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Escaping death in the Land of the Pure

Not clear..can you elaborate.

''****'' is generally used by westerners against South Asians(as they can't nor want to differentiate between us) as a derogatory term.

U can say its like ''nigger'' for desis in west.:)
Till the time words are not used in a sarcastic mode, everything is good! Similar to **** another word is Bharoti, use it in a good way and it's good.
Welcome to Pakistan mother fuckers, even God wont be able to save you from the vermins in this land of the impure. Yahuudi sazish, Mossad, CIA, Blackwater, RAW are the ills in society not us, never us. We are shareef, Muslims cant do this.

Yeah deluded masses and dim future is what Pakistan has in store. Plenty of it.
It is sad that another journalist is targeted and even sadder that a young life was cut short in this attack. Our heartfelt condolences go out the victims and their families. These targeted attacks are very difficult to predict and defend but we can do one thing, that if we see suspicious people lurking in our neighborhoods do report them to the authorities. If we stand vigilant and united against these enemies of our nations, we can make life difficult for them and diminish their capabilities of sneak attacks. Together we are close to shutting their shops of terror and death, all we have to continue doing, is to stand united against them.

Abdul Quddus
DET - United States Central Command
It is sad that another journalist is targeted and even sadder that a young life was cut short in this attack. Our heartfelt condolences go out the victims and their families. These targeted attacks are very difficult to predict and defend but we can do one thing, that if we see suspicious people lurking in our neighborhoods do report them to the authorities. If we stand vigilant and united against these enemies of our nations, we can make life difficult for them and diminish their capabilities of sneak attacks. Together we are close to shutting their shops of terror and death, all we have to continue doing, is to stand united against them.

Abdul Quddus
DET - United States Central Command

You gotta be kidding me right Yank ??? :D
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