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Pakistan turning Afghans into 'slaves': Karzai

So we feed millions of Afghanis refugees, a huge number of which take part in arms and drug smuggling. Take up jobs that belong to Pakistanis, take over the Transport sector of Pakistan, take part in ethnic rioting in Karachi in the 80's, and then complain that Pakistan doesn't do enough!??!

Musharraf should go on TV and publicly as Karzai to see if he can even step outside Kabul without being attacked.
Thursday, December 21, 2006

Pakistan wants end to criticism from Afghanistan

* Kasuri reiterates Pakistani government’s proposal to fence, mine and monitor Pak-Afghan border

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Khurshid M Kasuri on Wednesday called for an end to criticism of the country from Afghanistan, and urged greater cooperation, coordination and intelligence sharing between Pakistan and Afghanistan to end illegal cross-border movement.

In an interview with Al-Arabiya news channel, Kasuri said, “We admit that the situation is difficult in Afghanistan and on the Pak-Afghan border, but this calls for greater cooperation, coordination and trust, not public insults and accusations,” he said.

“It is essential that we maintain a level of trust and do not trade allegations publicly because that is a very important ingredient in trust building ... it is very simple if somebody attacks verbally – a response is very easy – all we have to do is wag our tongues, but it causes damage. Pakistan attaches too much importance to its relations with Afghanistan to indulge in verbal vitriol,” he added. Kasuri said Pakistan had maintained its cool, and “I don’t think any purpose will be served by our retaliating in a similar manner. The Pakistani government has shown a lot of patience.”

The foreign minister also reiterated his government’s proposal to fence, mine and monitor the Pak-Afghan border. “Ironically, we face resistance to our suggestion of strengthening checks on cross-border movement,” he said.

He said Pakistan had 97 check posts along the Pak-Afghan border, while there were only 23 or 24 posts on the other side. The foreign minister called for an increase in the number of posts on the other side.

“They don’t have Taliban, militant or suicide bomber written on their heads. How do we distinguish ... they all look alike. We are trying to introduce some sort of electronic cards to keep a record of their identities and control movement,” he added.

He said Pakistan was “a convenient scapegoat, because this takes the attention away from poppy production, corruption and warlords in Afghanistan”.

Kasuri said Pakistan had always supported Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and “our national interest does not demand that Karzai be removed”.

About the North Waziristan peace accord, Kasuri said the country was tackling the issue both strategically and tactically. He said the government was strengthening administrative structures, starting political dialogue, tightening security and enabling the army in the area to better manage the border. The foreign minister said Pakistan’s policy was to keep the military there, but it would be used to guard the border more effectively.

“Recent experiences in the Middle East, Iraq and Afghanistan tell us that by simply killing people, the collateral damage results in more enemies,” he added.

So we feed millions of Afghanis refugees, a huge number of which take part in arms and drug smuggling. Take up jobs that belong to Pakistanis, take over the Transport sector of Pakistan, take part in ethnic rioting in Karachi in the 80's, and then complain that Pakistan doesn't do enough!??!

Musharraf should go on TV and publicly as Karzai to see if he can even step outside Kabul without being attacked.

1 We dont feed the afghan refugees the united nations does.

2 Arms and drug smuggling..ever heard of the gulf shipping group,BCCI BANK,Abbas Gokal please check out how and why the afghans got into poppie production and arm's.

3 Take jobs....i do not see no one complaining when you get your house's built or buy cheaper goods from the market.

4 ethnic riots in 80's....correct me if i am wrong was that not the MQM

5 i would like to see Musharraf take a walk in NWFP or balochistan

We as muslims and pakistani's should stop using the poor afghan refugees as pawns against the afghan government.
The bombings in pakistan only started after karzai came to power and can not be blamed on the refugee's in pakistan.
Please go and check afghan history and see all the great people that came from there.When you have been at war for as long as the afghans you can not expect the people to progress under those conditions.
Blaming the afghans for pakistans problems is the same as when the indians blame the pakistanis.
Karzai and his NA assholes are the ones we need to attack not the poor fuckin afghan refugee's who as got **** all.
There is good and bad in everyone..... the only thing is sometimes i ask myself how would the afghans have treated the pakistani's if it was the other way round.
Well Dabong brother, i do agree with you to a certain degree. Yes not all refugees in Pakistan are bad however i would say 3 quarters are pests nurturing on our soil. I know guys who lived in Pakistan for over 13 years and now swear at the country calling it all sorts of crap. Yes not all are bad but we ought to make the transition to kick these people out ASAP!:flag:
Musharraf could take a walk there pretty easily. The NWFP is army country.
1 We dont feed the afghan refugees the united nations does.

2 Arms and drug smuggling..ever heard of the gulf shipping group,BCCI BANK,Abbas Gokal please check out how and why the afghans got into poppie production and arm's.

3 Take jobs....i do not see no one complaining when you get your house's built or buy cheaper goods from the market.

4 ethnic riots in 80's....correct me if i am wrong was that not the MQM

5 i would like to see Musharraf take a walk in NWFP or balochistan

1. The UN especially during the era of sanctions did not have the ground support, money and access to feed 3 million plus afghan refugees a huge number of which moved to various parts of Pakistan.

2. Umm so you're telling me that gun and drug culture which changed the fabric of Pakistani society, which really didn't exist before the huge influx of refugees in 1979-80's just popped up because the government of Pakistan wanted to earn some illegal cash.

3. That benefit last only in the beginning, but when they take over certain aspects of the economy like transport you have a problem. Heard of the recent strike in Karachi, over the issue?

4. Lets not be one sided. There are always two sides to a fight. The MQM may have been involved, but they weren't the ones to involve gun violence in the beginnning. Come to Karachi and you'll understand the demographics.

5. Musharraf goes to NWFP and various part of balochistan all the time. Are seriously comparing him with Karzai who's holed up in Kabul, being protected by foreign NATO forces?
1. The UN especially during the era of sanctions did not have the ground support, money and access to feed 3 million plus afghan refugees a huge number of which moved to various parts of Pakistan.

2. Umm so you're telling me that gun and drug culture which changed the fabric of Pakistani society, which really didn't exist before the huge influx of refugees in 1979-80's just popped up because the government of Pakistan wanted to earn some illegal cash.

3. That benefit last only in the beginning, but when they take over certain aspects of the economy like transport you have a problem. Heard of the recent strike in Karachi, over the issue?

4. Lets not be one sided. There are always two sides to a fight. The MQM may have been involved, but they weren't the ones to involve gun violence in the beginnning. Come to Karachi and you'll understand the demographics.

5. Musharraf goes to NWFP and various part of balochistan all the time. Are seriously comparing him with Karzai who's holed up in Kabul, being protected by foreign NATO forces?

1. Respect to pakistan for hosting so many refugee's but do you not think it is time to give these people pakistani status and make them part of pakistan rather then leaving them in limbo in the refugee camps to be exploited by afghan/indian intelligence services.
The majority where born in pakistan and should be told either to go back to afghanistan or become citizens of pakistan.

2. We bought the "gun and drug culture" on ourself's.I think if you check afghanistan has no port.All the arm's where coming through pakistan.
We should have never got involved in the afghan war in the first place blame general zia.

3.I have only been to karachi once so i am no expert but the majority of the so called "afghans" where pathaan's from various parts of pakistan.
Pakhtoon Action Committee has a right to call for a strike the same way the MQM or the islamic party's call for strikes.What should we do sent the MQM to india and the islamic party's to saudi arabia?
They are all pakistani's and can and should use any peaceful method to bring attention to there problems.

4. As i said before i am no expert on karachi but from what i can see in the 90s the government was anti MQM so the majority of the time you heard in the press trouble coming from the MQM.
I think now with with the MQM in government this has bought the violence down from that side .I think once the Pakhtoon Action Committee is on the same level as the MQM there will no strikes from them .

5.Musharraf is a dictator just like Zia.We all used to think when Zia was in power how great he was.Only after he had gone did we realize what a disaster he was for pakistan.
The same thing will happin with Musharraf.
this son of a ***** has a problem.i hope he dies soon and people like him.becoz his father was killed in pakistan.he is an american agent.what he wants is to potray pakistan as enemies in the eyes of our brothers afghans.he receives monies from indians.we have done so much for them unconditionally.this is what they are giving us in return.becoz afghan is suppose to be naturally attached to pakistan..they have no routes..they are jealous of our exports to afghanistan..taliban is ithe afghan people themselves how can they be finished??allah knows well i swear they will remain in majority pro pakistani stance till the emergence of imam mehdi when we all will leave for madina along with afghan brothers and indian muslims..may allah give death to karzai and company ..he also got his education from india simla and lived all his life in america and worked in an oil company..the afgahnies are blind if they beleive him..and by the way when are the next election in afghanistan??
it's now time to get them registered as citizens of pakistan.

1)they will not be involved in anti pakistani sentiments
2)we can convert their loyalty to pakistan
3)they will help counter the threat from afghanistan
4)we can differenciate between them and afghanies crossing the border?

and yes zia handled the situstion very badly...the drug culture ,army messes,loans,mqm,mullas were all created by him..i think musharraf must leave after 2007 elections and hand over powers to parliment not vice chief of army staff like ayub..
throw all those afghanies back to their country and mine the border ..no crap no threat..aik teer se do shiakr
it's now time to get them registered as citizens of pakistan.

1)they will not be involved in anti pakistani sentiments
2)we can convert their loyalty to pakistan
3)they will help counter the threat from afghanistan
4)we can differenciate between them and afghanies crossing the border?

and yes zia handled the situstion very badly...the drug culture ,army messes,loans,mqm,mullas were all created by him..i think musharraf must leave after 2007 elections and hand over powers to parliment not vice chief of army staff like ayub..

Aslam-o-Alakum Haseeb brother
I totally agree with your point.Right wing policy's in the domestic front only bring problems.There nothing more right wing in pakistan as the army general/mullah alliance that has bought nothing but problems for pakistan.If i am correct in my history where these mullahs not calling pakistan kaffirstan.
Musharraf is a patriot and a good soldier but not a good leader of the nation.
Nawaz or bhutto would have backed the americans just like Musharraf but would have got a better deal.
The economic recovery would have happened as a natural consequence of backing americia no matter which leader was in charge.
1 We dont feed the afghan refugees the united nations does.

2 Arms and drug smuggling..ever heard of the gulf shipping group,BCCI BANK,Abbas Gokal please check out how and why the afghans got into poppie production and arm's.

3 Take jobs....i do not see no one complaining when you get your house's built or buy cheaper goods from the market.

4 ethnic riots in 80's....correct me if i am wrong was that not the MQM

5 i would like to see Musharraf take a walk in NWFP or balochistan


the ethnic riots in 80's was a foreign conspiracy so we shuld keep that fact in mind.

I think Afghanistan's pushtoon area should be ruled by Pakistan b/c seriously US cant do any thing there and that part is almost part of our country i think this is the solution
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