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Pakistan to Help China Boost Its Influence in Middle East via Economic Corridor - Russian Sputnik.


Dec 1, 2015
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ASIA & PACIFIC 18:58 25.08.2016 Get short URL

China and Pakistan agreed to accelerate the building of the economic corridor from Xinjiang to Gwadar, Chinese state media reported. Accelerated construction fits in a China's strategy on strengthening its influence in the Indian Ocean and the Middle East, Russian experts told Sputnik.

Islamabad will help Beijing implement the project of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in a shortened time, Pakistan's Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry assured China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi during their meeting on August 22. No other details of the talks in Beijing were reported. China's expert from the Diplomatic Academy Ren Yuanzhe believes that this time the corridor dialogue was held in conjunction with the Chinese initiative of building the Silk Road:

"The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is the main component of the One Belt, One Road initiative. Its construction plays an important role in the Sino-Pakistani relations and throughout South Asia, regarding peace, stability and the economic development of the region."

"In addition, there is a traditional profound friendship between China and Pakistan, which lifted their bilateral ties to all-weather strategic cooperation and partnership; that is why the parties are paying great attention to the construction of CPEC," Yuanzhe told Sputnik.

The expert expressed his hope that China will use the project to stimulate development of cooperation in the South Asian region:

"I suppose that the construction of this corridor is not conducted for the repression of other countries or for the isolated increasing of China's influence. I hope that for China, this project will be a method to stimulate further expansion and development of cooperation in South Asia, and between China and Pakistan in particular."

Meanwhile, observers point out that China's intention to accelerate the construction may be associated with the implementation of the county's geopolitical objectives in the region. In particular, it can be connected to China's plans to use Pakistan as a bridge to the Middle East. According to Deputy Director of the CIS Institute and military expert Vladimir Yevseyev, the Pakistani Gwadar Port could become a new regional service point for Chinese warships, after the creation of such a base in Djibouti:

"According to the available information, Chinese Navy warships enter the territory of the Gwadar Port without a formal declaration. It can be assumed that Gwadar is already partially used as a Chinese naval base. It is still difficult to say whether it will be officially documented or not."

Nevertheless, China's presence in the port actually refers to its presence not only in South Asia but in the Middle East as well, the expert said.

"This indicates that China goes beyond its national borders not only as the world's leading economy, but also as a new center of power, which begins to create military bases in the necessary regions of the world," Yevseyev told Sputnik, noting that the base in Djibouti is being built in close proximity to the one that belongs to the US, allowing China to control its activity and conduct technical reconnaissance.

CPEC is the first example of China protecting its interests with reliance on the military. In spring, Pakistani and Indian sources reported that Chinese Army troops began to protect the economic infrastructure and the safety of thousands of Chinese workers and specialists involved in the project. The number of the Chinese contingent was not specified; it is only known that it works hand in hand with the Pakistani military. Islamabad has allocated up to 10 thousand soldiers for these purposes. It is not excluded that the role of the military aspect of the economic corridor could have been discussed at the recent talks in Beijing.

After Pakistan, Syria may become the next country where it will be possible to use the Chinese special forces to protect China's commercial interests. President Bashar al-Assad recently expressed his personal interest in China's participation in the post-war arrangement of Syria. And China in return showed its readiness to dispatch its own military experts to train the Syrian Army. It was a sign of the military's interest in participating in the fate of Syria after the war.


@dadeechi @Areesh @Chinese-Dragon @Nilgiri @Tipu7 @Taimoor Khan @The Eagle @The Sandman @Zibago @Imran Khan @Sheikh Rauf @Mrc @jkroo @cirr @grey boy 2 @ChineseTiger1986 @AndrewJin @Sinopakfriend @HAKIKAT @Major Sam @Hiptullha @Super Falcon @My-Analogous @Moonlight @django @LA se Karachi @Bratva @Irfan Baloch @Zarvan @Hassan Guy @Oscar @MastanKhan @Rashid Mahmood @Jlaw @Spy Master @T-Rex @idune @shah1398 @User @dsr478 @TheGreatOne @salarsikander @maximuswarrior @Max @HAIDER @DESERT FIGHTER @Penguin @Windjammer @I S I @dexter @Doordie @LadyFinger @Spring Onion @Mentee@Mr.Meap @Azlan Haider @Genghis khan1 @Sarge @Ghareeb_Da_Baal @EAK @Khan_21 @Narendra Trump

@PaklovesTurkiye dear friend, brother, thank you for the tag.

As many others and I have stated in different threads...CPEC is one key building block of OBOR.

Through CPEC the economic integeration of ME, central asia and south asia is the only natural outcome.

That is why you see a lot of noise coming from your eastern neigbour.

That neigbour will doing everything in its power to disrupt CPEC...because a prosperous and stable Pak is not indian strategic interests. Never believe the indian posters when the speak in forked tounges. They only try to keep you down.

The fundamental question is what can Pak do to accelerate its economic and social progress?

Pak can learn a lot from Chinese development model. The strategic focus must be economic growth.

A strong and prosperous Pak is in China's strategic interests...

All the best wishes to Pak friends...you keep your eye on the ball and not be distracted.

Just make sure that no one and nothing stands in the way of CPEC.

All the best wishes to Pak friends!
These Sunni vs Shia/sponsored terrorism/color revolution nonsenses are seriously destroying the Muslim world.

China needs to step in and put these bullsh1ts to an end. The Muslim world can reach the peaceful development, while China can reopen the new silk road, a win-win for both side.
These Sunni vs Shia/sponsored terrorism/color revolution nonsenses are seriously destroying the Muslim world.

China needs to step in and put these bullsh1ts to an end. The Muslim world can reach the peaceful development, while China can reopen the new silk road, a win-win for both side.

This is beyond China call or Russia for that matter. I think ME still respect Pakistan as Nuclear militarized nation and Pakistan happen to be Muslim nation which might win the support from ME. I think that's what China and Russia are counting because they need someone like Pakistan as face of support for ME while rallying the wars against foreign-funded proxy wars that is determined to destroy ME from within.
I would be little skeptical of news coming from Russian media. They like to over exaggerate things for their propaganda benefit.
All the best wishes to Pak friends...you keep your eye on the ball and not be distracted.

Just make sure that no one and nothing stands in the way of CPEC.

Exactly and be proactive rather than reactive. Once its operational and in place ...................... based on their psyche they won't be able to resist and become part of it for the time being they can try their best to sabotage it and we should be alert enough not to let that happen, it benefits us not only financially it also ensures stability in our country.
Exactly and be proactive rather than reactive. Once its operational and in place ...................... based on their psyche they won't be able to resist and become part of it for the time being they can try their best to sabotage it and we should be alert enough not to let that happen, it benefits us not only financially it also ensures stability in our country.

Yes my friend, the strategic benefits are far more than just financial. You are quite right. For the first time in your good country a major highway will connenct all parts of the country. And if your gov builds upon it on provincial level or more down to district level...then the entire Pak will be interconnnected...good for farmers and industry.

The question is how your good gov will capitalise on this backbone?

Pak peoples enjoy my best wishes!
CPEC is a reality and doesn't matter how much the rivals undermine the same though I would like it this way. We need to concentrate for our progress and targets set. The anti party will play hard to portray the CPEC on negative sides but the thing is it is going to be huge and will change the geopolitics of the region while being beneficial not just for us but for every participator. We are promised for the growth and stability of the region and nations as well as the peace.
CPEC is a reality and doesn't matter how much the rivals undermine the same though I would like it this way. We need to concentrate for our progress and targets set. The anti party will play hard to portray the CPEC on negative sides but the thing is it is going to be huge and will change the geopolitics of the region while being beneficial not just for us but for every participator. We are promised for the growth and stability of the region and nations as well as the peace.

My dear Pak friend, your analysis is quite on the mark.

CPEC is not only game changer for your great country but this little road connects Russia to Africa...ME to China-Central Asia...Eurasia to South and South East Asia...

Your peoples are truly in cetnre of global power architecture...the new power structure of the globe is shaping before our eyes..and your good country is playing a role in it together with China.

The key is to build upong it in economic, social, political and geopolitical terms.

Hopefully, your good gov will craft policies which will build upon CPEC.
You need short, medium and long term plan in every aspect of your country.

But please never underestimate the opposinng forces..india is just the front man. A very willing and capable front man...but india is acting so agressively against Sino-Pak shows you that its getting its orders from the global empire...

The price of this indian beligerence will be a seat at the end of global imperial table.

Your good country engineerd the death of the USSR empire...who knows it might play a role is the weakening of the current global empire. China is the new economic centre of world.

Neither overestimate nor underestimate yourselves...keep moving forward with resolve...just crush the terror, its sponsors, facilitators and other fifth coulumn proxies in your beautiful country.

You all enjoy my best wishes. Bless you all great Pak Friends.
My dear Pak friend, your analysis is quite on the mark.

CPEC is not only game changer for your great country but this little road connects Russia to Africa...ME to China-Central Asia...Eurasia to South and South East Asia...

Your peoples are truly in cetnre of global power architecture...the new power structure of the globe is shaping before our eyes..and your good country is playing a role in it together with China.

The key is to build upong it in economic, social, political and geopolitical terms.

Hopefully, your good gov will craft policies which will build upon CPEC.
You need short, medium and long term plan in every aspect of your country.

But please never underestimate the opposinng forces..india is just the front man. A very willing and capable front man...but india is acting so agressively against Sino-Pak shows you that its getting its orders from the global empire...

The price of this indian beligerence will be a seat at the end of global imperial table.

Your good country engineerd the death of the USSR empire...who knows it might play a role is the weakening of the current global empire. China is the new economic centre of world.

Neither overestimate nor underestimate yourselves...keep moving forward with resolve...just crush the terror, its sponsors, facilitators and other fifth coulumn proxies in your beautiful country.

You all enjoy my best wishes. Bless you all great Pak Friends.

Actually my friend, this is they key that we are not underestimating our rival nor over confident for your abilities hence the success of CPEC. One thing for sure, no matter what our enemies propagate, China has a special place in Pakistani's hearts and no one is going to replace that indeed as we know who is our friend.

The USSR chapter is well known and we are aware of our capabilities as well though the few became the pawn but as per current progressing situation, we are way ahead of our past towards betterment as we can see that to the some extent, by the help of China as well, today's Russia is also on board.

The propagandists have started their work w.r.t Syria-China, Afghanistan-China and M.E-Russia-China-Pakistan while being targeting directly Pakistan for that but it is an obvious fact that whosoever done the wrong thing will have to face the consequences. Many worldly powers have started to confess their failures not intentionally but like NATO itself is failed to control the unrest in Afghanistan and the allies in Syria that proves their sympathy for the mercenaries that can do their job unofficially. Our approach in this scene is no sympathy for the terrorists and the bad people have to leave.

The thing is, we always kept a close eye on our rival/enemy that is why we are succeeding and progressing in different areas. Pakistan policy is enmity and grudge-less and it is clear that Pakistan foreign policy is based upon friendship and peaceful relations with every country around and the world and is on equality basis. US and many others are well aware of our importance but in the past, frankly speaking our policy was a bit flawed but now we are on the right track and progressing towards the goals we set and the targets that we will achieve. No doubt, our friends have also played a major rule in progress of region and Pakistan that we do not forget. CPEC is not just about business alone but as I said, it will help change the shape of geopolitics as well as peace and growth for many around. We don't need to beat the achievement's drum every time but our success speaks and that is the best way to concentrate and not be distracted by divergent.

We have our best relations with Turkey as well and every Gulf country that Pakistan has its place among them brothers. The respect and protocol of Pakistan is proven whereby we have done a lot in near past in diplomacy as well as Pakistan has closed the distance between China-M.E and Russia as well. Things needs time but going the right way always comes with benefits and peace.

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