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Pakistan to effectively respond to any Indian aggression: PM Imran after NSC meeting

I do not hear any statements from China nowadays when their is escalation between India and Pakistan. But maybe they are assessing the situation.
Rule 1: Uyghur, Taiwan, South China Sea. If they started poking into Indian affairs, then Indian started into theirs.
Rule 2: Why they risk their own poking by India for Pakistan?
Rule 3: They have $100B trade with India.

For me it is very clear, they will never ever speak into Indian internal matters.
Infact south and east india will be lrimary targets as its far away from pakistan , hence less damage on our own country. South will be targetted first 2nd east. Lastly small mini nukes on north india so fallout on us is less.

Are you in charge of strategic forces making such claim??

Notification was issued in regard to no requirement of License, renewed license, permit etc for self defence or as & when government calls i.e. AJK Government. Weapons are not issued but civilians are now allowed to bring their own without any concern of permits etc.
Should be expect a Pulwama like false flag?

We must pre-empt such a move. We should pro actively let important capitals know of our position. This time if Pulwama like event happens, Pakistan must ensure there are no takers of that propaganda.

Also if they act aggressively, kill their top military leadership without thinking. India under Modi only understands language of force.
Should be expect a Pulwama like false flag?

We must pre-empt such a move. We should pro actively let important capitals know of our position. This time if Pulwama like event happens, Pakistan must ensure there are no takers of that propaganda.

Also if they act aggressively, kill their top military leadership without thinking. India under Modi only understands language of force.
This can only happens if there is too much violence in valley, then they need someone to blame for and thats where Pakistan comes into picture. Otherwise looks like first preference is to do things peacefully.
As the things are unfolding, nuclear conflict may not be very far away.

Nah. Nuclear war ain't happening. This time it will be limited war in Kashmir (similar to Kargil war) without the use of air force from both sides probably for a few weeks. In a limited war, Pakistan would definitely have advantage over India.
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So he can do another Kargil disaster
Mush was very sick few weeks ago.
There is more to it than meets the eye.

India is saber-rattling and the war mongering, the panicky behavior is everything to do with the situation in Afghanistan, India see no role of her in the current scenario, US is talking with Taliban, Pakistan here is a facilitator, China, Iran is supporting this new development.

India saber-rattling and hysteria has more to do with Afghanistan than it is anything to do with current situation in Kashmir, India wants to give an image of grave situation at LOC and that US need to present there in Afghanistan to check Pakistan.

All years of investment of India in Afghanistan is going down the drain, men(proxies) and material, this is the main reason of a new fake front in Kashmir...

Connect the dots and the picture becomes clear.

This Analysis agrees with what u said.

But if this is true, as @Foxtrot Delta is telling, then, it implies that our army is thinking of a regular Indian attack on AJK. Today's NSC meeting statement is also indirectly indicating towards this thing.
If an attack on AJK is planned then there surely be false flags (more than one) and the blame will be put on Pak with some concocted evidence.
Yes I see Modi posting nuclear threats all over this forum, Pakistanis dont even utter the Nuclear word in this forum.
Putting up nuclear threats by some random key boarder r no way same as a pm invoking military confrontation which can become uncontrollable and go nuclear as Imran khan very rightly said no big war was planned to be that big and costly

What is modi a pm or net troll

And the blabbering continues... those 50 muslim countries aare least bothered about Pakistan.. lol.. but more importantly you people don't have the guts to use nukes... I challenge you to use it...
Asked US and Abhi they will tell you about our guts. By the way our tea is also fantastic after proper protocol. Want to try?
If war is what they want war is what they will get only this time the end shall be radioactive
Honestly, I'm a very optimistic and patriotic person but do not see many options for Pakistan at present, all thanks to our failing economy.
Imran Khan is a pathetic joke and does'nt have guts.

Pakistan is losing its KAshmir cause today which is part of its state and today he was planting trees in Islamabad matlab whatta ******. I know he is better than Nawaz Sharif but he has done huge errors in dealing with that monster Modi. He handed over Abhinandan on the platter without getting anything in return. His stupid Kartarpur initiative is an insult to Pakistan, he is surrendered a portion to india who can come and go without visa.
Opened airspace on those hindus' request who came to negotiate on kartarpur.

If you see Pakistan needs to call back its ambassador this is a huge development India is changing status in UN recognized dispute Kashmir he is still silent and looking like a coward.

Hindus require another kind of dealing.
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