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Pakistan to show missile muscle

The US can't track nor locate North koreas's 2-12 nukes, what makes you think it can "snatch" Pakistani nukes that are 130+ These "snatch" talk is a science fiction stuff. Pakistan is a powerful country and horrible nightmare to its enemies. It's about time Pakistanis realized their real worth and quit comparing yourselves to Iraq, Libya and Syria etc.
The USA is not good at snatching!!! The last time they tried it in Iran cost President Carter an election!!! Even snatching Bin Laden wasn't a cake walk - they had to leave behind top secret "stealth" materials and design techniques!!! Needless to say the Chinese folks deciphered 40 years and 40b worth of works in 4 hours!!!!
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I never thought i would agree would you but surprise surprise i cant agree more. Though @The Deterrent disagrees but I have always advocated for Pakistan to develop an ICBM just in case shit hits the fan and it will some day considering how close US and India are getting and few paid lawmakers gunning for Pakistan's blood every now and than.

They have developed the capability to intercept ICBM.

This arms race gets really expensive at ICBM stage anyways.
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Sorry i didnt know. As we say in Italy "Capita" ahaha
We have:

TOW series
Baktar Shikan
Milan (not sure if operational)
Burq Laser guided (used from UAVs)
Kombat (tank launched)
1000 Hellfires coming with Super Cobras
Maybe UTMAS series will come with T-129 gunships.

Or new russian missiles with M-35Es.

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The US can't track nor locate North koreas's 2-12 nukes, what makes you think it can "snatch" Pakistani nukes that are 130+ These "snatch" talk is a science fiction stuff. Pakistan is a powerful country and horrible nightmare to its enemies. It's about time Pakistanis realized their real worth and quit comparing yourselves to Iraq, Libya and Syria etc.

Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan do not tell you much about "high-end spectrum" of American military might because things never reached that point in those states.

Read this: http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zon...ica-keeps-watch-over-north-korea-from-the-sky

They know a lot more about this stuff (nuke-tracking included) because they have fielded the most powerful surveillance apparatus with global coverage.

Do you even know how much US spends on defense and where its R&D base stands?

Pakistan is a small regional player in comparison to US in the matters of defence.

Let us be realistic - our threat perception is regional with India being the primary focus.
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nasr hi def.jpg

High resolution picture of actual Launcher.
My pixel counting exercise says the missile is 0.5 Meters wide at the base and 6 meter in length.

I also verified this by calculating width to length ratio of the missile winch is 1:12 , or Nasr is 12 times long as it is wide.
So 0.5 meters wide to 6 metes long is also 1:12.

By that Stipulation we can safely say that Pakistan's smallest nuclear bomb is less than 50 Cm wide.
For India yes we have we enough Missile systems only Ship to Land Cruise Missile is needed and Ships which can do that I mean VLS equipped Ships with those VLS which can fire Cruise Missiles. But if someone things it's only India which will be a threat to us than they are dead wrong and we need ICBMs
Actually situation with India for now is of that of a stalemate .... they are no longer a conventional threat for a while ... may be in a very limited sub nuclear spectrum ....

I feel the real threat is US .... that is the only country powerful enough to even think of taking on a nuclear power in conventional terms

They have developed the capability to intercept ICBM.

This arms race gets really expensive at ICBM stage anyways.
If that would had been the case Russia would not have developed and continue to develop ICBMs and so does China. Yes US has the capability but its not 100 % guaranteed and my point is if your adversary has a gun but knows that you too have a pistol they would think twice before making a move. Its more of a deterrent than actually using it.

Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan do not tell you much about "high-end spectrum" of American military might because things never reached that point in those states.

Read this: http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zon...ica-keeps-watch-over-north-korea-from-the-sky

They know a lot more about this stuff (nuke-tracking included) because they have fielded the most powerful surveillance apparatus with global coverage.

Do you even know how much US spends on defense and where its R&D base stands?

Pakistan is a small regional player in comparison to US in the matters of defence.

Let us be realistic - our threat perception is regional with India being the primary focus.

No one is suggesting that Pakistan can defeat the US here. What's being said is that Pakistan is no pushover and that it's much more powerful than people imagine.

Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan do not tell you much about "high-end spectrum" of American military might because things never reached that point in those states.

Read this: http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zon...ica-keeps-watch-over-north-korea-from-the-sky

They know a lot more about this stuff (nuke-tracking included) because they have fielded the most powerful surveillance apparatus with global coverage.

Do you even know how much US spends on defense and where its R&D base stands?

Pakistan is a small regional player in comparison to US in the matters of defence.

Let us be realistic - our threat perception is regional with India being the primary focus.
First it should not be focused on India and it's not things are being done. And secondly and most importantly USA won't mess with us because they know that could lead to few billion people evaporating from face of the earth.
Actually situation with India for now is of that of a stalemate .... they are no longer a conventional threat for a while ... may be in a very limited sub nuclear spectrum ....

I feel the real threat is US .... that is the only country powerful enough to even think of taking on a nuclear power in conventional terms
All the powers will threaten us internally. Not even US will go for a war with Pakistan. They, all of them, will just keep hitting us internally and that they are doing already.
First it should not be focused on India and it's not things are being done. And secondly and most importantly USA won't mess with us because they know that could lead to few billion people evaporating from face of the earth.

I am not saying that US wants to attack Pakistan. It will not unless we do something really bad - which is unlikely.

Pakistan is a sensible state and has done no wrong to US.

My point is that threat perceptions should be realistic.

No one is suggesting that Pakistan can defeat the US here. What's being said is that Pakistan is no pushover and that it's much more powerful than people imagine.


That is fine.

I think US is a boogeyman - not a real threat to Pakistan.

India [is] real threat on the other hand. With decent economy, we can ensure strategic balance with India.

However, US is beyond our reach in these matters. No point in chasing an eagle from the ground. If you catch my drift. :)
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