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Pakistan To Demand Handing Over Of Col. Purohit From India

It may. Depends on the objectives of the military. Would you say the use of air power by Pakistan in Balochistan is terrorism?
Knowing very well that the PAK MIL has been using helicopter gunships against the militants of FATA, you still have used Baluchistan’s name since Tribal of FATA are arch enemies of IND but BLAs are funded and groomed by it. This is Chanakyaism as its best but nevertheless using HELO against the innocents definitely fall in sheer cowardice ness.

I think the use of air power against the likes of Al-Qaida and the Taliban (LET is no different from them) is justified provided full care is taken to minimize or totally avoid the civilian casualties. These terrorists are so cowardly that they always hide among the civilians. They don't respect any human rights, kill their opponents brutally and deserve no mercy. You may know how they have eliminated the various tribal elders. You may also remember the beheading of the Pakistani soldiers on video.
Get over with the myth of Al-Qaeda, which according to many independent analysts has never been existed and still doesn't beyond war criminal's operational paradigm. To me it's nothing but an open ended boggy, which has been created to justify 100 years of so-called WOT. If anybody can tell me that person has ever seen OBL publicly claiming that he is the leader of Al-Qaeda then I would bother to argue otherwise RAWIA, MOSSADIA committing terrorist acts under LeT, JUD or JAISH's name and then linking all with phony Al-Qaeda is called GUILT IN ASSOCIATION in conspiracy art, compriende? See, terrorists hiding under civilians are a neo-rhetoric for ethnic, civilian cleansing of Zion, Sangh Paribar's disliked. And for the terrorist's video popping up on TV doesn't even warrant a reply since Advani would probably look like Hafiz Saeed if he wear fake bear+turban and Bal Thakre would probably be the mirror of Fazlu Munshi. Please do a Google search by WAR, VIDEO AND LIES to justify my claim. Whereas PAK army gives it in on sheer pressure, many practicing Muslims defend the honor of Islam. Since they are pushed to the bitter end and lack arms to defend, they sacrifice their souls by martyring it. Would you be brave enough to do that? I doubt anyone that becomes materialistically prosperous and knows internet chatting would be such dedicated for his/her cause though. Having said that killing civilians by any means that don't have direct or indirect affiliations with murderous army/politicians is definitely un-Islamic and condemnable. Militants that have brutally murdered Tribal elders are known to be brain-washed, miss-guided by INDO-ZION nexus and for your knowledge none of the drone attacks are directed at them. So, fake and real are definitely an issue here. Even if you haven't learnt that JMB and HUJI militants of BD have been misguided by Mullahs of GOI regulated Madrassas of IND then check how they have been taught through misinterpreted Quoranic verses.

India has never used air power for any operation within the country AFAIK.
Agreed but OTH Indian seperatists weren't grommed by MOSSAD, CIA to take on its Army either.

LET was quite open and blase about their terror operations in India till the 9/11. After that it may not be as open but let us not act as if we don't know the reality.

They were quite open about the killings of the wives and children in an army camp. I think they all need to be killed just for that one crime.

We all know what they are. Any excuses are just red-herrings.
Most of the LeT's operations were directed at murderous politicians and army personal of IND. Since there is no justness, fairness for Kashmiries and UN hasn't heard any of Muslim's grievance for last 60 years then they shouldn't be the prisoner of conscience but yours and world GOVT should, who scream terra-terra but always carry a bag of tricks for not to find their owns.

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