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Pakistan takes major action against Jamaat-ud-Dawaa camp

You're dismissive on substance alone.

You advocate the waging of war upon Afghanistan from Pakistani soil.

He did not advocate waging war upon Afghanistan, he advocated helping those who are fihting against the forces that are occupying Afghanistan.

Simply put, that's an act of war. America's forebearance limits our fully justified response to PREDATOR and REAPER strikes...for the present.

Were you the leader of your nation, it would be easy for others to take your comments as a declaration of war and apply the full measure of their strength in removing you and that continuing threat.

If your government had the guts it would have done it by now.
You're dismissive on substance alone.

You advocate the waging of war upon Afghanistan from Pakistani soil. Simply put, that's an act of war. America's forebearance limits our fully justified response to PREDATOR and REAPER strikes...for the present.

Were you the leader of your nation, it would be easy for others to take your comments as a declaration of war and apply the full measure of their strength in removing you and that continuing threat.

If Pakistani, you talk too much and do too little- except to allow others to do the fighting and dying for you. I've worn a uniform and have taken my chances by doing so.

You, conversely, show little of the same modest courage while eagerly seeking to propel Pakistan into the depths of oblivion.

I've nothing but disdain for your venomous tone and frail intellect.

As I've told hasang20, you'd do well to think of your finger-tips as an open drain connected to your precious few and irreplacable brain cells. Every time you type, they diminish.

Were it not for the resultant dribble that assaults our eyes, that would be a very good thing.

The following is the state of mind of all Pakistanis, report it to your government and see if it has the balls to do anything about it:

Brig. Gen.Asif Haroon Raja (Retd)

"After 9/11, India fabricated another 9/11 by stage-managing a terrorist attack on Indian Parliament in December 2001. It gave a ready-made excuse to deploy over one million troops along Pakistan border to bully Pakistan and extract concessions. While the military coercion made no impact because of tit-for-tat response by Pakistan armed forces, USA helped India in forcing Musharraf to cede to Indian demands. India has once again manufactured 9/11 like drama in Mumbai to extract further concessions from Pakistan which are the ultimate of Indo-US-Israeli sinister plan. Mumbai attacks had similarities with 9/11 attacks particularly with regard to hostile media warfare and the anger expressed. Americans had bayed for blood and the UN hurriedly sanctioned the invasion of Afghanistan which had no role in the terrorist attacks. Afghanistan under the Taliban had neither any means to defend on military or technological planes nor on the media front and hence was made a scapegoat to assuage the rising anger of the American public. The Indian media too has gone bonkers and Indians are thirsting for Pakistan blood which has inflamed passions and fuelled the fatal enmity. Indian belligerence can be gauged from the poll taken by a private Indian channel which showed 90% Indians wanted India to attack Pakistan. BJP is in the lead role desiring revenge. Not a single voice of sanity has been heard from any quarter in India. Indian leaders were sure to harass and intimidate NRO cleared pliable leadership of Pakistan.

The soft but re-corrected response by Pakistani leadership by refusing to send DG ISI as demanded further antagonised Indian leaders. The small but razor-sharp and biting media riposte which mirrored the sentiments of Pakistanis took the Indians by surprise and flabbergasted them. Their lies started to get exposed too quickly and easily which checkmated their offensive and put them on the defensive. Their internal weaknesses and vulnerabilities which they had cleverly camouflaged under the farce of secularism were bared and the world got much wiser that India is hotbed of terrorism and Hindu extremism and biggest violator of human rights. In order to neutralise the media strikes emanating from Pakistan, India was prompt to alert its Pakistani cronies inside and outside Pakistan to play their role. Certain Pakistani TV channels and newspapers where the Indians have invested heavy amounts were to become the platforms to damage Pakistan cause and promote Indian cause. The lackeys have begun to play their devious role by bad mouthing against Pakistan in form of writing articles and participating in talk shows.

Aakar Patel in his write up in The News on 1 December says that the horrifying scenes of brutal killing of hotel employees and other inmates when shown to the Indian public is bound to evoke uncontrolled fury. Not only he pre-supposed public anger but used it as a plank to caution Pakistan to be aware of it and try to prevent such backlash because of which it would become difficult for Indian leadership to restrain its armed forces. He advised Pakistan to tread the path of submissiveness by promptly accepting all demands of India promptly to assuage public anger. This in his view was the only way to save Pakistan from getting crushed. He equated Indian anger with American anger after 9/11 which led to decimation of Afghanistan without collecting any proof of Al-Qaeda involvement. Patel ignored the hard reality that the state sponsored media hype created within hours of the happenings and Indian leadership seething with anger had whipped up emotions of the Indian public and within first 12 hours had turned their passions into a state of frenzied fury. He claims that Indian investigators have traced the smoking gun and says that if clinching evidence is gathered from Kasab, India will be constrained to attack abodes of Jihadi groups inside Pakistan.

Patel did not like the tone and tenor of FM Mehmood Qureshi in his Press conference in Islamabad on 29 November on his return from official visit to India. He ignored the humiliating treatment meted to him by Indian leadership in India and his counter part Pranab Mukherjee as well as Manmohan having refused to meet him despite his repeated requests. He had offered full cooperation and joint mechanism to unearth the real culprits. He was handed over a terse letter in which Pakistan was rudely asked to hand over 20 suspects most of whom they had been demanding since 1993. Patel regretted that Qureshi had not used the language of diplomat. How strange, kettle unashamedly calling the pot black. Unlike all the Indian leaders, by all standards Qureshi had behaved in a very responsible, cool and measured manner in spite of being humiliated. His only fault was that he did not accept the blatant charge of Indian media that Pakistan was complicit in the Mumbai carnage.

Patel laments Pakistan reversing its decision not to send DG ISI and considers it a mistake which makes Pakistani government more vulnerable to Indian public anger. He also reprimands the negative role of Pakistani columnists who castigated Gilani’s capitulation to unwarranted demand of India. Rawalpindi based Agha Manzoor Rauf in his letter to editors to News Post of 6 December asserts that Pakistan should be generous and broadminded while dealing with India and Indian request to send DG ISI should have been accepted. He adds that a good opportunity has been lost due to misplaced egos. Hats off to his weird logic but he must have gladdened the hearts of Indians.

Foqia Sadiq based in London in her write up in The News on 4 December castigates the role of media anchors as well as security analysts on both sides of the divide. She has felt irked at the small-scale counter strokes launched by few anchors and analysts whose strength doesn’t exceed 5-7. Majority of Pakistani media anchors and analysts are diplomatic, soft and many are visibly pro-India. Foqia named Lt Gen ® Salahuddin Tirmizi and questioned as to why such jingoistic commentator was invited. She has probably either not seen the scenes of bellicosity on Indian channels or pretends to be naïve about it. But for the few counter jabs by 2-3 channels, Indian media’s jingoism would have remained in a state of frenzy. It has been deliberately stoking the emotions of Indians within hours of the occurrence of attacks in Mumbai and had gone wild in churning out half-truths and fabrications at an unprecedented momentum. Sentiments of Indian nation were whipped in a manner that 90% of Indians desired war as was evident from the survey conducted by a private Indian TV channel. Hysterical calls were made by rightist Hindus led by BJP to decimate Pakistan. The purpose of state sponsored media war was to malign Pakistan, its institutions and its people and to harass leadership to achieve sinister objectives. It had almost succeeded in flabbergasting Zardari and Gilani who feeling the heat ceded to the demand of Manmohan to despatch DG ISI. But for sense of patriotism and national spirit shown by the brave and upright ones, India would have achieved its objective without taking any physical steps.

Every country of the world has lauded the responsible and measured response of Pakistani leaders as well as the media to defuse the situation but Foqia has put both in the same basket thereby bailing out Indian detestable jingoism and irresponsible behaviour. In her view Pakistanis should not have defended Pakistan’s honour and dignity that was being soiled and instead should have continued with its traditional policy of appeasement. She fails to mention persistent efforts by highest in the land to cool down raised tempers of Indians and offering all sorts of cooperation. She strongly feels that Pakistani media should not have replied in the same coin. I only hope she expresses her view out of altruistic sentiments and independently and has not been tutored.

Praful Bidwai is a learned scholar and undoubtedly he has been commenting upon certain high-handed but well exposed actions of Indian extremists like the Gujarat carnage. The world had witnessed and commented upon the pogrom against Muslims of Gujarat perpetrated under the directions of State Chief Minister Narindra Modi. Mr Praful could not have written anything in defence of Modi even if he wanted to. With regard to Mumbai carnage, in his article in The News dated 6 December Praful terms the all out offensive of Indian media and Indian leaders and few Pakistani media jibes in self defence as a retreat into shell of nationalism. He sees it a competitive blame game; that is, tit for tat. It implies both were equally guilty and had indulged in media hype on same levels, which is far from truth. He has absolved India loving PPP, MQM and ANP government asserting that it could not have colluded with the army, ISI and terrorist groups in the Mumbai operation. He indicts the army which in his view is beyond the civilian government control. He associates the ISI with extremist group and pronounces his verdict that those who attacked Mumbai were Pakistani nationals connected to and controlled by an extremist group (he implies Lashkar-e-Taiba (LT)), who received combat and marine training from professionals (implying army/ISI). He pronounces that LT was ISI created and trained and desires that the ISI must be reined in and punished.

He lends strength to his indictment by quoting Pakistani analysts Ahmad Rashid, Shuja Nawaz, Hussain Haqqani and Aeshya Siddiqua (known for their secular and pro-western/Indian thoughts and anti-army/ISI bias. He missed out Pervaiz Hoodbhouy). He provides the circumstantial evidence in the form of discovery of GPS, satellite phone records, e-mail tracks, ordinance factory markings on armaments (he means POF Wah), and fingerprints on boats and other materials which in his view were sufficient evidences to prove that the attackers came by sea from Karachi. The lone captured terrorist Kasab (whom he has given a new name as Muhammad Ajmal Amir Iman), (I wish he had added few more Muslim names to his name to make his case more strong), has supposedly corroborated the story.

Praful lays heavy stress on the military-style operation, which was meticulously planned and executed with precision but does not say anything as to why the planners and executors decided to provide so many clues to be found out in a jiffy. Does he not know that in today’s world of technology, carrying mobile phones and conversing on it is a sure death certificate. The militants in FATA and Swat have long thrown away their mobiles forcing the adversaries sitting across the Durand Line to resort to chip technology to locate the target. Unless they wanted to be found out before hand and killed, should the Mumbai attackers logically not have maintained radio silence till the accomplishment of the mission? Even if they had used GPS to help them in guiding their way to Mumbai shores, should they not have destroyed it the moment they landed at the objective area? Reportedly they came on Pakistan navy ships up to a point and then hijacked a trawler for covering the last hop and the ships were reportedly on their return journey and apprehended near Gujarat Coast. If so, what would have been the mode of return journey of terrorists if we take it that the GPS mapping indicated return route to Karachi? Was it planned on the trawler? Normally such dare-devil missions are suicide missions in which the terrorists are given one-side tickets and not return journey tickets.

Praful has ingeniously put the blame of targeted killings of anti-terror chief Hemant Karkare and two senior police officials who had unearthed the Hindu extremist network. Hemant’s cold-blooded murder will haunt India for a long time. He artfully reduces the strength of Indian commandoes and combat soldiers from 1200 to 500 who battled with ten terrorists for 60 hours and projects the terrorists as fanatically dedicated having received frightening level of combat training. He makes no mention of Israeli and South African specialised troops who wrapped up the operation. No mention is made of glaring loopholes in the episode that have come to bug the Indians. No mention is made of Intelligence failure and ineptness of Indian navy, security forces and other state departments.

He has given out India’s future course of action which says that if Pakistan refuses to act on the dictated terms, the matter should be taken up with (all too willing) UNSC by citing Resolution 1373. I reckon, he and all Indian nationals forget that India is the biggest violator of UN Resolutions. I may like to refresh their memory that UN Resolution on Kashmir is pending action since 6 February 1948. India draws strength from US all out support to Indian crimes. USA has promptly fallen in line with the Indian drumbeat and already corroborated the charge sheet framed by India that terrorists have links to Pakistan and Condi Rice has delivered a stern warning to listen to India and comply. Factor of non-state actors and danger to nuclear weapons is again being overplayed which exposes the real design behind Mumbai drama. Beware, the final act of the gory drama conceived by Indo-US-Israeli nexus based in Kabul is about to be put into operation.

Mercifully, the political parties have risen to the occasion and have come on a single platform to confront the Indian challenge backed by Israel and USA. Army chief has given a loud message that he would shift forces employed in FATA and Swat towards eastern border. Their hopes that the army would not be able to extricate itself have dashed because of the vociferous calls of support given by all militant groups in FATA. All have expressed their willingness to fight the Indians alongside the army and promised whole-hearted support. They have even volunteered to send thousands of suicide bombers into India to wreak havoc. Even the retired armed forces personnel whose number runs in lacs have volunteered to fight for the defence of motherland.

The state of combat preparedness of the army could not have been better than what it is today. Whatever operational, technical and logistic flaws it had had been rectified during the ten-month military stand off with India in 2002. The entire army is battle hardened carrying a rich experience of six years war under most trying conditions. Each infantry, armoured-infantry and artillery regiment has gone through the mill. The patriotic tribals too are fully battle inoculated and combination of the two would make an unconquerable force. The nation as a whole too is quite prepared for war since the people have become accustomed to bomb blasts and suicide attacks. Overall morale is high and it is a unique chance to gel the nation into a cohesive nation. All our economic indicators are down and the foreign debt too heavy to repay. We have nothing more to lose but India has everything to lose including its Silicon Valley. India is otherwise on the verge of getting imploded from within because of innumerable separatist movements and all its minorities fed up of brutal rule of Brahmans. Conflict with India would also rid Afghanistan of occupation forces which are otherwise in no mood to depart. So let India and its backers commit a folly of imposing war on Pakistan and regret its fatal decision."

The writer is a retired Brig and a defence and political analyst. Email: ah.raja@yahoo.com
Yes HISTORY. The present times spell out a different situation. The Army has time and time again declared they are beneath the civil government and the civil governments decision is to decide the affairs of the country.

The only decision that clashed was on the realignment of the ISI from the Army over to the civil government. The civil government doesn't have authority on such a change till it doesn't get an approval from the Parliament which it never sought.

So whatever you implied, the progression of events are contrary to it. Everything is being done by the book now.
As much as it might comfort you or me, this present stance of the PA to try to appear under the civilian ambit, its just toooooo recent. The last 60 years rings a very different bell. Compare this to other countries, where the military and intelligence and most importantly the nuclear weapons are strictly under the civil administration. On another note, I sincerely hope that this is the final stand of the PA and that the Pakistani civilian administration rules supreme in the years to come.
"History has shown that the tribesman are true pakistans and should be backed in there struggle against foreign forces."

Those are dabong1's words.

They're clear in intent.

"He did not advocate waging war upon Afghanistan, he advocated helping those who are fihting against the forces that are occupying Afghanistan."

ISAF comprises 41 nations IN Afghanistan. They operate there by mandate of the U.N. and at the invitation of the ELECTED government of Afghanistan- a gov't, btw, elected BEFORE Pakistan's latest incarnation.

Tribesmen routinely cross from Pakistan to Afghanistan to wage war upon the peoples of Afghanistan. These militias kill by intent those people and, in doing so, aborgate any claims of Pakistani sovereignty over the areas from which they eminate.

You talk big. My guess is that the good Brigadier's diatribe really struck a defiant chord with you, T-Rex. How about you collecting Thorosius, dabong1, hasang20 and yourself and doing the manly thing.

Go fight the Americans. Don't you want to carry your own weight in this struggle? Do you talk so much and walk too little? Seriously, the brigadier's rambling diatribe is EXACTLY why so many fear those with past associations to the PA and ISI. He's an excellent candidate for a serious investigation into his finances and post-retirement activities- along with his cronies. I hardly think it's spent on the golf course.

You really, really don't want the full wrath of America's military on your azz. It wouldn't be close were we to unleash ourselves without remorse as so many of you patently deserve.

Leave Afghanistan alone and mind your own fcuking considerable home-grown mess before others decide it makes the entire neighborhood reek to high heaven and take your trash out for you.
"History has shown that the tribesman are true pakistans and should be backed in there struggle against foreign forces."

Those are dabong1's words.

They're clear in intent.

"He did not advocate waging war upon Afghanistan, he advocated helping those who are fihting against the forces that are occupying Afghanistan."

ISAF comprises 41 nations IN Afghanistan. They operate there by mandate of the U.N. and at the invitation of the ELECTED government of Afghanistan- a gov't, btw, elected BEFORE Pakistan's latest incarnation.

Tribesmen routinely cross from Pakistan to Afghanistan to wage war upon the peoples of Afghanistan. These militias kill by intent those people and, in doing so, aborgate any claims of Pakistani sovereignty over the areas from which they eminate.

You talk big. My guess is that the good Brigadier's diatribe really struck a defiant chord with you, T-Rex. How about you collecting Thorosius, dabong1, hasang20 and yourself and doing the manly thing.

Go fight the Americans. Don't you want to carry your own weight in this struggle? Do you talk so much and walk too little? Seriously, the brigadier's rambling diatribe is EXACTLY why so many fear those with past associations to the PA and ISI. He's an excellent candidate for a serious investigation into his finances and post-retirement activities- along with his cronies. I hardly think it's spent on the golf course.

You really, really don't want the full wrath of America's military on your azz. It wouldn't be close were we to unleash ourselves without remorse as so many of you patently deserve.

Leave Afghanistan alone and mind your own fcuking considerable home-grown mess before others decide it makes the entire neighborhood reek to high heaven and take your trash out for you.

I say your government either lacks the balls ( you might share yours if you have any) or the ability to do anything other than whining and pushing India to do its dirty job. BTW India is not really ready to become the sacrificial lamb of your government, I believe the Indians have guessed the "harmless" intentions of your government.
As much as it might comfort you or me, this present stance of the PA to try to appear under the civilian ambit, its just toooooo recent. The last 60 years rings a very different bell. Compare this to other countries, where the military and intelligence and most importantly the nuclear weapons are strictly under the civil administration. On another note, I sincerely hope that this is the final stand of the PA and that the Pakistani civilian administration rules supreme in the years to come.
Mind you, most other countries are probably going to prefer Pakistan's military to Pakistan's civilian leadership.

As the civilians are strengthened, asking favors out of Pakistan that are against the public opinion would not be possible. In a Pakistan that is run by Public Opinion, Pakistan would've already bombed out all Indian consulates in Afghanistan and even silenced the UAV strikes.

That is where the Public Opinion is.
Pak 'shuts' 9 offices of banned charity group
Associated Press

Islamabad: Pakistan closed offices of a charity linked to a militant group suspected in the Mumbai attacks on Wednesday, a day after the outfit was declared a terrorist group by the United Nations, an official said.

Nine offices of the Jamaat-u-Dawa group were sealed in the southern city of Karachi, Sindh provincial home secretary Arif Ahmed Khan told The Associated Press.
Jemaat-u-Dawa has branches across Pakistan, as well as schools and medical clinics. It was unclear if they were all being sealed.

A Security Council panel on Wednesday declared Jamaat-ud-Dawa a terrorist group subject to U.N. sanctions including an asset freeze, travel ban and arms embargo.
The charity's hard-line Islamist chief quickly denied that it was involved in terrorism and denounced the world body's move as an attack on religious groups.

He said the group would petition the U.N. as well as national and international courts to overturn the decision.

"If India or the U.S. has any proof against Jamat-ud-Dawa, we are ready to stand in any court. We do not beg, we demand justice," Hafiz Mohammed Saeed said at a news conference in the eastern city of Lahore.

U.S. officials say the group is a front for Lashkar-e-Taiba, a banned militant group accused by India of carrying out and planning the Mumbai terror attacks last month.
A crackdown on Jamaat-ud-Dawa would underpin the promise by Pakistan to pursue those responsible for the Mumbai attacks, which left 171 dead in India's commercial capital.

But Islamabad complains that India has not shared evidence from its investigation of the attack, underlining the mistrust hampering U.S. efforts to avert a deeper crisis between nuclear-armed neighbors who have already fought three wars.
If your post was not about Haqqani, then I fail to see why you responded to Blains point with a post about the UN ban?

You seem to have a little bit of a comprehension problem, and are creating an argument where there is none. Pakistan (or Blain here) has not denied that Pakistan has links to Haqqani, just like we had links to LeT.

What is being argued is that the allegations of ISI involvement were based on a spurious argument, that just because the ISI had links to Haqqani, it was guilty.

Read again Blain was replying to my post ...........
Pakistan's Lashkar arrests, an eyewash: India


Islamabad: Pakistan confirmed on Wednesday the arrest of two men named by India as planners of the terrorist attack on Mumbai, but a senior Indian official described Pakistani actions so far as "eyewash".

Two operations commanders with the Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist group, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi and Zarrar Shah were being held, Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani told journalists in Multan city.

"They have been detained for investigation," he said, providing the first official confirmation since Lakhvi's arrest in a raid on a Lashkar camp in Pakistan occupied Kashmir on Sunday.

India has put the official death toll in the Mumbai terror attack at 179, and public anger with Pakistan is running high.

The United States has engaged in intensive diplomacy to stop tensions mounting between India and Pakistan and to keep Islamabad focused on fighting the Taliban and al Qaeda threat on its border with Afghanistan.

While other media have reported up to 40 people had been arrested, Pakistani intelligence officials told Reuters only around a dozen people have been detained, mostly in the raid on a camp outside Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistan occupied Kashmir.

Pakistan military spokesman Major-General Athar Abbas said an operation against banned terrorist organisations remained underway, and was being carried out in several places.

The prime minister said he had no up-to-date information on whether Maulana Masood Azhar, the leader of the Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorist group, was also detained, as some media have reported.


Pakistan has been advised by the United States to take swift, transparent action to cooperate with India in the investigation into the slaughter in India's financial capital.
Islamabad, however, has said anyone arrested and accused of involvement in the Mumbai attack will be tried in Pakistan.

Skepticism abounds in India over the sincerity of Pakistan's actions because of alleged past ties between the Pakistani military's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency and groups like Lashkar and Jaish that had fought Indian rule in Kashmir.

"This is an eyewash. We want action that meets our concern," a senior Indian government official, who asked to remain anonymous, told Reuters. "There is no modicum of doubt about the complicity of elements of Pakistan, including the ISI," the official said. A Pakistani daily, The News, reported on Tuesday there were also arrests made and records seized during raids on offices of the Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) charity in the Mansehra and Chakdra districts of North West Frontier Province.

The charity, which has thousands of followers, is widely regarded as a front for Lashkar-e-Toiba. India has asked the UN Security Council to add JuD to a UN terrorist list. Pakistan has kept the charity on a watch list after banning both Lashkar and Jaish in 2001, when their raid on the Indian Parliament almost caused a fourth war with India.


Having interrogated one gunman caught alive, Indian police have released names and photographs of the nine shot dead in the three-day assault, and revealed where they came from in Pakistan.

They were part of a group of 30 trained for suicide missions, a top police officer said. "The other 20 were trained to carry out other missions. They did not come to India, they must have gone elsewhere," Deven Bharti, a deputy police commissioner, told Reuters on Wednesday.

Investigations into possible links with home-grown Indian Islamic terrorists have focused on five suspects. Police were following up leads related to two Indian Muslims caught in northern India in February.

One had maps of Mumbai that highlighted several city landmarks hit in the attack. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has said there was no doubt the militants behind the attack operated from Pakistan.

Neither Azhar nor his Jaish group have been mentioned as suspects in the attack on Mumbai. But Azhar is one of the most-wanted men in India, and was on a list of 20 terrorists and criminals New Delhi asked Pakistan to hand over in the wake of the attacks to show its cooperation.

Representatives of the Azhar family and intelligence officials told Reuters on Tuesday that media reports the jihadi leader was under house arrest were incorrect. Confusion over his status was sown by Pakistan's Defence Minister Chaudhry Mukhtar Ahmed in comments to CNN-IBN and a report in The News daily. Chaudhry told Reuters he had not been confirming anyone's arrest, but merely repeating names already carried in the media.
"History has shown that the tribesman are true pakistans and should be backed in there struggle against foreign forces."

Those are dabong1's words.

They're clear in intent..

The same way the US has backed the "freedom movements" of various latin american countries is the same way pakistan should back the pro freedom movements in afghanistan.

You forget that the US is hosting wanted mass murder's/terrorists all with the full cooperation of the US govt...,one example being Luis Posada Carriles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

"He did not advocate waging war upon Afghanistan, he advocated helping those who are fihting against the forces that are occupying Afghanistan."

ISAF comprises 41 nations IN Afghanistan. They operate there by mandate of the U.N. and at the invitation of the ELECTED government of Afghanistan- a gov't, btw, elected BEFORE Pakistan's latest incarnation.

Tribesmen routinely cross from Pakistan to Afghanistan to wage war upon the peoples of Afghanistan. These militias kill by intent those people and, in doing so, aborgate any claims of Pakistani sovereignty over the areas from which they eminate.

Pakistan goal should be some sort of loose confederation with afghanistan....if northern afghanistan whats to come along...the better.

[You talk big. My guess is that the good Brigadier's diatribe really struck a defiant chord with you, T-Rex. How about you collecting Thorosius, dabong1, hasang20 and yourself and doing the manly thing..

Why dont you...do the manly thing..?

[You really, really don't want the full wrath of America's military on your azz. It wouldn't be close were we to unleash ourselves without remorse as so many of you patently deserve..


Leave Afghanistan alone and mind your own fcuking considerable home-grown mess before others decide it makes the entire neighborhood reek to high heaven and take your trash out for you.

Why dont you fukc off back to hicksville?
We do what we want in afghanistan.

We can cut your supply lines tommorow if we want.....dont you find it strange that as soon NATO/US start getting a bit to clever for tjhere own good theres a few attacks on supply depots and trucks.
Its just a warning.....back the fuks off.
I hope the "Trio of terrorist" US,israel and india are clever and back down ,otherwise you will pay a heavy price for your stupidity.
I note Carriles pardon by the Panamanian government in 2000.

I note his arrest in America where he was held for two years. I note that his trial found in his favor despite recommendations of the U.S. Justice Dept. So released, I note his extradition to Venezuela barred for reasons of his personal safety.

It would seem that the U.S. gov't didn't get it's way and that justice has been served as determined by a judge under our laws. Bummer but that's how it goes in a democracy. Had OBL surrendered, he'd likely had the same opportunities- and more.

Take a moment and consider the lesson- and my government's reaction.

"Pakistan goal should be some sort of loose confederation with afghanistan....if northern afghanistan whats to come along...the better."

Maybe the afghani government might someday agree. Suggesting a partition to fragment the nation to your ends is cute. My compliments as you'd create the pashtu puppet regime so desired if successful-and then, perhaps, an opportunity to control those pashtus.

I note the profound failure of Pakistan to do so with the taliban regime when they held sway and so doubt that any aspect of this interesting contrivance shall come to past.

"Why dont you...do the manly thing..?"

Serve my nation? I did so as an honorably discharged artillery officer of the U.S. Army for twelve years. Can you say anything remotely similar without lying?

"We do what we want in afghanistan."

No, actually you don't yet however much you might like otherwise. Because so many of your tribal peers feel that right to meddle in the affairs of another nation, though, it makes necessary the use of PREDATOR and REAPER against targets in FATAland and easy the justification to do so.

"Why dont you fukc off back to hicksville?"

Every chance I get I'm in the boonies flyfishing. I'll do so soon again. Thanks.

"Its just a warning.....back the fuks off."

It'll carry just that much more weight when you march west carrying a weapon to Afghanistan with your friends. I hope that you'll do so. Sincerely. I believe that you'll feel better having made the commitment to place your life at risk for a cause. Any cause.

Have a nice day, dabong1, and good luck achieving your goals.:)
Right any more "manly" chest beating will now incur infractions and warnings. Most of you are old enough and ugly enough to know better.
Countrywide crack down against Daawa continues

Updated at: 1310 PST, Friday, December 12, 2008
LAHORE: The crackdown against Jamaat-ud-Daawa continued countrywide after ban imposed on the outfit by interior ministry.

Chief of Daawa Hafiz Saeed and other key leaders put under house arrest as the police sealed Daawa offices and nabbed many of its activists in several cities of Punjab.

According to police sources, the central office of Dawa Jamia Alqadsia had been sealed here.

In Pak Pattan, police arrested three persons after sealing two centers Ayesha Siddiqua and Mubarak Masjid of Dawa.

Meanwhile, seventeen people were arrested during raids in Checha Watni, Vehari, Sahiwal, Bhawalpur, Bhawalnagar, Okara, Kasur, Sheikhupura, Gujranwala, Gujrat and other districts. The police also sealed the offices in these areas.

Also, the two offices of Jamaat-ud-Dawa sealed by police and administration in federal capital.

The police sealed the Jamaat-ud-Dawa’s office in sector I-8 after the Interior Ministry imposed a ban on the outfit.

Sources said that some arrests were also made; however, local police station could not confirm the arrests. Another office of Jamaat-ud-Dawa was sealed in sector G-6.
Crack down against Jamaat-ud-Daawa in Jhelum
Updated at: 1145 PST, Friday, December 12, 2008
JHELUM: The crackdown against Jamaat-ud-Daawa carried out in Jhelum on Friday after ban imposed on the outfit by United Nations.

According to Geo News correspondent, adminstration, police and law enforcement agencies launched operation against Daawa in different parts of the city on Friday.

More than ten offices, dispensaries were sealed during the operation. No arrest was made in the operation.
Operation against JuD to prevent country being declared terrorist state: Mukhtar

ISLAMABAD ( 2008-12-12 17:18:19 ) Defence Minister Ahmed Mukhtar on Friday said the government acted against Jamaatud Dawah in accordance with the United Nations Security Council resolution in order to prevent the country from being declared a terrorist state.

“We are part of the international community and cannot afford confrontation with the whole world,” he told the media persons after receiving pilgrims who arrived on the first post-Hajj flight at the Benazir Bhutto International Airport.

Appreciating President Asif Ali Zardari’s acumen for handling the issue in an effective manner he said, “Peace is always the best solution to all the problems.”

He said, “Such a situation does not arise every day and it is responsibility of the government to handle it properly.”

He said wars are not solutions to problems, adding that the nation is still paying price of the wars of 1965, 1971 and the Afghan war.

About defence preparations in the wake of external threats, the Minister said the armed forces are fully capable to defend the homeland. “We are not afraid of anyone but want to live with peace.”

Responding to a question, he said the US officials who recently visited Pakistan have expressed satisfaction over the government’s efforts for maintaining peace in the region.

“War on terror is our own war and in the interest of the country,” Ahmed Mukhtar reiterated.

He said any person or organization found trying to de-stabilize the country would be tackled with iron hands.

Commenting on the performance of PIA during Hajj flight operation, he said the operation of national flag carrier has been very successful.

“For the first time the entire fleet of PIA was utilized during the Hajj flight operation,” he added.

He felicitated the entire staff of PIA and expressed the confidence that soon it would become a profitable organization.
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