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Pakistan:The land of pure and purpose


Nov 27, 2011
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It is not necessary to verify or refuse the content its just here to feel the jist of the article and is not intended for indian friends thats why urdu version is posted ..dont bother..
I do agree with ahadess as have heard things to that tune earlier but such speculation that its going to be in 2013 before US withdraws from Afghanistan is uncertain.Just did some research online to verify muslim population in world and this is what I found.


And I was surprised to see that Russian army is going to be a muslim majority army by 2020 so his claim about 41% muslims seems right.

Russian Army will be a majority Muslim Army by 2020 - The Student Room
I do agree with ahadess as have heard things to that tune earlier but such speculation that its going to be in 2013 before US withdraws from Afghanistan is uncertain.Just did some research online to verify muslim population in world and this is what I found.


And I was surprised to see that Russian army is going to be a muslim majority army by 2020 so his claim about 41% muslims seems right.

Russian Army will be a majority Muslim Army by 2020 - The Student Room

Initially I took this article as someone's attempt to seek attention but later when I searched and found so many new truths i was unaware of ,it really did open my eyes especially presence of about 14 crore muslims in china and such a huge portion of russian military being muslim was a pleasant surprise..
Nodoubt the change is in the air and we know US wont leave afghanistan so easily as they havnt achieved anything and they know once they leave it will again be in PAk hands which will be against the agenda of india and US so they will try to do something to weaken Pakistan forever and I guess thats going to be their fatal mistake.

Plus recent indication from US that obama now wants to completely withdraw from af'tan is also a rumor to justify their later actions , US havnt yet drawnback its forces from japan how can they leave af'tan when nothing has been settled .Its just to tell their public later that look we wanted this but the situation demand differently..
The map claims 133.1 million muslims in China.

Is this true? Maybe the only one inaccuracy there?

Also, can one of my future masters pls translate the page? :)
Tripe! Rubbish! - Who needs to think or live in the present, or be responsible for their own acts - all is foretold
well someone asked hazrat ali r.a what is qismat and he replied stand up now pick up your one leg that man did so then Hazrat ali asked him to pick up the other leg which that man couldn't...

So this is for being responsible for our own acts as we have control till a certain limits and then there are things beyond our control.But we do always have a choice and therefore are responsible for our acts...

The map claims 133.1 million muslims in China.

Is this true? Maybe the only one inaccuracy there?

Also, can one of my future masters pls translate the page? :)

I dont know as I dint counted it myself but here is a source which indeed is very well known the economist magazine.

They had the integrity to publish an erratum. They were probably taken in by one of your rooh e gazhwa sites too.

Correction: China's Muslim population | The Economist

Thanks for the correction as i guess 13.1 and 133.1 are similar so there can be some typing mistake..But anyways this news that russian army would be a muslim majority army by 2020 is a good news and still has 41% muslims at the moment I guess that would be a game turner in the asian game..
Thanks for the correction as i guess 13.1 and 133.1 are similar so there can be some typing mistake..But anyways this news that russian army would be a muslim majority army by 2020 is a good news and still has 41% muslims at the moment I guess that would be a game turner in the asian game..

Muslims are not more than 15% of Russian population and almost all of them belong to minority ethnicities, thus with very limited influence. Even if Russian army becomes ''muslim majority'' as you like to believe, to think they will not bomb the chechens to hell like they did in the past then you are seriously deluded.

There's a reason most islamist sites maintain a studied silence about china and russia, because they know these countries do not have the weaknesses they hope to exploit in other democratic countries.
One must have been there when Nord Ost and Beslan happened....they would have gotten first hand account of the Russian forces. Worst part was they werent even the Spetsnaz GRU they were the FSB Spetsnaz.
Muslims are not more than 15% of Russian population and almost all of them belong to minority ethnicities, thus with very limited influence. Even if Russian army becomes ''muslim majority'' as you like to believe, to think they will not bomb the chechens to hell like they did in the past then you are seriously deluded.

There's a reason most islamist sites maintain a studied silence about china and russia, because they know these countries do not have the weaknesses they hope to exploit in other democratic countries.

That is what is told in that map so you are not saying anything new here..Well the way muslim population is growing rapidly in russia "as moscow has the greatest number of muslims in whole europe "that time is not far may be another 10 years when muslims will be in majority in russia and thus in their govt as well..But its not about wars or bombings its about understanding as new muslim convertee's are doing so after reading islam and willingly doing so without any outside pressure infact the pressure would be to not convert to islam as ppl like you are there to malign islam in every possible way but still its the only religion thats growing despite all your efforts..I am happy that true and good muslims are increasing around the globe.

I mentioned in start that im writing this thread in urdu and its not meant for indians so why bother ...stay in your imaginary world , now dont bother to reply as I dont want to see trolls around as this is a serious thread.
I think people in Pakistan are more concerned about the Muslims world over than the state of their own people and the country. How does it help Pakistan if the whole world converts to islam? more charity sources?
I think people in Pakistan are more concerned about the Muslims world over than the state of their own people and the country. How does it help Pakistan if the whole world converts to islam? more charity sources?

and you guys are world more about the hindu world then about yourself?

isnt it time to look at the mirror and see yourself?
Agree with This article

I think people in Pakistan are more concerned about the Muslims world over than the state of their own people and the country. How does it help Pakistan if the whole world converts to islam? more charity sources?

India has noting to do with This post
stay out of it
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