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Pakistan to let CIA into bin laden compound


Feb 7, 2010
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Pakistan has agreed to allow the CIA to send a forensics team to examine the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed, giving the agency permission to use sophisticated equipment in a search for al-Qaeda materials that might have been hidden inside walls or buried at the site, U.S. officials said.
The arrangement would allow the CIA for the first time to enter a complex that it had previously scrutinized only from a distance, using satellites, stealth drones and spies operating from a nearby safe house that was shuttered when bin Laden was killed.
U.S. officials said a CIA team is expected to arrive at the compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, within days, and that the objective is to scrub the site for items that were not recovered by American commandos during the raid or Pakistani security forces who secured the facility in the aftermath.

“The assault team was there for only 40 minutes,” a U.S. official said. The aim is to return to the site “to do another, more thorough, look.” The officials, like others interviewed, spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.
CIA Deputy Director Michael J. Morell negotiated access to the Abbottabad site during a trip to Islamabad last week, when he met with the head of Pakistan’s main intelligence service, Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, officials said.

CIA to search bin Laden compound - The Washington Post
Heard this on news. They already got the most valuable things ie hard drives/computers. I do not think they will get anything now.
So eventually confirmed as it was expected, Aao bhai CIA ukhar loo garhay murday!
where has pakistan army who instantly thought that osama was killed there olleted the osama blood, they havent yet verified it
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