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Pakistan teenage sisters shot dead because they were DANCING Check out all

pakistan needs to do so many capital punishments, like if taliban kills one guy, hang him immediately within days

justice delayed is justice denied

pakistan state is falling apart because absence of law and order
This is pathetic.

But who do we blame?

It happens in our country as well.

Stupid khap Jats have the same attitude towards women except that the angle is not religious fundamentalism but pacifying male ego.

This honour killing has to be crushed with an iron fist.

Until they issue death penalty for honor killing, nothing will happen.

I agree. The person that put it on the internet should pay the price.


The persons (her family) should be executed without trial by the court of law.

This is a system that should also be implemented in India especially backward states like Haryana, Bihar and UP where the mentality is medieval towards women.
Police suspect that the murders were ordered by the sisters’ stepbrother to restore the family’s “honour”

Two teenage sisters have been shot dead in Pakistan – because they danced in the rain.

Noor Basra, 15, and Noor Sheza, 16, were killed after a clip of the cavorting caused outrage in their ultra-conservative town.

Their mother Noshehra was also shot. The three were killed by five gunmen.

Police suspect that the murders were ordered by the sisters’ stepbrother to restore the family’s “honour”.

The sisters were filmed six months ago break-dancing as the heavens opened.

They were wearing traditional shalwar kameez trouser suits and green and purple headscarves.

One flashes a smile in the clip, which has gone viral on the internet.

The girls were filmed running around with two younger children outside the family’s stone bungalow in Chilas in the deprived northern region of Gilgit.

Their older brother is suing stepbrother Khutore and the gunmen, who are all thought to be on the run.

The murders follow the scandal last year of the case of four women who were killed on the orders of tribal elders for singing and dancing with men at a wedding party in the remote north-western Pakistan village of Kohistan.

The group of clerics, called a Jirga, condemned the women to death after decreeing they had stained their families’ names by “fornication.”

Under strict Sharia law, men and women are not allowed to dance together.

However, it is always the woman, not the man, who is punished.

About a thousand so-called honour killings take place in Pakistan every year, say women’s rights group the Aurat Foundation.

Human Rights Watch, which campaigns against atrocities worldwide, has called for tougher measures against tribal elders who condemn women to death.

The news of the latest deaths emerged today as David Cameron became the first head of government to hold face-to-face talks with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif since his election in May.

Mr Sharif’s victory could translate into a “golden moment” for Pakistan, the PM declared.

Pakistan teenage sisters shot dead because they were DANCING - Mirror Online

The news has been posted in Hina Rabbani Khar's Facebook page and came up as an update.
The news is not yet shared hence thought to bring it to everyone's notice.

It's a real Sad and condemn able news and RIP to the poor girls. Hope the culprits get Death penalty at the earliest.

Yes dancing is wrong but this idiot had not right to kill these girls he should have taught them orders of Islam hang this moron and also make laws on use of camera too because this is resulting in lot of mess for girls specially even in case of rain when they are going home from some where they often get wet and some idiots take advantage of it and try to make videos we need to make strict laws for that
This is pathetic.

But who do we blame?

It happens in our country as well.

Stupid khap Jats have the same attitude towards women except that the angle is not religious fundamentalism but pacifying male ego.

This honour killing has to be crushed with an iron fist.

Until they issue death penalty for honor killing, nothing will happen.


The persons (her family) should be executed without trial by the court of law.

This is a system that should also be implemented in India especially backward states like Haryana, Bihar and UP where the mentality is medieval towards women.

This happens all over India, not only these states, probably a bit less or bit more. I remember some criminals of Hindutva parties dragged out girls from a disc or pub in Mangalore and pathetically beaten them. I wonder how come action was not taken against them. Similar case happened in Assam as well. Those rascals should be beaten mercilessly in public. Torturing or beating girls or witnessing that silently puts a Question mark on one's manhood. It' against the honor of a man.
Misuse of internet by bastards ruins lives of females.

Its not about dancing but going their video viral. The subcontinent society sick to its core that if video of a female goes viral its end of her normal life.

When that girl was ganged raped in INDIA your media and govt did NOT show her picture neither released her real name. why ??????

ask yourself and then go shyting.

Really? gang raping is equal to a girl playing in the rain in Pakistan? Being a woman you should have some pride. some Pushtoon culture you have. :tdown:
Really? gang raping is equal to a girl playing in the rain in Pakistan? Being a woman you should have some pride. some Pushtoon culture you have. :

:what: posting pics of victims is bad when comes to India ? and good when comes to Pakistan.

wow what an indian logic.

and oh dont talk about rain and dances your tamil shamil record is not good either
Yes dancing is wrong but this idiot had not right to kill these girls he should have taught them orders of Islam hang this moron and also make laws on use of camera too because this resulting in lot of mess for girls specially even in case of rain when they are going home from some where they often get wet and some idiots take advantage of it and try to make videos we need to make strict laws for that
Its shameful women agree with these shameful oppression.
Its shameful women agree with these shameful oppression.

Sir dancing is not allowed in Islam but that also doesn't mean you kill the girl who dances we should teach them orders of Islam Sir but also can't allow haram things to take place Sir
Sir dancing is not allowed in Islam but that also doesn't mean you kill the girl who dances we should teach them orders of Islam Sir but also can't allow haram things to take place Sir

is it halal to play video games or watch movies? why do you have that game poster in your avatar?
is it halal to play video games or watch movies? why do you have that game avatar in your avatar?

I don't know if it is game avatar and playing is allowed for women but only among women when no men can see it in indoor stadiums and movies are also not allowed if you don't know about Islam than don't comment
Don't just blabber. In r@pe the girl's modesty was taken away. how has these girl's modesty been affected if she plays in rain?
It is shameful that you immediately think of bollywood rain dance in this case. you are no better than those fanatic men.

oh.. is that like the mother of all insults in Pakistan?

what and idiotic thing to say by you.

girls' video while dancing going viral and killed is something for you an OK affair and does not amount to any crime against her modesty of whatever and posting pic of Indian rape victim is something NOT OK for you.
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