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Pakistan to participate in SAARC satellite project meeting: ISRO

@That Guy your argument is based on false paranoia, why would we use a communications satellite which lacks the vital high resolution features to spy when we launched a $200 million dedicated spy satellite already? :disagree:
@That Guy your argument is based on false paranoia, why would we use a communications satellite which lacks the vital high resolution features to spy when we launched a $200 million dedicated spy satellite already? :disagree:
Paranoia, it may be, but it is not mine. I don't personally care, as it doesn't affect me. Anyway, it doesn't really matter.
The fear is that in the case of major tensions between the two, India would make the sat network unavailable for Pakistan. Another fear is that India may end up using it to spy on Pakistani targets.

You are being naïve if we are not already doing it with our existing satellites. What is new in it??
It is capable of imaging with a resolution of up to 10 centimetres,[4] through an X-band radar system.[15] The satellite's maximum resolution is believed to be around 1 metre.

Even India does not have the technology for this it's why we needed Israeli assistance in obtaining such a powerful spy satellite.

Paranoia, it may be, but it is not mine. I don't personally care, as it doesn't affect me. Anyway, it doesn't really matter.

With the earthquake in Nepal and South Asian countries facing more natural disasters it is just a simple satellite to help with communications which could help foster better ties between our countries. Look at China and India although we have the border issue we still team up with China when it comes to technology.

World's Biggest Telescope To Be Built By China, India

India and Pakistan have vast human resources in technical field which should be used to help our countries if we work together.
1. It was an example, a hypothetical situation. You merely side stepped my point.

2. According to you.

Even civilian sats can be used offensively. It doesn't need to have a military side to be a threat. The fear of India cutting of access anytime it wants, that is the main concern, and it's a very legitimate concern, as India would have full control over the SAARC network. There are simply no safeguards in place to stop India from abusing it's access.

It's not about dependence, I don't think you quite grasped what I've said.

Again, you haven't quite grasped what I've said.

The fear is there, even if it isn't yet realized fully. An issue arises If India ever decides to expand on the project, or shut it down, it would have consequences for the region.

Bottom line - trust deficit. We have been victims since 6 decades. No CBMs are appreciated even in peace times. Go figure....
Pakistan's fear is that it could be used against them, and the fear is quite legitimate. How many Indians would approve if it was Pakistan leading the SAARC sat project?

Leading? You guys have no ability to launch a satellite, yet alone make one.
Pakistan's fear is that it could be used against them, and the fear is quite legitimate. How many Indians would approve if it was Pakistan leading the SAARC sat project?
How exactly could the SAARC satellite be use against Pakistan? It's not a spy satellite. India already has this capability.

The SAARC satellite would be a communication-cum-meteorology satellite to aid the neighbouring countries with their need for satellite transponders for communication and weather forecasting.

Why are Pakistanis like you so paranoid at anything that India does?
It is like feeding a homeless man..and homeless man asking..I will only take your food..if assure me that you will feed me for rest of my life, come what may

It's like a beggar scoffing that you can only afford silver spoons while he himself eats with his hands. It's okay because his supposed friend eats with gold spoons so that makes everything better.
If the man has fed poison before, you'd be worried to.

Your example is poor. Geo-politically, it's clear to everyone what India would gain from Pakistan joining this project.

1.Well it your choice..if you think it is poison, you can continue with your current arrangements. But no one will bend over backwards..giving you reassurances.

We are doing something good for the entire South Asia region and just because you happen to be in this region, we have invited you to reap the benefits of our labour.

2. It is not clear to me ..do tell what benefitss India or rest of South Asia gains from Pakistan getting a freebie satellite?
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