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Pakistan to stick with RD-93 engine for JF-17, say PAF officials

I personally think that PAF should actively look for RD-93MA which is more powerful and less smokey. Also PAF should quickly establish the overhaul facility for fast engine repairs. This will be very safe strategy. Meanwhile keeping an eye on WS-13A will always keep an option alive and Russian will not be able to halt the supply on RD-93MA.
Producing a fighter jet in quantities over 180 indicates full involvement in the project.
Also 35% indigenous content Tejss is higher than less than 5% indigenous content in JF17

No body will buy it after 100 years.It will be a flop like Saab darken

Metallurgy that is used on lavi is same used on jf-17.
BTW both the books directly mention that soviet engineers were involved in all of China's missile and aerospace projects in 90s

Just look at what you're saying to cover your sorry arse!doest that even make sense ?

The argument was about joint venture! Regardless of the fact if the programs turn out like tejas or not we Weill get our share unlike you and your wishful. Calling of mki a customised product for iaf as jv like if. Absolute hilarious

Chinese didn't know the manufacturing of relatively lightweight airframe till they got help from Russians in 1994-96
Provide sources to your claim, otherwise its typical bullshiyt like evey other Indian
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Customisation of Mki was not possible without join venture especially as subsystem like avionics EW systems, RWR are Indian so A joint venture is necessary.

The Chinese knew that JF-17 Will be a flop so they gave PAF an imaginary lollipop called 50% profit share but in the case of Al-Khalid(aka MBT 2000) and K-8 trainers they knew that they have a good chance of success on international market so they squashed PA/PAFs demand of profit share on those products.

Looks like you need Burnol for your burnt Arse. I have already provided two sources above.

The fact that u had to brought up foreign maal and paint it as desi to f 17 thunder shows your inferiority complex. When puny tejas takes over the sky and rFales flies in Indian colir then speak son.

Provide genuine source not typical Indian rants. How sad it is to see that jet is flying bombing whereas iaf is being forced to inducted tejas
Chinese didn't know the manufacturing of relatively lightweight airframe till they got help from Russians in 1994-96

Wait ... Chinese couldn't manufacture light weight airframes till the 90's ?? ... Heck the Chinese were manufacturing J-7's ( a light weight interceptor) from the mid 1960's ... No worries though ... your just off by 3 Decades .... and we all know about that other joke involving a "made in India" product and "3 decades"..

Customisation of Mki was not possible without join venture especially as subsystem like avionics EW systems, RWR are Indian so A joint venture is necessary.

The Chinese knew that JF-17 Will be a flop so they gave PAF an imaginary lollipop called 50% profit share but in the case of Al-Khalid(aka MBT 2000) and K-8 trainers they knew that they have a good chance of success on international market so they squashed PA/PAFs demand of profit share on those products.

Looks like you need Burnol for your burnt Arse. I have already provided two sources above.

So are you suggesting that the Su-30 MKI is infact a "joint venture" between India and Russia ?:o::o:

which world do you live in exactly ??... how much contribution did the Indians have in the SU-30 "PROJECT" ?? -- Infact if SU-30 MKI is a joint venture .. do you believe that SU-30 MKK for China is also a JV .. or the Israeli F-16's are also joint ventures between Israel and US ... :blah::blah:
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Lol F-7s are MiG-21 ripoff.And not the metal used in F-7 in lightweight.the plane is light because it is quite small in size.
F-16Is of Israel are modified enough to be considered a JV between Lockheed and IAI and other Israeli conglomerates.

The fact that despite being a lightweight cheap fighter Pakistan produces less than 20 per year shows that how PAC is struggling with productionability.BTW Indian AF doesn't believe in bombing it's own tribals unlike PAF.

Overlooking the basic fact that you don't even know that Soviets originally gave Mig-21 to China under TOT ... As far as what a Joint venture means ....

Let's follow your definition ... which as far as I understand means " having any sort of input to modify an existing product by the consent of the manufacturer + absorbing certain part of the technology and assembling/producing at home " ... If we follow your operational definition then LCA Tejas can never be a "made in India" "indigenous" product .. it would be a joint venture between IAI, Lockheed, Rafael,Dassault, Martin baker and HAL etc. Similarly, F-7 PG would be a Joint venture between Italy, Pakistan and China ... and the list can go on ...

So it's your choice ... you can call SU-30 MKI a "joint venture" by inventing your own definition of what a "joint venture" is .. however if we actually were to follow your definitions... all the product's that the Indians like yourself claim are "made in India" would be reduced to Joint ventures with a huge list of partners ...:crazy::crazy:

As far as what a joint venture .. ACTUALLY is ...
Definition of a Joint Venture
A business arrangement in which two or more parties agree to pool their resources for the purpose of accomplishing a specific task. This task can be a new project or any other business activity. In a joint venture (JV), each of the participants is responsible for profits, losses and costs associated with it. However, the venture is its own entity, separate and apart from the participants' other business interests.

Read more: Joint Venture (JV) Definition | Investopedia Joint Venture (JV) Definition | Investopedia
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Try applying the given definition to the MKI project..... and please do try not to create a Burnol shortage crisis in the process as your brethren from your side of the border will need quite a bit of it, if this pattern of continuous trolling based on nothing but BS continues ...
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Lol F-7s are MiG-21 ripoff.And not the metal used in F-7 in lightweight.the plane is light because it is quite small in size.
F-16Is of Israel are modified enough to be considered a JV between Lockheed and IAI and other Israeli conglomerates.

The fact that despite being a lightweight cheap fighter Pakistan produces less than 20 per year shows that how PAC is struggling with productionability.BTW Indian AF doesn't believe in bombing it's own tribals unlike PAF.

Answer to what I said! Rather than hitting the bushes. Stick to the topic.

@Oscar @Horus @waz Reported for telling and off topic discussion

Answer to what I said! Rather than hitting the bushes. Stick to the topic.

@Oscar @Horus @waz Reported for telling and off topic discussion

I iced him for his comment. Ridiculous on two accounts, one he bought in off-topic trash, and couldn't stick to the debate, and the second he is ignorant regarding his own airforce i.e. the bombing of Aizawl.
I iced him for his comment. Ridiculous on two accounts, one he bought in off-topic trash, and couldn't stick to the debate, and the second he is ignorant regarding his own airforce i.e. the bombing of Aizawl.

Thank you so much bro
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