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S.M Adventurer

عید کے بعد کمراٹ آنے والے دوستو ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔
خوش آمدید ❣️ ۔۔۔۔
ہمیں امید ہے کوہستان دیر کی خوبصورت وادیاں آپ کو مایوس نہیں کریگی۔۔

: سب سے پہلے تو یہ بات کہ دیر کی طرف سے تھل تک آپ اپنی کار وغیرہ پر آسکتے ہیں، مردان سے لے کر شرینگل تک اے ون روڈ ہے، شرینگل سے آگے کبھی غم کبھی خوشی یعنی آدھا کچا اور آدھا پکا روڈ ہے جس پر کار وغیرہ آرام سے تھل تک آ سکتی ہے۔۔۔

: مردان؛ تیمرگرہ سے روزانہ تھل تک لوکل گاڑی بھی جاتی ہے اس لئے آپ لوکل گاڑی میں بھی آرام سے آسکتے ہیں۔۔۔

: آپ رات کو بھی سفر کرسکتے ہیں، خطرے کی کوئی بات نہیں صرف کتے ہوتے ہیں جن سے بچ کر نکلنا ہوگا۔۔۔

: تھل کے قدیم تاریخی مسجد میں آپ تصاویر لے سکتے ہیں کوئی پابندی نہیں ہے۔۔۔

: ابھی تک باڈگوئی ٹاپ برف کی وجہ سے بند ہے، اگر عید تک کھل گیا تو کالام تک آپ کی کار آسکتی ہے، آگے جیپ کا ٹریک ہے۔۔۔ اگر روڈ کھل گیا اور آپ کے پاس وقت ہے تو پھر یہ راستہ سب سے بہتر ہے، آپ مدین، بحرین، کالام ،اتروڑ کے مست نظارے دیکھ کر دشت لیلیٰ باڈگوئی ٹاپ کو پار کرکے تھل پہنچیں گے۔۔۔

: آپ کے پاس اگر موٹر سائیکل ہے تو وہ سب سے بہتر ہے، کمراٹ کے دوجنگا تک آپ موٹرسائیکل پر جاسکتے ہو۔۔۔

: اپنے ساتھ گرم کپڑے اور ٹیلی نار، وارد یا جاز کی سم لانی ہوگی۔ باقی سب کچھ ادھر ملتا ہے۔ تھل کے آس پاس وارد تھری جی اور فورجی کی سروس بھی ہے۔۔۔۔

: عید کے بعد رش بہت ہوتا ہے اس لئے اگر ہوٹلز وغیرہ کےایڈوانس میں بکنگ کی جائے تو بہتر ہوگا۔ یہ ذاتی مشورہ ہے۔۔۔

: یہ ایک پر امن اور پر سکون علاقہ ہے اس لئے آپ اپنی فمیلی کے ساتھ بے فکر ہوکر آسکتے ہیں۔ مقامی سیدھے سادھے مہمان نواز لوگ ہیں۔۔۔

: تھل سے کمراٹ فور بائی فور کا راستہ ہے اس لئے اپنی کار پر بھی رحم کیجئے اور ہم پر بھی، آپ اگر کار میں آتے ہیں تو کمراٹ کے روڈ پر وہ چلتی کم اور قیلولہ زیادہ کرتی ہے جس کی وجہ سے ٹریفک جام ہوجاتا ہے۔ اس لئے مہرابانی ہوگی تھل سے آگے سوزکی اور کار وغیرہ میں جانے سے گریز کیجئے۔۔۔

: کمراٹ ہم سب کا ہے، اسے صاف رکھنے کی ذمہ داری بھی ہم سب کی ہے، اس لئے کچرا پھیلانے کے بجائے کچرا سمیٹنے کی کوشش کیجئے، درخت کے نیچے ہانڈی پکانے کے بعد کچرہ بیگز میں بھر کر قریب کسی ہوٹل کے ڈسٹ بن میں ڈالیئے، اگر کوئی کچرہ پھیلاتے ہوئے نظر آیا تو نظر انداز کرنے کے بجائے اسے سمجھائیں۔۔۔

: مقامی جو بھی ہوٹلز وغیرہ ہیں وہاں سب سے پہلے ڈسٹ بین دیکھ لیجئے اگر مل گیا تو سہی ورنہ اسے سمجھائیں کہ یہ غلط ہے، اگر آپ ہوٹل کی تصویر لے کر ہوٹل والے کو خالی یہ دھمکی بھی دیں کہ بھائی یہ آپ غلط کر رہے ہیں، ہم شہر جا کر آپ کے ہوٹل پر لکھے گا تو وہ سمجھ جائے گا، اس سال اگر 100 بندوں نے بھی ایسا کیا تو اگلے سال سب کچھ ٹھیک ہوگا۔ ان لوگوں کا روزگار آپ لوگوں سے چلتا ہے، آپ لوگ بائیکاٹ کریں گے تو یہ لوگ لائن پر آئیں گے۔۔۔

: دریائے پنجکوڑہ میں جال سے مچھلی کے شکار پر مکمل پابندی ہے، اگر آپ پکڑے گئے یا پھر کسی ہوٹل والے نے آپ کےلئے جال والے یا جال کا بندوبست کیا اور وہ پکڑا گیا تو ذمہ دار آپ ہوں گے، مچھلی سے کسی کا پیٹ نہیں بھرتا۔ یہ صرف شغل ہوتا ہے اس لئے کنڈے سے پکڑو جہاں مرضی ہے لیکن جال سے پکڑنے کی کوشش مت کیجئے۔۔۔

: آپ میں سے کسی کو اگر کوئی بندہ جال سے مچھلی پکڑتے ہوئے نظر آئے چاہے وہ جو بھی ہو تو اس کی تصویر لے کر شئیر کریں اگر آپ شیئر نہیں کرسکتے تو ہمیں بھیج دیں ہم شئیر کریں گے۔ صرف مقامی انتظامیہ یا مقامی لوگوں پر بھروسہ کرنا حماقت ہوگی، ہم سب نے مل کر کمراٹ کے حسن کو بچانا ہے اور اس کا سب سے بہترین طریقہ یہی ہے کہ چوری چھپے شکار کرنے والوں کو دنیا کے سامنے کھڑا کیا جائے۔ اگر ایسا کیا گیا تو مجھے یقین ہے کہ صرف دو چار کو جیل کی ہوا کھلانے سے باقی سب توبہ تائب ہوجائیں گے۔۔۔

: کسی بھی ایمرجنسی کی صورت میں کسی بھی مقامی کے دروازے پر دستک دیں۔ آپ کی بھر پور مدد کی جائے گی۔ اگر آپ بانال یعنی جنگل میں ہوں تو آس پاس ڈیکیر یعنی چھونپڑی نما گھر دیکھیں جہاں ہم لوگ 8 مہینے اپنے مال مویشیوں کے ساتھ رہتے ہیں، یہاں سے آپ کو ہر قسم کی مدد ملے گی۔۔۔

: اگر کسی وجہ سے آپ کو ہوٹل نہ ملے یا کچھ اور ہوجائے تو ڈرنے کی کوئی ضرورت نہیں ہے، ہم مقامی لوگ گھر بعد میں بناتے ہیں اور مہمان خانہ پہلے بناتے ہیں، اس لئے کسی بھی گھر پر دستک دو وہاں آرام سے رات گزار کر صبح اپنی منزل کی طرف نکلیں۔۔۔

: آپ لوگ یہاں آتے ہیں تو ہمارے بچے آپ کے استقبال کے لئے باہر نکلتے ہیں، سپیشل بانال میں ایسا ہی ہوتا ہے کہ راستے پر کوئی بھی نظر آیا تو سلام دعا کےلئے نکلنا ہوتا ہے، آپ لوگ بدلے میں ہمارے بچوں کو نقدی وغیرہ دیتے ہیں۔ ہم لوگ آپ کے خلوص، محبت اور پیار کا تہی دل سے مشکور ہیں لیکن اس وجہ سے ہمارے بچے گداگری کی طرف مائل ہورہے ہیں، لہذا یہ سلسلہ بند کیجئے، اگر ان کے پیار کا بدلہ دینا ضروری بھی ہے تو ان کی ایک پیاری سی تصویر لے کر ان کے بچپن کے کچھ لمحے ہمیشہ کےلئے محفوظ کیجئے، یہ سب سے بہتر ہے۔۔۔

: نقشہ Tariq Javeed نے بنایا ہے، باقی تو ٹھیک لگتا ہے لیکن کلومیٹر کے بارے میں نہیں معلوم ۔۔۔

گمنام کوہستانی۔۔۔

PESHAWAR, (APP - 23rd May, 2019 ) :'Sheikh Badin' camp, a scenic mountainous station in the North of Dera Ismail Khan and west of Lakki Marwat districts a historical tourist place will be opened from first day of Eid-ul-Fitr for people to enjoy the scenic hill top view.

An official of the camp Thursday informed that the administration have decided to open the camp for tourists during Eid and proper inauguration of the camp would be made by the provincial Minister for Tourism.

There will be facilitates for tourists in the camp like camping pods for beds rooms, tents adults group, bathrooms and cooking facilities.

It is worth mentioning here that 'Sheikh Badin is situated at a height of 4,516 feet in the Sothern districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The Sheikh Badin top, according to the estimate, can support a population of 25,000.

Sheikh Badin remained the summer headquarters of the Derajat Brigade and the civil officers of Bannu and Dera Ismail Khan districts also spend part of the hot season here.

The 'Sheikh Badin' enjoys a cool breezy weather in summer with wandering clouds often covering the huts on top at small distances from one another. In the wake of a cruel summer on plains during the hot days of June and July where one finds himself in the throes of heat all of sweat, the life at the top and ridges is comfortably cool.

Even in the day time, inside a verandah without any electric fan one feels cool.

The development of 'Sheikh Badin' necessitates the importance of a hill station, many believe, in the suburbs of DI Khan, Lakki Marwat, Tank, Bannu, Mianwali, South Waziristan, North Waziristan, Karak, Bhakar and others districts.

The documents stated that 'Sheikh Badin' project was launched as non ADP scheme with a cost of Rs.77.191 million in 2005. Later it was reflected as ADP scheme.

Rs 108.019 million for construction of road, Rs 038.054 million for supply of drinking water, Rs 004.098 million for supply of electricity and Rs. 003.112 million for restoration of old rest house.

Officials of KP Tourism Department said that the provincial government was taking measures to develop the area for tourists. They said that the department has written letter to C&W department for construction of road and expressed hope that soon it would be done.

Those who are interested to visit this scenic location can contact 0346-5187206 or 0345-9830796 for booking and more details.
بحرین کالام کی طرف جانے والا سیاح محتاط رہیں. تمام راستے ٹریفک کی وجہ سے بلاک ہو چکے ہیں

KP Govt establishes emergency health unit at Saiful Malook lake

June 10, 2019


Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has established first of its kind emergency health unit at Saiful Malook lake to provide maximum facilities to tourists.

Talking to newsmen in Mansehra, District Health Officer Dr. Shahzad said emergency health unit at an altitude of 10,578 feet established in order to follow the directives of the Prime Minister Imran Khan.

He said over ten thousand feet height altitude, tourists face breath problems as the oxygen level often remained low.

District Health Officer said department has provided complete staff including a doctor and ambulance available round the clock at the unit to tackle the emergency needs of the tourists.
A number of tourists from different areas of the country are visiting Swat, Dir, Chitral, Mansehra, Kaghan and Naran to enjoy the natural scene and environment of the area.

A press release issued by Regional Police Office Malakand said about one hundred forty-five thousand tourist vehicles entered in Swat, thirty thousand in Lower and Upper Dir, eleven thousand in Chitral, eight thousand in Shangla and three thousand in Buner districts to visit and enjoy the scenic and beautiful places of Malakand Division.
Gilgit and Around
  • Location & Population: Dasu is a beautiful place that is located in the North-East of Islamabad up in the Northern areas of Pakistan. The distance between Islamabad and Dasu is 303 kilometers. The Dasu Tehsil is the district headquarters of the Kohistan District in the KPK region and consists of 11 union councils. The population size of Dasu is very small and consists of 137,519 people who live in around 21,487 households. Dasu is surrounded by various small towns and other places. Various places that are located near Dasu are Kushumul, Hurimul, Bazgan and Tamas.

  • Languages.. The local language of the Dasu area is Kohistani. Mostly people speak Kohistani but some speak Punjabi in different dialects (Majhi, Gujri and Hindko) as well. In addition to these languages, people in the Dasu area also speak and understand Urdu as it is the national language of Pakistan.

  • Mountains Close to Dasu.. There are many mountain peaks located near Dasu. The closest one located near Dasu is the “Falak Sher” peak which is located at a distance of 15 km from Dasu. Some other mountain peaks that are located near the Dasu area are: Malika Parbat, Buni Zom, & Laila Peak. Tirich Mir is the farthest and is located at a distance of 122 Km.

  • Accommodation.. The resorts in Dasu are a great source for relaxation and recreation of the visitors. Dasu resorts provide good quality services to the customers and provide a place to stay as well as various other activities. These resorts can be booked online through advance bookings.
  • Airports.. Two airports are located near Dasu: The Gilgit Airport and the Skardu Airport. Skardu airport is the nearest airport and is located at a distance of 35.6 kilometers in the South-East of Dasu.

Chilas is located at the latitude of 35°N and longitude of 74 °E. Chilas is located in the North-East of Islamabad at a distance of 211 kilometers that is 138 miles away. It is a beautiful place in the northern areas of Pakistan in the Gilgit, Baltistan region. Chilas is part of the Silk Road and is connected to Islamabad through the Karakoram Highway through Dassu, Besham, Mansehra, Abbottabad and Haripur. Chilas is sited 3 km off the Karakoram Highway towards the right and on the left side of River Indus whereas, in the north it is linked to the Chinese cities of Kashgar and Tashkurgan through Gilgit, Sust and the Khunjerab pass.

  • Petroglyphs & Inscriptions.. In Chilas and the places nearby, a more than 50,000 stones are found with human-made markings. Rock art (petroglyphs) and inscriptions are found all along the Karakoram Highway. Visitors like to see the rock paintings that were left behind by locals and many other people including traders, invaders etc. These inscriptions show the history of the place and depict animals, men from ancient times and hunting scenes etc.

  • Weather.. The summers are not extremely hot but dry and the winters are very cold in the Chilas area. People like to visit Chilas during the summers when the weather is pleasant and less hot than other urban areas such as Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad etc.

  • Accessibility: Chilas is an important junction on the ancient trade route. Gilgit is composed of three districts and Chilas is the capital of the Diamer administrative District. From Chilas the jeep tracks take the visitors to Babusar pass all the way to Kaghan Valley. At 13,572 feet, previously this route was entirely being used by jeeps for a long period of time. However, the route has been improved and asphalted and now used by cars and buses as well rather than just jeeps.

For locals and other people in Pakistan it is easy to visit and stay in Chilas. On the other hand, authorization may be required for foreigners if they want to visit Chilas. To the other side of Chilas, there is a track that takes us to the Thalpan Valley. There is a footpath at the end of the valley that leads to the Gilgit Mountains. In order to hike on this footpath, a permission is required from the local authorities.

  • Airports.. Chilas airport is located at the shortest distance out of the two airports that are situated near Chilas. The Chilas airport is at a distance of about two miles from Chilas.

Fairy Meadows

Fairy meadows is famous for its majestic beauty and is the heart of the northern region of Pakistan.

Fairy Meadows is known as “Heaven on Earth” because of the incomparable beauty that it possesses. This place has been a major attraction for a very long period of time not just for those who love nature but for others such as researchers, climbers and photographers. The rich and green forests around fairy meadows provide an excellent habitat for wildlife. The forests are full of pine trees. The site overlooks the Raikot Glacier and gives a beautiful view of the Northern side of the Nanga Parbat Peak which is famous as the “Raikot Face”.

Fairy meadows is situated towards the north of Nanga Parbat which is the second highest peak in Pakistan and the ninth highest peak all over the world, with an altitude of 8,126 meters. From the KKH highway, this place is situated towards the south side at a short distance. The famous name of this place “fairy meadows” originated from a German tourist named Willy Merkl. However, the locals of the place call it “Fantori”.

The word Nanga Parbat means “naked mountain”. The peak is also famous by the name of “Killer Mountain”. It is because a lot of people had died while they were trying to climb the mountain. People who usually come to visit Nanga Parbat stay at Fairy Meadows. 2 small towns are also situated on the route towards the Fairy Meadows. The villages are Fantori and Tatu.

  • How to get to Fairy Meadows
One can travel via Pakistan International Airlines and get to Gilgit in an hour’s time. From the airport one can get to Raikot by road. From there onwards Jeeps can be used to get to Jhel or Tatu village that will take around 45 minutes to an hour. The jeeps can easily carry about five to six passengers at a time but the ride is pricey for a very short distance as it costs about three thousand rupees. In Jhel village there is a small cafe with reasonable services and food. From this point onwards one can get to Fairy Meadows by hiking or by riding a pony which is the most exciting part of the journey for most travelers.

Ø Tourism
Tourists love to visit Fairy Meadows and stay here to enjoy the mesmerizing beauty of this place. Most tourists like to visit this place during the 6-month tourist season that lasts from April to September. The small cottages of the tourists at the Fairy Meadows cover almost two acres of the Fairy Meadows area and are called “Raikot Serai”. Although this place is not yet completely developed, but it is still is a great source of revenue generation for Pakistan. It creates a revenue of approximately 17 Million PKR every year through tourism just by providing basic services such as accommodation, food and travel. There were plans to construct a hotel by Shangrila Resorts but the plan was cancelled for the purpose of preserving and safeguarding the natural beauty of this place and to avoid deforestation.

  • Accommodation & Facilities
Visitors can stay at the “Raikot Sarai” cottages owned by very friendly local people. Log cabins are also available to have a view of the heavenly place and the Nanga Parbat. Fairy Meadows is the best place for people who love camping and people can either use their own tents or they can hire tents and stay at the camping site. Fresh tasty food is available in both desi and western styles.

  • Hikes & Treks
The famous day hike from Fairy Meadows is for Beyal Camp & the base camp of Nanga Parbat. The mountain guides are specially trained and well-experienced people who help in guiding visitors. The guides are familiar with the area and give tourists company and help them out in trekking. The staff at the Sarai (cottages) is also very friendly and professional and provides assistance to trekkers and hikers and directs them in the best possible way.

Astore Valley

Gilgit, Baltistan consists of seven districts and Astore District is one of them. Astore Valley is a very famous place that is located in the Astore District in the northern areas of Pakistan. Astore Valley adjoins the eastern face of Nanga Parbat and it is around 120 kilometers in length. The valley is situated at a distance of around sixty kilometers in the Southeast direction of Gilgit and it is 484 kilometers away from Islamabad.

The number of villages in the Astore Valley is greater than 100 which consists of towns such as “Loas, Louze, Chilm, Bubin, Gorikot, Parisheng Eid Ghah, Fina, Bulen, Chongra, Tari Shing, Rattu, Kamri and Minimerg” and many others. Rama Lake is one of the major tourist attractions of the valley and it is also known for the green pastures.

  • Profession & Life Styles
The residents earn a living through subsistence farming, livestock and agriculture. In addition they also earn money by seasonal work activities. Due to many factors this valley is also a great location for setting up commercial medical plants.

  • Population
The total population of Astore valley is around 71,666.

  • Accessibility
From Gilgit one can easily get to Astore valley by road.

  • Climate
In the summer season temperatures are not very high in the Astore valley and the valley has a moderate climate. Whereas, the winters are very cold with heavy snow fall in the valley. The snowfall is less in the valleys as compared to the snowfall on the peaks. The snow levels in the Astore valley can be up to 6 inches and in the high mountains it can be around two to three feet. The snow levels are usually high during the months of December and January.

  • Language:
The language that is most commonly used in the Astore region is Shina which is spoken in different dialects. Urdu as the national language of Pakistan is spoken and understood by most of the people. Moreover, some people (such as police officers or local guides) may also speak and understand English because the place is visited by foreigners quite often.

  • Transport:
There has been a special focus on the improvement of the roads. Nowadays the roads are much better than before and there are paved roads to get to the Astore region. Some issues that are faced include land sliding and rock falling. The use of Jeeps, Pajeros and land cruisers is preferred for travelling purposes to get to this region. Other vehicles such as SUVs etc. can also be used.
  • Features of the Astore Valley
Astore is situated close to the base of Nanga Parbat. Rama Lake and PTDC hotel is also located near the Astore valley and are the major attractions for tourists. Astore valley is a beautiful place with distinctive features and uniqueness that attracts visitors and tourists. There are Himalayan Mountains all around the valley. A small village Louze is also located near the valley, which is well-known for good quality fruits such as apricots, apples and many others. Astore Valley rises from the Indus River Valley. The most convenient path that leads to Astore Valley is by Gorikot, Gudai, Chilum and then a slightly steep track that eventually takes us to the valley.

Rama Lake..

Rama Lake is one of the most beautiful lakes in Pakistan and it is located about nine kilometers away from the Astore Valley in the northern areas of Pakistan. It is situated towards the east face of Nanga Parbat. The lake is surrounded by oak trees and alpine forests.

  • Rama valley
Rama Valley is encircled by dense forests including pine, cedar, fir and juniper trees. The valley is at an altitude of about 3300 meters above sea level and is mostly covered by snow for 7-8 months of the year. During the summer season the valley becomes lush green.

  • How to get to Rama Lake
Road towards Rama lake now has been cemented and tourists can reach there without undue difficulty. Rama Lake is close to Astore Village and one can easily reach Lake Rama after reaching the Astore village. The directions on how to get to Astore village are as follows:

  • Hiking, Trekking and Camping...The areas around Lake Rama are a major tourist attraction for tourists for hiking and trekking purposes. It is a camping site for the visitors because from here visitors can easily get to the eastern side of Nanga Parbat. There are many treks for hiking and some of the routes are perfect for a jeep safari.

  • PTDC Motel: A new motel that is constructed by PTDC is a value addition to what the Rama Lake has to offer. The motel has become a major attraction for tourists and provides good quality services. The prices are usually higher but discount offers can also be availed. This motel serves as the base camp for tourists who want to go for hiking and trekking on Nanga Parbat.
Kutwal Lake
Haramosh Valley وادی حراموش

Pakistan is god gifted country it has mountains rivers lakes deserts sea and many more things so all tourist s are welcome here

New Police force has been formed for tourists in AJK for the promotion of Tourism.



Naran Chilas road via Babusar top will be opened for light traffic from Sunday

June 15, 2019


The Naran Chilas road via Babusar top will be opened for light traffic from tomorrow (Sunday).

Deputy Commissioner Diamer Amir Azam Hamza told our Gilgit correspondent on Saturday that snow has been removed from both sides.

The road usually gets blocked for traffic in mid of November due to snowfall and opened in June every year.

Meanwhile, Astore Skardu road by Daosai has been closed for all type of traffic due to snowfall.

First guests of Luxus Hunza 15th June 2019 . Country Manager of Recket Benckizer, Akbar Ali Shah and Family



TCKP Tourist Information Center, Peshawar
Peshawar Museum, Peshawar, Pakistan

Phone: 0092 91 9213762
Fax: 0092 91 9210009

TCKP Tourist Information Center, Chitral

Near Hotel Mountain Inn, Chitral Town, Pakistan
Phone: 0092 943 413540
Fax: 0092 943 412800

TCKP Tourist Information Center, Galiyat
Dunga-Gali Chowk (Galyat), Pakistan
Phone: 0092 992 355173
Fax: 0092 992 355174

TCKP Tourist Information Center, Abbotabad
Phone: 0092 992 355173
Fax: 0092 992 355174

- See more at: http://tourism.kp.gov.pk/page/trip_information_center#sthash.clnejp23.dpuf
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