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Pakistan to get more SAAB 2000 Erieyes

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When optimism and hope do nothing to turn a nation around, tell them they are worthless scum that are dead in 5years until they get some shame. I want to test the limits of beghairti in Pakistan.

How much fault can they ignore and sing merry songs until they finally wake up?
Or are their stomachs soo full with food that they dare not to
Hi oscar I hope Im just be reasonable to write this, is there a possibility that whenever someone open a thread can ask for reasonable link or some validation to continue with the thread or better to lock down the thread at the very beginning so save some bandwidth and irrelevant and inside man stories
When optimism and hope do nothing to turn a nation around, tell them they are worthless scum that are dead in 5years until they get some shame. I want to test the limits of beghairti in Pakistan.

How much fault can they ignore and sing merry songs until they finally wake up?
Or are their stomachs soo full with food that they dare not to


Something must have transpired for you to be lit on fire like that---.

Am I looking at a different person to what was 30 days ago?????

Guys this may be off topic but the fm90 paraded last year a similar sam to it can also be seen in the 1983 march past video


Well---the F16 flying by is also the same from the 80's in appearance---.

But then you are not dealing with appearances---you are dealing with what is inside of them.
When optimism and hope do nothing to turn a nation around, tell them they are worthless scum that are dead in 5years until they get some shame. I want to test the limits of beghairti in Pakistan.

How much fault can they ignore and sing merry songs until they finally wake up?
Or are their stomachs soo full with food that they dare not to

I am with you...

Stay on this course although it might hurt you deeply inside... but what you are saying is a real possibility and the young ones here are blissfully unaware.

Corrupt elites sell their people and nation...every man, woman and child...

Wake them up at least here on PDF... I am with you...might not carry any weight...but at least in my word and intention...

If Young Paks here on PDF can for once stop wasting their energies on indian trolls and come together... the awareness spreads.... some very interesting people read this forum. But you know that already.

Corruption is Crime Against Humanity!

PS. If you could PM me I will send you a link....
When optimism and hope do nothing to turn a nation around, tell them they are worthless scum that are dead in 5years until they get some shame. I want to test the limits of beghairti in Pakistan.

How much fault can they ignore and sing merry songs until they finally wake up?
Or are their stomachs soo full with food that they dare not to
Pointing the faults and giving alternative solutions to what is being done wrong is the least we can do. Doing it on an online forum may seem of little value but still we have decent numbers here. Only if we do this, consider this the first step, it will be better than nothing, right? So yes, why not give it a try!

Something must have transpired for you to be lit on fire like that---.

Am I looking at a different person to what was 30 days ago?????

Not different. Just a different side.
Lets put it this way, I have known of the same corruption and lack of action you speak of; up and down in the military and even those handling our nuclear assets. The civil corruption is already well known.

So much corruption and simple "YES SIR" sycophancy whose stench I caught nearly 12 years ago as I probably have stated here that whilst in my first employment working for these dishonest or purely ignorant bufoons. When their answer to why we are not shielding a critical battle management system for a Tank against what is guaranteed EMP by putting it in a faraday cage considering tactical nuclear weapons were a very real possibility on our side. Their answer haunts me to this day "Well, India has not done it so we dont need to". Sounds like a non-incident but seeing this mentality played out all over made me cringe before I eventually left.
Other instances included spending 12 million rupees on equipment currently rotting away because the army colonel posted to this highly sensitive location had a side business which he sent 7 million(yes.. 60% almost) of the 12 million for the procurement via his Cousin. And this motherfcuker was running procurement for our deepest R&D programs. This is stuff I can state without specifics. If I start taking names I can write an entire pamphlet with amounts and names but then these pigs will probably end up having my loved ones picked up or force them into exist at the least or worse. Because some of these pigs now have 2 stars or more.

In the face of this however, I have put faith in my generation and the upcoming one for a long time. Hoping that this malaise will be removed with them. After all, there has been some hope and a seeming desire for change.
But the fact remains that my generation is already tainted, already lost into the same crap yours went through. Its already begun its bribing, its self-serving nepotism and lies, its own skin over that of its fellow people. The rest are lost in some misled religious tripe that makes them intolerant morose nutjobs whose only repetitive speech is telling us we are doomed in the eyes of god lest we do exactly as they do.

Still, there was the generation right after mine but these little dipshits have their asses up their phones and are more into posting instagram selfies of their grandfathers funeral for #tags. To use the pithy urdu term "Ye to pehle se hi c**d gaye hain".

I still had hope, there were good people everywhere top to bottom and they needed messages of encouragement. So instead of your policy of woe with it all I tried to be as fair as possible. See the best as much as possible. Perhaps its a midlife crisis of sorts, but it just hit me how far I had compromised of myself to become exactly what I had hated so much just so I could survive, and hearing a very very young fellow talk proudly of how his father has fed some Agency fellows to keep them as his own personal dogs.. I said LPC Pakistani.
Its time to stop trying to defend it or correct it, just tell them who they are at face value. They are too busy commenting on social media or messages to really make any changes; their beghairti is soo common now that when they can no longer take action to news and instead only post about it, they deserve only spite and reminding them of their failure.

That is not to say other nations arent in similar social demise, but while other nations will trigger a saddened response at the Brain, that is not going to hurt as much. In this case, my wish to see some change in these people; through personal sacrifice as well and the years spent here seems to have brought nothing.
Not different. Just a different side.
Lets put it this way, I have known of the same corruption and lack of action you speak of; up and down in the military and even those handling our nuclear assets. The civil corruption is already well known.

So much corruption and simple "YES SIR" sycophancy whose stench I caught nearly 12 years ago as I probably have stated here that whilst in my first employment working for these dishonest or purely ignorant bufoons. When their answer to why we are not shielding a critical battle management system for a Tank against what is guaranteed EMP by putting it in a faraday cage considering tactical nuclear weapons were a very real possibility on our side. Their answer haunts me to this day "Well, India has not done it so we dont need to". Sounds like a non-incident but seeing this mentality played out all over made me cringe before I eventually left.
Other instances included spending 12 million rupees on equipment currently rotting away because the army colonel posted to this highly sensitive location had a side business which he sent 7 million(yes.. 60% almost) of the 12 million for the procurement via his Cousin. And this motherfcuker was running procurement for our deepest R&D programs. This is stuff I can state without specifics. If I start taking names I can write an entire pamphlet with amounts and names but then these pigs will probably end up having my loved ones picked up or force them into exist at the least or worse. Because some of these pigs now have 2 stars or more.

In the face of this however, I have put faith in my generation and the upcoming one for a long time. Hoping that this malaise will be removed with them. After all, there has been some hope and a seeming desire for change.
But the fact remains that my generation is already tainted, already lost into the same crap yours went through. Its already begun its bribing, its self-serving nepotism and lies, its own skin over that of its fellow people. The rest are lost in some misled religious tripe that makes them intolerant morose nutjobs whose only repetitive speech is telling us we are doomed in the eyes of god lest we do exactly as they do.

Still, there was the generation right after mine but these little dipshits have their asses up their phones and are more into posting instagram selfies of their grandfathers funeral for #tags. To use the pithy urdu term "Ye to pehle se hi c**d gaye hain".

I still had hope, there were good people everywhere top to bottom and they needed messages of encouragement. So instead of your policy of woe with it all I tried to be as fair as possible. See the best as much as possible. Perhaps its a midlife crisis of sorts, but it just hit me how far I had compromised of myself to become exactly what I had hated so much just so I could survive, and hearing a very very young fellow talk proudly of how his father has fed some Agency fellows to keep them as his own personal dogs.. I said LPC Pakistani.
Its time to stop trying to defend it or correct it, just tell them who they are at face value. They are too busy commenting on social media or messages to really make any changes; their beghairti is soo common now that when they can no longer take action to news and instead only post about it, they deserve only spite and reminding them of their failure.

That is not to say other nations arent in similar social demise, but while other nations will trigger a saddened response at the Brain, that is not going to hurt as much. In this case, my wish to see some change in these people; through personal sacrifice as well and the years spent here seems to have brought nothing.
true to each and every word
Not different. Just a different side.
Lets put it this way, I have known of the same corruption and lack of action you speak of; up and down in the military and even those handling our nuclear assets. The civil corruption is already well known.

So much corruption and simple "YES SIR" sycophancy whose stench I caught nearly 12 years ago as I probably have stated here that whilst in my first employment working for these dishonest or purely ignorant bufoons. When their answer to why we are not shielding a critical battle management system for a Tank against what is guaranteed EMP by putting it in a faraday cage considering tactical nuclear weapons were a very real possibility on our side. Their answer haunts me to this day "Well, India has not done it so we dont need to". Sounds like a non-incident but seeing this mentality played out all over made me cringe before I eventually left.
Other instances included spending 12 million rupees on equipment currently rotting away because the army colonel posted to this highly sensitive location had a side business which he sent 7 million(yes.. 60% almost) of the 12 million for the procurement via his Cousin. And this motherfcuker was running procurement for our deepest R&D programs. This is stuff I can state without specifics. If I start taking names I can write an entire pamphlet with amounts and names but then these pigs will probably end up having my loved ones picked up or force them into exist at the least or worse. Because some of these pigs now have 2 stars or more.

In the face of this however, I have put faith in my generation and the upcoming one for a long time. Hoping that this malaise will be removed with them. After all, there has been some hope and a seeming desire for change.
But the fact remains that my generation is already tainted, already lost into the same crap yours went through. Its already begun its bribing, its self-serving nepotism and lies, its own skin over that of its fellow people. The rest are lost in some misled religious tripe that makes them intolerant morose nutjobs whose only repetitive speech is telling us we are doomed in the eyes of god lest we do exactly as they do.

Still, there was the generation right after mine but these little dipshits have their asses up their phones and are more into posting instagram selfies of their grandfathers funeral for #tags. To use the pithy urdu term "Ye to pehle se hi c**d gaye hain".

I still had hope, there were good people everywhere top to bottom and they needed messages of encouragement. So instead of your policy of woe with it all I tried to be as fair as possible. See the best as much as possible. Perhaps its a midlife crisis of sorts, but it just hit me how far I had compromised of myself to become exactly what I had hated so much just so I could survive, and hearing a very very young fellow talk proudly of how his father has fed some Agency fellows to keep them as his own personal dogs.. I said LPC Pakistani.
Its time to stop trying to defend it or correct it, just tell them who they are at face value. They are too busy commenting on social media or messages to really make any changes; their beghairti is soo common now that when they can no longer take action to news and instead only post about it, they deserve only spite and reminding them of their failure.

That is not to say other nations arent in similar social demise, but while other nations will trigger a saddened response at the Brain, that is not going to hurt as much. In this case, my wish to see some change in these people; through personal sacrifice as well and the years spent here seems to have brought nothing.
the only real solution to this is to end the so called secrecy we have in our procurement and make it at-least as transparent as india
Not different. Just a different side.
Lets put it this way, I have known of the same corruption and lack of action you speak of; up and down in the military and even those handling our nuclear assets. The civil corruption is already well known.

So much corruption and simple "YES SIR" sycophancy whose stench I caught nearly 12 years ago as I probably have stated here that whilst in my first employment working for these dishonest or purely ignorant bufoons. When their answer to why we are not shielding a critical battle management system for a Tank against what is guaranteed EMP by putting it in a faraday cage considering tactical nuclear weapons were a very real possibility on our side. Their answer haunts me to this day "Well, India has not done it so we dont need to". Sounds like a non-incident but seeing this mentality played out all over made me cringe before I eventually left.
Other instances included spending 12 million rupees on equipment currently rotting away because the army colonel posted to this highly sensitive location had a side business which he sent 7 million(yes.. 60% almost) of the 12 million for the procurement via his Cousin. And this motherfcuker was running procurement for our deepest R&D programs. This is stuff I can state without specifics. If I start taking names I can write an entire pamphlet with amounts and names but then these pigs will probably end up having my loved ones picked up or force them into exist at the least or worse. Because some of these pigs now have 2 stars or more.

In the face of this however, I have put faith in my generation and the upcoming one for a long time. Hoping that this malaise will be removed with them. After all, there has been some hope and a seeming desire for change.
But the fact remains that my generation is already tainted, already lost into the same crap yours went through. Its already begun its bribing, its self-serving nepotism and lies, its own skin over that of its fellow people. The rest are lost in some misled religious tripe that makes them intolerant morose nutjobs whose only repetitive speech is telling us we are doomed in the eyes of god lest we do exactly as they do.

Still, there was the generation right after mine but these little dipshits have their asses up their phones and are more into posting instagram selfies of their grandfathers funeral for #tags. To use the pithy urdu term "Ye to pehle se hi c**d gaye hain".

I still had hope, there were good people everywhere top to bottom and they needed messages of encouragement. So instead of your policy of woe with it all I tried to be as fair as possible. See the best as much as possible. Perhaps its a midlife crisis of sorts, but it just hit me how far I had compromised of myself to become exactly what I had hated so much just so I could survive, and hearing a very very young fellow talk proudly of how his father has fed some Agency fellows to keep them as his own personal dogs.. I said LPC Pakistani.
Its time to stop trying to defend it or correct it, just tell them who they are at face value. They are too busy commenting on social media or messages to really make any changes; their beghairti is soo common now that when they can no longer take action to news and instead only post about it, they deserve only spite and reminding them of their failure.

That is not to say other nations arent in similar social demise, but while other nations will trigger a saddened response at the Brain, that is not going to hurt as much. In this case, my wish to see some change in these people; through personal sacrifice as well and the years spent here seems to have brought nothing.


I see your pain--- I have felt your pain---I live thru it every day---.

For someone like you---there is no reason to confront them directly---. I would use the media if I was tech savy.

It saddens me to see you suffer---.

One day---when you have children---they grow up---and if you see them suffering from the same pains that you suffered from when you were young---it would break your heart---.

Parents never want their children to suffer---. My mother suffers from this pain---I suffer from this pain---it has not broken me yet---maybe I have been away from the motherland---.

Don't let it break you ever.
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Not different. Just a different side.
Lets put it this way, I have known of the same corruption and lack of action you speak of; up and down in the military and even those handling our nuclear assets. The civil corruption is already well known.

So much corruption and simple "YES SIR" sycophancy whose stench I caught nearly 12 years ago as I probably have stated here that whilst in my first employment working for these dishonest or purely ignorant bufoons. When their answer to why we are not shielding a critical battle management system for a Tank against what is guaranteed EMP by putting it in a faraday cage considering tactical nuclear weapons were a very real possibility on our side. Their answer haunts me to this day "Well, India has not done it so we dont need to". Sounds like a non-incident but seeing this mentality played out all over made me cringe before I eventually left.
Other instances included spending 12 million rupees on equipment currently rotting away because the army colonel posted to this highly sensitive location had a side business which he sent 7 million(yes.. 60% almost) of the 12 million for the procurement via his Cousin. And this motherfcuker was running procurement for our deepest R&D programs. This is stuff I can state without specifics. If I start taking names I can write an entire pamphlet with amounts and names but then these pigs will probably end up having my loved ones picked up or force them into exist at the least or worse. Because some of these pigs now have 2 stars or more.

In the face of this however, I have put faith in my generation and the upcoming one for a long time. Hoping that this malaise will be removed with them. After all, there has been some hope and a seeming desire for change.
But the fact remains that my generation is already tainted, already lost into the same crap yours went through. Its already begun its bribing, its self-serving nepotism and lies, its own skin over that of its fellow people. The rest are lost in some misled religious tripe that makes them intolerant morose nutjobs whose only repetitive speech is telling us we are doomed in the eyes of god lest we do exactly as they do.

Still, there was the generation right after mine but these little dipshits have their asses up their phones and are more into posting instagram selfies of their grandfathers funeral for #tags. To use the pithy urdu term "Ye to pehle se hi c**d gaye hain".

I still had hope, there were good people everywhere top to bottom and they needed messages of encouragement. So instead of your policy of woe with it all I tried to be as fair as possible. See the best as much as possible. Perhaps its a midlife crisis of sorts, but it just hit me how far I had compromised of myself to become exactly what I had hated so much just so I could survive, and hearing a very very young fellow talk proudly of how his father has fed some Agency fellows to keep them as his own personal dogs.. I said LPC Pakistani.
Its time to stop trying to defend it or correct it, just tell them who they are at face value. They are too busy commenting on social media or messages to really make any changes; their beghairti is soo common now that when they can no longer take action to news and instead only post about it, they deserve only spite and reminding them of their failure.

That is not to say other nations arent in similar social demise, but while other nations will trigger a saddened response at the Brain, that is not going to hurt as much. In this case, my wish to see some change in these people; through personal sacrifice as well and the years spent here seems to have brought nothing.
@Oscar @MastanKhan
do you guys really think that you have no impact on us.it was because of you and many other PDF fellows i started questioning every thing around me and become vocal about it in my circle. in that process i convinced many of my friends to do the same. i might not be standing outside press club or police station protesting but i was able to convince some people to be tolerant, file their tax returns and stop the electricity theft.(i know its not much)
let me tell you guys why did i did it.it was because of knowledge, courage and thought process that you guys transferred to me through your posts.it was because of PDF i am no more a shia kafir chanting conservative and i will personally like to thank everyone for that
cheer up guys/teachers not every thing you are saying is falling on deaf ears.
It has to start at a personal level
Encourage others around you
Well done though
Those people still in the system have to stand up and keep yourself in check
One day you will be in authority and maybe make a difference
May be he is a mouth piece of an Indian mole.
Do moles or their mouth pieces have horns on their heads?
They are like us, from amongst us, over enthusiastic and over "patriotic".

Posters like @Zarvan Need to educate on online posting etiquettes. I am shocked with so much content posted under his name he hasn't learned a bit.
It has to start at a personal level
Encourage others around you
Well done though
Those people still in the system have to stand up and keep yourself in check
One day you will be in authority and maybe make a difference

Lol! My friend, what does the system do to these people? It chews them up and spits them right out.

I know of people who threw away everything, and I do mean everything, and returned to their country only in hopes of serving it. Our countrymen on the other hand had different ideas for them. Broke them down to the core and left them with nothing, all but destroyed completely. Still they dream of going back and serving. They have no life without their country.

Everyone is the system in Pakistan. The statement that it's just a handful that are corrupt is a blatant lie we keep telling ourselves so that we may not lose our sleep at night. While Pakistan is beautiful, Pakistanis are hideous, disingenuous and despicable. We never deserved this country or rather this country never deserved us.
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Not different. Just a different side.
Lets put it this way, I have known of the same corruption and lack of action you speak of; up and down in the military and even those handling our nuclear assets. The civil corruption is already well known.

So much corruption and simple "YES SIR" sycophancy whose stench I caught nearly 12 years ago as I probably have stated here that whilst in my first employment working for these dishonest or purely ignorant bufoons. When their answer to why we are not shielding a critical battle management system for a Tank against what is guaranteed EMP by putting it in a faraday cage considering tactical nuclear weapons were a very real possibility on our side. Their answer haunts me to this day "Well, India has not done it so we dont need to". Sounds like a non-incident but seeing this mentality played out all over made me cringe before I eventually left.
Other instances included spending 12 million rupees on equipment currently rotting away because the army colonel posted to this highly sensitive location had a side business which he sent 7 million(yes.. 60% almost) of the 12 million for the procurement via his Cousin. And this motherfcuker was running procurement for our deepest R&D programs. This is stuff I can state without specifics. If I start taking names I can write an entire pamphlet with amounts and names but then these pigs will probably end up having my loved ones picked up or force them into exist at the least or worse. Because some of these pigs now have 2 stars or more.

In the face of this however, I have put faith in my generation and the upcoming one for a long time. Hoping that this malaise will be removed with them. After all, there has been some hope and a seeming desire for change.
But the fact remains that my generation is already tainted, already lost into the same crap yours went through. Its already begun its bribing, its self-serving nepotism and lies, its own skin over that of its fellow people. The rest are lost in some misled religious tripe that makes them intolerant morose nutjobs whose only repetitive speech is telling us we are doomed in the eyes of god lest we do exactly as they do.

Still, there was the generation right after mine but these little dipshits have their asses up their phones and are more into posting instagram selfies of their grandfathers funeral for #tags. To use the pithy urdu term "Ye to pehle se hi c**d gaye hain".

I still had hope, there were good people everywhere top to bottom and they needed messages of encouragement. So instead of your policy of woe with it all I tried to be as fair as possible. See the best as much as possible. Perhaps its a midlife crisis of sorts, but it just hit me how far I had compromised of myself to become exactly what I had hated so much just so I could survive, and hearing a very very young fellow talk proudly of how his father has fed some Agency fellows to keep them as his own personal dogs.. I said LPC Pakistani.
Its time to stop trying to defend it or correct it, just tell them who they are at face value. They are too busy commenting on social media or messages to really make any changes; their beghairti is soo common now that when they can no longer take action to news and instead only post about it, they deserve only spite and reminding them of their failure.

That is not to say other nations arent in similar social demise, but while other nations will trigger a saddened response at the Brain, that is not going to hurt as much. In this case, my wish to see some change in these people; through personal sacrifice as well and the years spent here seems to have brought nothing.

Thanks Oscar and Mastan. It was because of you guys that we have started questioning everything and only accept answers based upon "daleel"
And yes Oscar you are right about corruption eating the core of our society and unfortunately the index is much higher in defence related departments than the civilian departments as they indulge in organized corruption supporting each other. They are more interested in Askari's, Fizaia's and DHA's than the safety of the mother land.
Yes we do respect them for their service to Pakistan but that doesn't allow them the misappropriation of funds or transgression from powers given or not doing what they are bound to do for the betterment of Pakistan.
These questions will be asked. If not today, than by our future generations and one day they'll have to answer.
can do nothing about it if I have managed to establish sources over several years
You can do nothing ??!?
What are you a teenager who just had a crush on his teacher and can't keep it secret with friends.

You seriously need to grow up and stop revealing every tom dickmharry report you get. Kid
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