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Pakistan To Demand Handing Over Of Col. Purohit From India

Pakistan may seek Purohit’s custody

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan may formally demand India hand over Lt Col Shrikant Prasad Purohit, an Indian allegedly involved in the Samjhota train attack, for trial in a Pakistani court, sources said. Purohit was the first serving army officer arrested for his alleged involvement in terrorist activities and for links with Hindu extremist organisations. staff report

:rofl: Why don't you first arrest Hamid Gul and handover him to US.
BTW who told u that Purohit ws involved in Samjhauta express bombing? And suppose if he was invlved in that then on which basis u can ask for him?
BTW that Train blast was carried SIMI in Inidan soil.. If Purohit will be found guilty in any terrorist attack on Pakistani soil then this can be considerd...
any Proof For Hamid Gul ???? :D

& plus your Whole Media was singing abt Prohit ...
so its worth to demand for a guy who Killed Pakistani Peoples
It's nice to see numeric in works. Perhaps schemers of Ram Rajjay figured out that birth control wasn't the way forward, especially when it would require 5 Hindus to overwhelm 1 Muslim.

You keep your cr*p to your self and don't make racist remarks.
Well dont you think it will be foolish of india to ask for the alledged planers of mumbai attacks??

Dude... where's your logic?

Those three people's(Advani, Purohit and Bal Thakrey) actions took place in India. They live in India. Its not the case with the terror suspects. Purohit is being tried in court. Pakistan government will have no business asking about them except may be Purohit(for samjhauta express). But think about it, the evidence against him is with India not Pakistan. And he did commit crimes in India. So it is fair that he is tried here. May be the Pakistan's law enforcement agencies can pick him up after his life sentence :cheers: I personally think he should be handed over.
On the other hand all the people(atleast most) that India demanded handing over are free in Pakistan while their crimes were in India.

And here are some updates about the three people you mentioned. Just for fun.
Bal Thakrey is a scumbag. His party stopped pursuing Hindu-Muslim differences for lack of support. Actually he retired. His heir Raj is after Marathwada pride under 'Mumbai for Marathis' slogan.

Indian hindus(normal sane ones with enough sense and education) no more believe in the hindutva. Advani's statements about Quad-e-Azam worsened his popularity among learned Indians. People are now well informed about communal designs thanks to the media revolution.

And finally Purohit is facing trial with possible life imprisonment and death sentence. I think he will get life not death as not even the parliament attackers got death.

And finally, I personally don't have any problem handing over all these three but with a guarantee that they will recieve punishment. :cheers:
Someday Pak will think originally & not make counter demands in response to those made by India.

Of all the people in the world, Indians talking about originality seems a little strange, doesn't it??? Look around yourself and see your politicians jingoistic response in the aftermath of Bombay incident vis-a-vis 9/11 and then let me know who's a copy cat??? India's 9/11, sounds similar to America's 9/11, doesn't it??? and then you blame us!!!
Oh by the way, just because Pakistan placed its list second in order doesn't make ghastly criminals innocent, does it??? Only if Pakistan was told that whoever presents its list first will win the competition....... :D

I agree with DD, LK Advani was a state guest in Pak..for gods sake grow up !!

Yeah right, it absolves him of all his crimes..... the difference is that this time Pakistan will not ask for him to be sent as state guest........:lol:
1. Advani has been to Pakistan twice on state visit.
2. Even the fake allegations of Purohit commitning the crime was in India.
3. Thakeray has not committed any offense in Pakistan he did take part in retaliation of Bombay blasts.

1. It has been answered in my previous post
2. Oh, so you have already reached a verdict on Purohit, i thought the matter was in the court. You would also be the one who would probably go out to vote him when he contests elections on BJP(read RSS) ticket.
3. You are behind the curve dear, he is implicated on account of inciting and sponsoring terrorist activities in Pakistan.
If we can argue that Col. Pirohit was involved in genocide against the Muslims then he can be tried anywhere I believe. The LeT is not in the same category because its intent is not to target Hindus specifically but the Indian state.
Of all the people in the world, Indians talking about originality seems a little strange, doesn't it??? Look around yourself and see your politicians jingoistic response in the aftermath of Bombay incident vis-a-vis 9/11 and then let me know who's a copy cat??? India's 9/11, sounds similar to America's 9/11, doesn't it??? and then you blame us!!!
Oh by the way, just because Pakistan placed its list second in order doesn't make ghastly criminals innocent, does it??? Only if Pakistan was told that whoever presents its list first will win the competition....... :D

Yeah right, it absolves him of all his crimes..... the difference is that this time Pakistan will not ask for him to be sent as state guest........:lol:

The point is the Pakistan Government honored him as state guest 'knowing' that he committed crimes. They are free to invite him to be interrogated :cheesy:. They should have nabbed him then itself.

1. It has been answered in my previous post
2. Oh, so you have already reached a verdict on Purohit, i thought the matter was in the court. You would also be the one who would probably go out to vote him when he contests elections on BJP(read RSS) ticket.

No way thats gonna happen(election). I did not reach a verdict. I was assuming Purohit was guilty.

3. You are behind the curve dear, he is implicated on account of inciting and sponsoring terrorist activities in Pakistan.

Please give links to sources. I am interested to know.

And in the end, all the criminals you mentioned committed crimes in India. Indian judiciary should decide their fate.
If we can argue that Col. Pirohit was involved in genocide against the Muslims then he can be tried anywhere I believe. The LeT is not in the same category because its intent is not to target Hindus specifically but the Indian state.

Both your premises are wrong.

LET is too cowardly to fight against soldiers and the state. They can only set off bombs in the market places and kill unarmed civilians.

Bloody cowards! To hell with them and their supporters both overt and covert.
Both your premises are wrong.

LET is too cowardly to fight against soldiers and the state. They can only set off bombs in the market places and kill unarmed civilians.

Bloody cowards! To hell with them and their supporters both overt and covert.
When army with its might bombs innocent civilians from 10000 ft above the ground, it doesn't fall in the perimeter of cowardice ness by your invincible GOVT, does it? And which unbiased court in third country has proved that LeT sets bomb off innocent civilians? Bloody coward, yes but it's your GOVT and army that use SHEER MIGHT OF A STATE OF BILLIONS to deceive and scare people in the whole region. Now leaving rhetoric aside, it was the singers of 'Terror Chorus' that prevented UN from establishing a universal definition of terrorism in the first place, when Mahathir wanted one. So, whose premises were fallacious, people that were with the MIGHTIES or their oppositions?
When army with its might bombs innocent civilians from 10000 ft above the ground, it doesn't fall in the perimeter of cowardice ness by your invincible GOVT, does it?

It may. Depends on the objectives of the military. Would you say the use of air power by Pakistan in Balochistan is terrorism?

I think the use of air power against the likes of Al-Qaida and the Taliban (LET is no different from them) is justified provided full care is taken to minimize or totally avoid the civilian casualties. These terrorists are so cowardly that they always hide among the civilians. They don't respect any human rights, kill their opponents brutally and deserve no mercy. You may know how they have eliminated the various tribal elders. You may also remember the beheading of the Pakistani soldiers on video.

India has never used air power for any operation within the country AFAIK.

And which unbiased court in third country has proved that LeT sets bomb off innocent civilians? Bloody coward, yes but it's your GOVT and army that use SHEER MIGHT OF A STATE OF BILLIONS to deceive and scare people in the whole region. Now leaving rhetoric aside, it was the singers of 'Terror Chorus' that prevented UN from establishing a universal definition of terrorism in the first place, when Mahathir wanted one. So, whose premises were fallacious, people that were with the MIGHTIES or their oppositions?

LET was quite open and blase about their terror operations in India till the 9/11. After that it may not be as open but let us not act as if we don't know the reality.

They were quite open about the killings of the wives and children in an army camp. I think they all need to be killed just for that one crime.

We all know what they are. Any excuses are just red-herrings.
he kill 73 pakistanis not indians

Please ask what international law experts have to say on this.
You can mail them. Just google for experts on the field.

But Pakistan is justified in asking for terrorists especially if they are not punished in India.
its not that metter as we know our 73 people are nothing for indians.is any news pakistani agencyes interogate him just see him or qes him no way.its only india where media politacions allince start heavy propegenda after any incedent india .what was pak behever after train blast just google it and what was indian behaver after any incedent just google it.i will say you people so much extreamst
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