties hides within a civilian population for protection. But all of this hysteria over innocents being killed in drone strikes is simply propaganda designed to further give protection to the terrorists by cynically playing on the hoped for superior morality of the West. People who engage in this propaganda are helping the terrorists because, in their hearts, they sympathize with them. Pure and simple love of and admiration for the jihadi.

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Also, the UN can do nothing because drone strikes are the will of Allah!
This statement is a factual one considered by FATA tribesman mentioned by Farhat Taj in the book "Taliban and Anti-Taliban" ; Drones are considered as ababeel (swallows sent to smash Abraha during the siege of Kaaba). In fact according to her, ANP guys privately praise the efficacy of the drones.

Link :: BOOK REVIEW: A book late but most needed —by Zubair Torwali
Your statement is a pure and total lie. You have no proof that the number of civilians killed in drone strikes is any number, let alone "higher". Your post is pure anti-American propaganda designed to help the Haqqanis and Mullah Omar and all the other Islamic terrorists who hang out in FATA and in Pakistan, in general.

---------- Post added at 11:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 PM ----------

Also, the UN can do nothing because drone strikes are the will of Allah!

I am amazed you accept many lies in your sides, I understand you wouldn't admit. Drones killing many innocents, elders, women, children, loved one, many mores while you enjoy romantics at your home comfortably. I think of your past posts, you are clearly against Pakistan and its people.

U.S. drone strikes killed more than 900 people in Pakistan last year, the vast majority of whom were civilians, often women and children.

These massacres should outrage everyone worldwide. The United States has asserted unfettered power to kill anyone anywhere on the globe without any kind of due process - no arrest, no charges, no ensuring you've got the right person, no opportunity to present any defense. It's just a summary execution, in which CIA officials play judge, jury, and executioner, and often have only a very narrow window of time in which to make these decisions.

The report in Telegraph UK by Peter Bergen and Katherine Tiedemann found that 32 per cent of those killed in drone attacks since 2004 were civilians.

Their report, The Year of the Drone, studied 114 drone raids in which more than 1200 people were killed. Of those, between 549 and 849 were reliably reported to be militant fighters, while the rest were civilians.

"For every 10 to 15 people killed, maybe they get one militant," he said. "I don't go to count how many Taliban are killed. I go to count how many children, women, innocent people, are killed."

Report: CIA Drones Killed Over 2,000, Mostly Civilians in Pakistan Since 2006 -- News from Antiwar.com

Pakistan furious as US drone strike kills civilians – The Express Tribune

US drone strikes in Pakistan claiming many civilian victims, says campaigner | World news | The Guardian
The point is, Mr. Jaguar, that drone strikes are the "cleanest" , least collateral damage method of striking terrorists.
Some few innocent are undoubtedly killed as is the case in any form of warfare where one of the parties hides within a civilian population for protection. But all of this hysteria over innocents being killed in drone strikes is simply propaganda designed to further give protection to the terrorists by cynically playing on the hoped for superior morality of the West. People who engage in this propaganda are helping the terrorists because, in their hearts, they sympathize with them. Pure and simple love of and admiration for the jihadi.
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But the US had the same love for these Jihadis when these pplz were fighting against the US enemy Russia, Oh my god what kinda hypocrisy is that.???....:eek:

---------- Post added at 11:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 PM ----------

Democracy!! is it acceptable enough reason for you?
Yes! US shold listen to the democratically elected govt. If they realli wanna keep democracy within our country....:smokin:
As long as you target both GoP and USA and not USA alone.. After all USA is doing these attacks based on an understanding with the democratically elected govt of Pakistan

Stop blabbering, i hardly understand what you are trying to tell, and read the subject carefully before commenting.
Stop blabbering, i hardly understand what you are trying to tell, and read the subject carefully before commenting.

Your lack of ability to understand plain english is really not my concern mate...
First the wheat must be separated from the chaff ; in this case Bull$hit from the truth. Any cringing/whining/pleading/begging or event protestations/demonstrations cannot hide the truth that drones have targeted, killed and eliminated humans of the worst kind who not only have created havoc but are a blot on the name of Islam.

How many tribes do the jirga represent ? What influence do they have on the Taliban affiliated tribes ? If Pakistan (PA) does not have any sovereignty on the badlands of Waziristan, then how does IK expect to take control of it ? Through peace, hugging, coochie-cooing and hi-fives all around ? How many opinions does he need that drones do more good than harm in the longer run of the WoT ? Farhat Taj, Ijaz Khan(Univ. of Peshawar), are just some of the people who have been on the ground and conducted extensive surveys on the successes of drones. Heck, even the tribal leaders have quoted on the massive "fear factor" created amongst the militants due to it.

Finally, simply stating that drones violate sovereignty, this breeds extremism, extremism destroys Pakistan is not the whole truth. To eliminate extremism, Pakistan must stamp out the extremism created by the fundamentalists circa Zia era, the blasphemy laws and the like. Why doesn't he take a stand on that ? Let him take a dharna on that, let him say, "let's separate state from religion". People will separate his head from his torso, that's what will happen there if he even moves an inch in that direction.

You speak of things which you do not understand. You do not understand because we have been unable to present our case or plead our side as most of the leadership is at US mercy for their influence and power. My response can be filled with just as much hatred as yours, but what's the point.
I don't think you know what you are talking about. Being an SC member doesn't confer any special immunity on Pakistan. Under the binding post-9/11 resolutions Pakistan has no sovereignty where it does not combat terrorists, terror-havens, or terror-training camps.

That's where we dispute your propaganda with our facts, there are no terrorist training camps in Pakistan which we do not combat. We are fighting a war that you started because of your stupidity and arrogance and we have paid a much higher price for this war that you can imagine. Have you any idea of the ground realities here? We have only lost by being your ally in your terror war and we continue to be the loser.
Your comments are not related to the thread so plz talk about the topic and don't be emotional...:smokin:

Ok.. let me lay it out again..

Most members here believe that American drone attacks have an approval from Pakistan govt/Military. In which case, Pakistan asking UN to move against USA on the issue of drone attacks seems stupid. However, if its the public of Pakistan who is protesting against the American drone strikes(which are being done with Pakistani democratic govt's approval) then the protest should be against not only America but also against the Pakistani govt which has given their approval for these drone strikes..

Do tell me how this is unrelated to the thread..
The point is, Mr. Jaguar, that drone strikes are the "cleanest" , least collateral damage method of striking terrorists.
Some few innocent are undoubtedly killed as is the case in any form of warfare where one of the parties hides within a civilian population for protection. But all of this hysteria over innocents being killed in drone strikes is simply propaganda designed to further give protection to the terrorists by cynically playing on the hoped for superior morality of the West. People who engage in this propaganda are helping the terrorists because, in their hearts, they sympathize with them. Pure and simple love of and admiration for the jihadi.

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You are ignorant still, despite your lengthy presence on this forum and love of the topic at hand. If this is a Jihad then it is binding on all Muslims of the world, so basically this is not really a jihad. Afghans and their allies are fighting your invading forces for their freedom, it is simply a matter of defence of their country against aggressors.

And your acceptable collateral damage limit is? does it include women, children including infants? Is the same applicable of your countrymen? And those who are murdered, do they not deserve fair trials? Basically we must just take your word for the things you do and accept that, right?
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