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Pakistan to install air defence system at Pak-Afghan border

General Kayani orders to shoot down the drones ! what good is it now so many pakistani are dead what good is it now :angry:

What kind of logic is that!? Let's say you were diagnosed with a disease and you sat on it for a couple of years and the doctors have told you that if you don't treat it now, it'll kill you a in few years, what would you do? Would you do something about it or just say "Just because I haven't done anything about it for a few years, why should I do anything now, I think I'll just go on like this and die down the line!".

gilani once said we cant trow the drones but our air force chief said we can trow drones down in seconds but our goverment doesnt give us permission
And what makes their soldiers more important than Pakistani citizens that include innocent women & children, and alleged terrorists who get no trials? What makes them more important then out soldiers at the border????

nothing. im just stating something which will lead to a more direct confrontation....

i expressed my own views in the last line which u ignored.
I can almost see the glee in your heart - Now that you cited my brillant post ( mention about how this binds the US) :) ...I'll tell you why this is a bad move for pakistan. Purely from a foreign policy perspective void of any bias ...

2. If the US aid stops, yeah yeah we know you don't care and want to live on love and fresh air, but if it stops- that would spell a spiraling of your economy downward . Right now American dollars, regardless of how many lives you lost, still sustains the military effort, which regardless of US, still needs to clear a cluster you know what of a mess.

If the US stops all aid to Pakistan, it will be the best thing that has ever happened to Pakistan because it will force Pakistan to get its act together. Pakistan's black economy is 10 times larger than its official economy. The majority don't pay taxes. If aid is blocked, Pakistan's government will have to crack down on the tax evaders, reduce corruption and become efficient.

When the Pressler Amendment blocked F-16 sales to Pakistan, the result was the JF-17 Thunder. We should award the "Sitara-e-Pakistan" to Larry Pressler.

Pakistan can survive without US aid. Please read the following article which will put US aid to Pakistan in perspective:

Why They Get Pakistan Wrong by Mohsin Hamid | The New York Review of Books

I quote:

Of the $20.7 billion in US funding allocated to Pakistan from 2002 to 2010, $14.2 billion was for the Pakistani military. On paper, economic assistance came to $6.5 billion, less than a third of the total. In reality the civilian share was even smaller, probably less than a quarter, for the $6.5 billion figure reflects “commitments” (amounts budgeted by the US), not “disbursements” (amounts actually given to Pakistan). The United States Government Accountability Office reports that only 12 percent of the $1.5 billion in economic assistance to Pakistan authorized for 2010 was actually disbursed that year. Independent calculations by the Center for Global Development suggest that $2.2 billion of civilian aid budgeted for Pakistan is currently undisbursed, meaning that total economic assistance actually received from the US over the past nine years is in the vicinity of $4.3 billion, or $480 million per year. (By comparison, Pakistanis abroad remit $11 billion to their families in Pakistan annually, over twenty times the flow of US economic aid.)

Pakistan is a large country, with a population of 180 million and a GDP of $175 billion. Average annual US economic assistance comes to less than 0.3 percent of Pakistan’s current GDP, or $2.67 per Pakistani citizen. Here in Lahore, that’s the price of a six-inch personal-size pizza with no extra toppings from Pizza Hut...Perhaps the vast majority of Pakistanis with an unfavorable view of the United States simply believe their annual free pizza is not worth the price of a conflict that claims the lives of thousands of their fellow citizens each year.
Remember the ''We Killed OBL charade''.........If an RPG can take down an American Stealth heli, then, why can't these manpads be of any luck? The proponents of "Out of this world, American military tech" need to use their grey matter.


It is very easy to write---but to know why---is difficult---for that we have to ASK---read and learn---you see---RPG does not emit any energy---it is a visual lock---OTOH---a manpad emits energy to show lock---hence it can be shot at.
let me tell you again . The answer is still NO. would you wanna bet with this Oracle? :D If they do,I will walk away from these forums, if they don't you will... if not - listen to the oracle and get back into your typical kowtowing of the Chinese


Now scat....

2. If the US aid stops, yeah yeah we know you don't care and want to live on love and fresh air, but if it stops- that would spell a spiraling of your economy downward . Right now American dollars, regardless of how many lives you lost, still sustains the military effort, which regardless of US, still needs to clear a cluster you know what of a mess.

But before you go:

1) At least 40% of the 'aid' given is retained by the US consultants or contractors by law.

2) $7.345 billion of what is counted as "aid" by the US is actually CSF i.e. reimbursements, which they owe us.

The Congressional report says they have given us $18 billion. Out of which 18-7.345= $10.655 billion is what was actual "aid". Out of that 40/100 X 10.655= $4.262 billion went to the American consultants/contractors leaving $6.393 billion behind for the past 10 years; $639.3 million a year. Your trying to tell me that $639.3 million/year is whats keeping the Pakistani economy afloat? Especially when considering the fact the Pakistan has spent over $68 billion on the WoT. Oh and then there are those 'service charges' which they still owe us contractually.

Since this thread is not about the US aid I have kept it short. Go read these and educate yourself and stop posting moronic posts:

Most U.S. aid to Pakistan still in America

Most U.S. aid to Pakistan still in America

The Canadian National Newspaper: Pakistan can survive without US Aid


ps: How many times has the US suspended aid to Pakistan in the past? What happened then?
from the Russians? I do believe it would be over India's dead body- that they would make such a sale...
LOL...... nobody cares about india's opinion. Putin said Pakistan is Russia's favorite partner in South Asia. You indians actually think you are somebody others care about. Hahaha. Did Russia care when selling engines to Pakistan for JF-17?

is that your expert opinion ... let me burst ya bubble.. answer is NO
He didn't ask about buying from india.... a country that has to import everything and can't even make a bullet. China can give them our HQ-16. In fact, if Chinese government is really clever, we would already have sent HQ-16 and advisers to Pakistan following 11/26.

4. Because of these enhanced , heightened threats , Pakistan will need to pull more troops from its eastern borders. The onus of keeping terrorists out of afghan becomes much more important and critical to avoid the full onslaught of the americans...
Too bad india would face a massive Chinese attack if it ever tried to take advantage of Pakistan. We already shot dead some indian border soldiers last month and held massive exercises with armor, strike aircraft and helicopters in Tibet.
Pakistan's new defence policy empowers military to hit US drones
Dec 11, 2011, 09.58PM IST
Read more:US drones|Pakistan Military Policy|Pakistan army|NBC|Nato Supplies Convoys|NATO strike|NATO|Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani|Ashfaq Parvez Kayani|afghanistanSHARE
DISCUSS20There has been a wave of protests against the US and Nato forces in Pakistan following the Nato air strikes that killed Pakistan soldiers.ISLAMABAD: The Pakistani military will shoot down any US drone that intrudes the country's airspace under a new defence policy in which troops have been given greater liberty to respond to incursions by Nato and allied forces in Afghanistan, according to a media report.

"Any object entering into our airspace, including US drones, will be treated as hostile and be shot down," a senior unnamed Pakistani military official was quoted as saying by NBC News.

The defence policy was changed after a Nato air strike on two military border posts killed 24 Pakistani soldiers on November 26.

Following the air strike, army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani issued a communique that gave troops in the field full liberty to respond to any future attacks without consulting their superiors.

Kayani issued multiple directives since the November 26 attack, including orders to shoot down US drones, senior military officials said.

Pakistan also shut down all Nato supply routes and asked the US to vacate the Shamsi airfield in Balochistan province by December 11.

Pakistan's new defence policy empowers military to hit US drones - The Times of India
Can Pakistanis stop talking about shooting down a drone and get on with it and shoot some down. Actions speak louder then words. Do what the iranians did but please dont tell us until you have done it.
We will believe Kiani or our Govt when we will see drones been shot down for real not just BIG MOUTH TALKINGS......:smokin:
The Air defence is updated with which type of Air defence system ..is it only Shoulder fired "ANZA-MK I/II" or some other long range guided types....
n Are we acquiring ANY chinese "HQ" series air defence system ...

It is very easy to write---but to know why---is difficult---for that we have to ASK---read and learn---you see---RPG does not emit any energy---it is a visual lock---OTOH---a manpad emits energy to show lock---hence it can be shot at.

Not one based on Passive sensors..
and IR manpad does not emit a thing till the pilot hears the bells in his jet.. by that time the missile is flying and the team that launched it is getting out of there.
too many similar threads,

will people please check before creating new threads ?
too many similar threads,

will people please check before creating new threads ?

and it is quite easy too

When you create a new thread .... wait a few secs ..... You will get a list of links below that are similar to your thread. check those links before posting your new thread
If this news is true then it implies that our military fears that there could be further 'adventures' from NATO. But why was this step not taken after OBL raid ? (given that NATO used stealth cloak but even then ... stealth doesn't mean complete disaaperence and there r some countermeasures) ... I can bet on my life that US will never 'invade' Pakistan (because not only they cannot afford another venture but also Pakistan will be a hell of a lot more nightmare for them then Iraq /Afghanistan ) and there are/will be differences between US Military and white House Baron (who ever wins in 2012) on what to do ?
Here is a hint for you: intelligence officials will also disagree with you.

Never assume that your enemies don't know you.

US/NATO does not fear our military capabilities but AWAKENED CONSCIOUSNESS. A country can be conquered but the WILL of an independent and united society can be never subjugated. Pakistan is yet to reach this point.

However, Pakistan can exercise some serious punch if it becomes independent in true sense.

Wish to go toe-to-toe with USA? Solution lies in investment in R&D sector, end of corruption, and rekindling of Islamic values. Then Allah will also help.

The soldiers role at the border was to fight against Talibaan, who have no airborne offenses and hence no need for anti air warfare tools ever before.
Come on yaar, you think that Pakistan army is stupid? The posts close to borders are always equipped with some sort of anti-air assets. The targeted posts had anti-aircraft guns.

Point is that large scale US military action came as a sudden shock and they used state-of-the-art weapons. This is why sources are using the term 'upgrade' in reports.

However, our soldiers fought back bravely and resisted the superpower for 2 hours. Salute to them. US at-least knows that Pakistan WILL resist its invasive moves, which is a STRONG message.
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