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Pakistan turns down cheaper loan offer from Japan

Your IQ is minus!
more.than.300 000 native Pakistani has been. hired while only 30000 chinese worker s of which 10000 on no CPEC projects!
T his is. not. enough for you , who would teach Pakistani stills and regulations, Robots!!?
That's 10% of Chinese working in the project,that's the official workers who knows what's the actual figures.show me any projects where China brings it's own people in India ,in Indian projects they bring only the planners and specialists not 10% of the work force.
So apart from work force you do agree other things
Chinese workers and land deals are indeed a sensitive topic. Ask Kazakhs. They don't have an India, so unlike Pakistanis, they've more clarity and thus more clashes and protests.
But what's happening is the same.

Although Kazakhstan is more important to OBOR than Pakistan.
Chinese workers and land deals are indeed a sensitive topic. Ask Kazakhs. They don't have an India, so unlike Pakistanis, they've more clarity and thus more clashes and protests.
But what's happening is the same.

Although Kazakhstan is more important to OBOR than Pakistan.

Untrue. CPEC is flagship project of OBAR. Wake up from your republic TV dream.

That's 10% of Chinese working in the project,that's the official workers who knows what's the actual figures.show me any projects where China brings it's own people in India ,in Indian projects they bring only the planners and specialists not 10% of the work force.
So apart from work force you do agree other things
Ok China is looting Pakistan. You Win. Also India is super power. Anything else to calm down your ego?
Untrue. CPEC is flagship project of OBAR. Wake up from your republic TV dream.

Ok China is looting Pakistan. You Win. Also India is super power. Anything else to calm down your ego?
Bro check your flags ,people will start thinking you got identity crisis or inferiority complex
Bro check your flags ,people will start thinking you got identity crisis or inferiority complex
I dont care about people. Why do you call me "bro'?
Its better you stick to topic and put some facts in your arguments, rather than getting personal. Peace :-)
I dont care about people. Why do you call me "bro'?
Its better you stick to topic and put some facts in your arguments, rather than getting personal. Peace :-)
Good point me to the so called facts from your posts so that we can debate.

There is nothing personal ,I said what you came across to me
Untrue. CPEC is flagship project of OBAR. Wake up from your republic TV dream.
Sorry, I don't watch Republic TV. Sounds like you do.

CPEC is not any kind of flagship for OBOR. It just serves Africa and to a much lesser degree ME.
Africa will take ages to be a proper market. By then, ME will run out of oil as well.

This all changes if India joins. Until then, CPEC is but a Chinese power projection with a paltry $50B. Pakistan can 'grow' a lot from it though, but by surrendering certain things.
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Emotions on business have no value... I have dealt with Chinese companies working in Pak on projects as legal aid... two of my cousins are engineers working for Beixen (Chinese company).

Il give you an example.. China has dropped several CPEC projects because it didnt benefit her... although they benefited Pakistan... so why did China not take any congnizance of Pakistans “emotions” ? Pure business.

CPEC/OBOR is a govt initiative, but specific project are run by individual company. And every company has to report a P&L, Pakistan companies are no exception. For any deal to be made, both sides must be able to benefit from it. Without knowing the full detail from reliable source, it's difficult to pass judgment.

90% of CPEC projects are given without any tenders..
Pakistanis not Chinese are to be blamed for this...

Also, we’ve heard China is strict when to comes to corruption ... Im pretty sure.. such irregularities would have been dealt alot strictly in China?

Sane people like me arent demanding anything wrong or projects to be delayed.. but interests should be guarded .. China does the same!! Is that wrong in any way?

Even on CPEC projects..

Infact Pakistanis have much more attachment with China than Chinese with Pakistan;

2014 report;

View attachment 454883

That's a common practice, country that provides the loan gets most project. Japanese firms benefited the same way under OJA & JICA. (Forbes article is biased, "China expect natural resources in return," (they can also pay China cash ) Japan too import all of its natural resources.

Blow to Make in India, Japanese companies grab all key bullet train contracts

Suppose China back out of CPEC, Pak open tender for all projects, who would step in?

China don't get more benefit from CPEC than Pakistan. CPEC connect Xinjiang to Arabian sea and Middle East, it doesn't replace Straits of Malacca. Crude can't be efficiently transported along Karakorum. Every infrastructure, power plant, ports, free trade zone, expressway...that are built stay with Pakistan, these are foundation for industrialization. Why do think Indian are so sore?

A few factors abt the Pew research needs to be taken into account. When two country power parity aren't the same, the attachment will be skewed. (I wonder how ave Russian view India) Ave Chinese person isn't aware of South Asia geopolitics, rarely covered in media. Pakistan's image suffered from the spill over of Afghan war, terrorism and all that.
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Chinese workers and land deals are indeed a sensitive topic. Ask Kazakhs. They don't have an India, so unlike Pakistanis, they've more clarity and thus more clashes and protests.
But what's happening is the same.

Although Kazakhstan is more important to OBOR than Pakistan.
Kazakhs seem to have some acrimony for Chinese.One diplomat even referred to Chinese migrants as ants.
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China don't get more benefit from CPEC than Pakistan. CPEC connect Xinjiang to Arabian sea and Middle East, it doesn't replace Straits of Malacca. Crude can't be efficiently transported along Karakorum. Every infrastructure, power plant, ports, free trade zone, expressway...that are built stay with Pakistan, these are foundation for industrialization. Why do think Indian are so sore?

Well, I think many of your buddies from Pakistan think they will get a part of your $2+ trillion export and nearly 2 trillion in import. I hear those 10% numbers all the time (some $500 billion through CPEC alone).

Meanwhile, even Malacca straight becomes irrelevant when artic route is materialized. Also, you missed the port you have in Myanmar close to the border with China.

Indians are not happy because of the region it passes. Why do you think Chinese get angry when they hear about projects in Arunachal Pradesh or even when dignitaries visit the region. Also the military angle to the disputed region.
Pakistan is such a loyal nation but it happens to be with only one at a time. Once they were all about to US now with China.
Pakistan is such a loyal nation but it happens to be with only one at a time. Once they were all about to US now with China.
Difference is that China is a real ally with common interests. USA was never an ally. Get lost indiot!
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