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Pakistan To Receive American Drones

I think Pakistan should cancel the deal .

Mini drone, 10 km range
With this amount of money they can make same think in their own country

hate to break it to ya, but we already did.....almost a decade ago

many private companies in Pakistan designed and developed UAVs for civil and military use and in fact they are deployed in places like US-Mexican border.

An MoU was signed between PRC, Turkiye and Pakistan for the joint development of (armed?) drones but projects like these take lots of time and $

UAV Falco thus far seems to be a promising venture and we should continue to pursue it
One question why do we need this? And who the hell asked for these things? we have invested in Falco drone why would we need this?

Obviously to look closely at the latest western technology, also serves as bench marking for local development.
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Made in Pakistan alternatives:

Rover Drone

Border Eagle:
This particular UAV is in use by the US forces, in the US.


Made in Pakistan Drones <<< more where that came from :)

This is a move to quiet the Pakistanis, they also did the same thing last time the nation stood up on a large scale against the drone attacks.
lol another lollypop from USA! and love to see happy pakistani's hahhahahhaa
If America wants Pakistan to fight the taliban they need to arm them with the hoods its not as if there arming some rebel group or terroists they are risking there soldiers.

On the other hand we need Pakistan to wipe these wholes out.

Is it possible this is a result of the US-PAK talks on drones? must be

Edit:nvm the Drones are $hit what is the supposed strategy with these drones?
this is interesting news - the RAVEN is used for battlefield ISR over a limited area - would be very useful if and when the PA decides to go into NWA - with these drones the PA could monitor the movements of the TTP or any other group holed up in the hilly terrain.
lol main pagal hoon ya dunya pagal ho chuki hai? you guys call it drone? if a crow hit it in flying it will fall down eheeeheheh drone to dekho bachy bhi is se bara banaty hai khelny ke liye haaaaahahha poor pakistan


May be Pakistan would get two near leaninrg things in this technology.....

1) Experience of Hand-launched UAV's, These may be good where u dont have take off platforms like in tribal or dessert areas.
2) Expereicne to control from ground station as well using GPS system, along CCD color video cameras and an infrared night vision camera.

May be any thing usefull in Pakistan Itly joint Venture Galileo Falco or its varrient Falco Evo (Under Development:- capable of deploying weapons such as guided missiles and bombs)


Falco is capable of carrying a range of payloads, including several types of high resolution sensors.

It has been deployed by Pakistan's military, after the purchase of 24 planes, to the Swat Valley, and a partnership is planned between Selex Galileo partner and the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, a state-owned defense manufacturer, to produce the Falco in Pakistan.[8] The Falco does not carry armaments and has no strike capability. The U.S has refused to sell Pakistan its more advanced UAVs over concerns about "sensitive data".[8] The word Falco means hawk in Italian.
Falco UAV used during the Pakistani military's 2009 offensive in Swat for locating "all kinds of targets," including "ammunition dumps, bunkers, hide-outs, pickets" and other types of infrastructure used by the insurgency.
Lightweight craft: Pakistan to get 85 mini-drones

By Reuters

Published: April 22, 2011

The United States will provide Pakistan with 85 small &#8220;Raven&#8221; drone aircraft, a US military official told Reuters on Thursday, a key step to meeting Islamabad&#8217;s calls for access to US drone technology.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, declined to disclose the cost or model of the non-lethal, short-range aircraft, which is manufactured by the US-based AeroVironment Inc.

A senior US defence official said the Raven drone order is separate from US plans to offer Pakistan much larger, longer-range surveillance drones, a proposition put forward in January 2010. US defence Secretary Robert Gates had then offered 12 Shadow drones, manufactured by AAI Corporation.

Pakistani officials, however, say those talks were held up over complaints about the cost proposed by Washington and a slow timeline for delivery.

The US defence official suggested those talks were nearing conclusion.

&#8220;We&#8217;re in final discussions about which one they really want. They think they want the Shadow,&#8221; the senior US defence official said.

According to its manfacturer, the Raven B system, an enhanced version of the battle proven Raven A system, is a lightweight solution designed for rapid deployment and high mobility for both military and commercial applications, requiring low-altitude surveillance and reconnaissance intelligence.

The most advanced small unmanned aircraft system (SUAS) deployed with the US Armed Forces, the Raven can be operated manually or programmed for autonomous operation, utilising the system&#8217;s advanced avionics and precise GPS navigation.

The sleek looking Raven weighs 4.2 pounds and has a wingspan of 4.5 feet. Launched by hand, Raven provides aerial observation, day or night, at line-of-sight ranges up to 10 kilometres. It also delivers real-time colour or infrared imagery to the ground control and remote viewing stations. Reuters [With input from the desk]

Published in The Express Tribune, April 22nd, 2011.
This is what American can do to appease Pakistan in the toughest and lowest time of Pakistan-US relationship. That is their maximum stretch.. pretty pathetic I would say.

We make far better drones then Americans are offering to us. This "big" offer is rather offensive than supportive.
Americans should keep these rubbish drones to themselves - what would we do with these unarmed drones ?
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