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Pakistan Tested NASR missile

No, they just mentioned a "slight" increase, they don't want to kill the enemy just with the news :cheesy:
It's range, speed, maneuverability and accuracy is "enough" to evaporate any cold

So it Began :D :D and started with Nasr

The News is Reporting it's Range is 60-70 KM

70 KM?? did they increase the range slightly??

a nuke doesn't have to hit the nail on the head

I can't tell if it hit it's target o_O did It? And was it tested without a warhead? The impact doesn't seem to generate an explosion.

That booster is used to eject the missile 20/30 meters from it's battery/silo for safety reasons. if something goes wrong in the battery/silo, main motor would not start and keep the unit safe. main motor only goes off when the missile is airborne and in right/planned flight profile.

The small booster used today to give missile extra speed and resulting additional range.

not for range, see my response in above post.

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Nasr additional booster cartridge dethatching. This was used for range extension.
question : how many of these have we created so for?
nothing makes us more happy when our enemy swallows the line and sinker with the hook. IA needs to embed some geographical surveyors with every unit to check whether our missiles are landing on this side of the line or the other, for us results matter, not the methods.

Ya it is really cool. It has made one country to make a doctrine to nuke its own land. When Indian force will enter Lahore, we would be glad to be nuked.

That is classified.

question : how many of these have we created so for?
Ya it is really cool. It has made one country to make a doctrine to nuke its own land. When Indian force will enter Lahore, we would be glad to be nuked.
Nasr is neutron bomb and has minimal fallout, so is to use in Pakistan
Old videos , but shows complete Burnout time of Nasr. It's less than 10 seconds.

Why dont they put actual warheads in missiles to achieve a proper shock and awe impression over the enemies of Pakistan.
Because radiation from actual warheads can cause severe damage to living objects, Flora and Fauna.

How about an entire Indian air base?
NASR was developed for defensive role but we can use it for offence if required. The primary objective for this missile development was befitting reply to Indian Cold start doctrine.
Ya it is really cool. It has made one country to make a doctrine to nuke its own land. When Indian force will enter Lahore, we would be glad to be nuked.

How Nasr is used in war isn't set in stone.
Thanks for the response bro. But was it close enough? Or within acceptable range? And can you tell if it had a warhead?
Nasr is exclusively tactical nuclear missile can't test it with live warhead.
Use of tactical nukes on India will make us free from No First Use.

I hope Pakistan makes this mistake in event of war. ;)
So it Began :D :D and started with Nasr


The News is Reporting it's Range is 60-70 KM

70 KM?? did they increase the range slightly??

No it's for showing whole world including Usa that we do hav an ability of increasing or decreasing the range of our missiles ... it simply depends on our need and we do hav skills!!!
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