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Pakistan surprised by its inclusion in military alliance

Jai Bharat

Oct 24, 2015
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United States
Normally, you'd be right, but history is disturbingly starting to repeat itself. Pakistan left the TTP alone, because it thought that they would eventually collapse, if peace talks were initiated, which didn't happen. ISIS is the new gang in town, and while Pakistan will never negotiate with them, it seems that Pakistan is once again using a "wait and see" approach.

Besides, who says that Pakistan would have to send a military force in the first place? ISIS already exists in south Asia, joining this alliance would open up new resources for Pakistan to fight them. Pakistan can use the excuse that it's already fighting ISIS, and not have to send any soldier over seas, which would appease the alliance, and it would give Pakistan an opportunity to acquire newer defense aquisitions.

I don't see this rationale being any meaningfully different than the US offer on join terrorism. Especially the bolded, with regards to US defence aid.

Being pro-active doesn't mean joining some foreign group with different interests than your own. This isn't about ISIS. While ISIS was beheading people and killing children, Saudis were invading Yemen. In fact, Iran has done MORE to fight ISIS than SA ever has or will do. A lot of money, support, and fighters for ISIS itself actually comes from the GCC nations as I am sure you know.

For SA, fighting Iran proxies is their main, explicit goal. It always has been as far as actions go. They want a constant lap-dog union that will go after Iranian interests wherever they may be, because SA sees the writing on the wall and knows that their oil hegemony is coming to an end. There is absolutely no reason to get involved with this proxy war.

EDIT: @mods What just happened to all the posts above mine?
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I am quite stunned to read this news.
Pakistani army is not some chichoo ki maliya that any country could name it and made it as a part of any xyz alliance.Pakistani regime and Pakistan military is only answerable to Allah(swt) and their nation: Our strength and power is reserved for the real enemy rather than setting up someone's personal score.
Our main threat resides right next to us and Afghani condition is still not favorable enough.We cannot afford to jump into any war,unless we will not be able to establish better peaceful terms with India,as well as terror outfits migrating from Afghanistan and trying to set their hideouts in tribal areas.
Our millitary's main objective is to defeat and win this 4+ generation warfare and alhamdullilah we are very close to it-then we have to gain more economical stability and strengthening ourselves.

This is so funny and sad at the same time. So they included Pakistan without even asking it. I wonder where all those Pakistan members who were saying we should send forces to Saudi Arabia and protect it and dire for them.
My friend,
The beauty about about Pakistan is that it is a country where both shia and sunni masses are living together,so you will sense some difference of opinion,and within or among Pakistanis themselves.

On a lighter note.. one can imagine the Saudis being like the classmate that drags people into their own causes by making them supporters of self serving petitions:

"I want to make smoking legal near the classrooms... and even shabbir here agrees with me!"
And Shabbir goes like "Who Me? Doing what? Who's smoking? Thats Illegal?... What what?"

That's brilliant and so true. I fell on the floor laughing.
Again,you are wasting you time with these ''pop ups''.Just few days back,same masses were calling Pakistanis as slaves of Arabs, lol.

Indians will love if Pakistan gets pre occupied in another conflict, since they r the ones supporting Daesh in South Asia. Its a nice replacement of TTP.
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I don't see this rationale being any meaningfully different than the US offer on join terrorism. Especially the bolded, with regards to US defence aid.

Being pro-active doesn't mean joining some foreign group with different interests than your own. This isn't about ISIS. While ISIS was beheading people and killing children, Saudis were invading Yemen. In fact, Iran has done MORE to fight ISIS than SA ever has or will do. A lot of money, support, and fighters for ISIS itself actually comes from the GCC nations as I am sure you know.

For SA, fighting Iran proxies is their main, explicit goal. It always has been as far as actions go. They want a constant lap-dog union that will go after Iranian interests wherever they may be, because SA sees the writing on the wall and knows that their oil hegemony is coming to an end. There is absolutely no reason to get involved with this proxy war.

What is Pakistan going to say ? I am not part of an alliance to fight terrorism.

On a lighter note.. one can imagine the Saudis being like the classmate that drags people into their own causes by making them supporters of self serving petitions:

"I want to make smoking legal near the classrooms... and even shabbir here agrees with me!"
And Shabbir goes like "Who Me? Doing what? Who's smoking? Thats Illegal?... What what?"

Appeasement ?

Do nations send their soldiers abroad & put them in harms way to appease another nation or a group thereof ?

How in your opinion will it help your nation if a ' token' force is sent to engage the ISIS abroad ? Will it stop their proliferation in your nation ?

Is the proliferation taking place through the foot soldiers of ISIS or through ' other sources' ? Will sending tokens abroad stop the other sources at home ?

Pak has been very intelligently been placed between a rock & a hard place by KSA. Either way its in a jam.

Your views .. @Icarus ?

The best way to get out of the Jam is to state that it is part of the alliance but will act independently. First move being closing down the Saudi Funded extremist schools. Lets see how long the invitation lasts.

How does one be in an alliance & act independently ?

Closing down KSA funded organizations & schools is easier said than done . It should have happened alongside Zab e Azb. There is no point in tackling the bad men on the frontiers when more are being spawned daily at home.

True enough, but what can be done?

While you are correct in your assessment, but the problem is deeper than simple Saudi hysteria. There is a global shift happening which is replacing the world order which emerged after the end of cold war. New centers of power are emerging and US is trying to stay aloft of all this. For instance the US strategic policy shift towards East Asia and eastern Europe in order to contain China and Russia. These are tectonic changes in geopolitical terms.

Saudis have been a puppet of America since 1930's. And US is abandoning them since they see no role for them in the coming decades both because of the incompetency of Saudis themselves as well as because the only thing which used to make Saudis important to US is fast losing its previous importance; oil. With newer technologies such as shale and fracking, and with greater emphasis on carbon free economy, Saudi Arabia will be an over populated desert on the verge of famine. Do not be surprised if in coming decades, Saudis will be begging places like Pakistan or India for food aid.

Because of this, Saudis are trying to make themselves relevant to geopolitical matters, playing a double game, trying to convince West that the world needs them to fight geopolitical fights with Iran. For this they are offering two versions of their "strength": violent takfirism and the idea of a Saudi Arabia commanding a "alliance" of puppets who accept Saudi Arabia as their commander by the virtue of them owning the holiest sites of Islam.

Saudis will fail. This game they are playing is way out of their class and competence. They are just bankrupting themselves. You might ask then why Saudis do not invest this money into an economy which can sustain them into the future instead of squandering it on such a game. The reason is very simple, because Saudi Arabia as a political entity is as artificial as a rose garden in the middle of desert. It has no legitimacy. The entire legitimacy of Saudi Arabia rests on a tribal agreement between house of saud and the the Wahabi ideologues. Under this agreement the house of saud was given political authority in return for their support of Wahabism. It is a symbiotic relationship. And it is brutal and perpetually getting even more brutal.

The moments Sauds try to reform or distance themselves from Wahabism, their political legitimacy ends. That is why Sauds have to allow Wahabis wreak havoc around the world in order to keep their throne. That is why they will have to fight Iranian interests in order to remain legitimate rulers. And that is why they feel so scared to abandoned by United States since without American support, Saudis will not be able to survive even for three weeks and now that Americans have told them to go and forage for themselves, they are finding it damn hard to live on their own.

True, but I would be more specific. This isn't about ISIS for KSA, or even half the nations mentioned, but it is for Pakistan...okay that's half true, the other half is about repairing the damaged bridge that was cause last time Pakistan refused.




Because you & I can debate these ideals but at the end those in the corridors of power have much more self serving or self aggrandizing ideals driving them.
The only thing that will change is when the mistake smacks them in their face, or leads to the eventuality that we all fear now and they will then realize.

You cannot convince them that they are wrong, nor those that support them that they are wrong.

One does it tactfully as the Turks did(until Erdogan went full Sultan) in this recent Syrian conflict. Lessons learnt from the s Yemen "NO" can be applied if they were ever learnt. All it takes is saying "Inshallah".

However, as is clearly evident; there is less of the utopian ideal and more of the mix of intelligence, foolhardiness and overcautious movement that is the hallmark of most Leadership that is build on Compromise.

Let it be clear. Despite the media "analysis" and that of NYT, WSJ or Time magazine; The Army does not control Pakistan.
Both it and the civilians play a game of "Who blinks first". The Army may seem to have the upper hand, but that is a sweaty upper hand that fears a sudden backlash. The Politicians may seem weak or bought out, but that is the act of a cornered cat that is trying to less aggressive whilst it searches for an exit. Both are fearful of the other: the Cat of being attacked in its most vulnerable and the other afraid of a violent backlash by the cat,

Who says that be put in harms way? And such things happen all the time. An example, a number of nations went into Iraq and Afghanistan during their invasions, but a lot of them saw little to no action.

They're not meant to engage them abroad. Please read my comments before typing this, I've already addressed this.

Already addressed.

And what will KSA do if it is rejected? They'll get pissy, but nothing will change much in terms of ground reality.

In Pakistan, we may have different mindsets like military policy, civilian policy, NGO policy, fundamentalist policy etc. Everygroup in Pakistan have their own policy but in India, they have only one policy, "AKHAND BHARAT" and the domination of "HINDUVTA"

I think the example given by you is not applicable in the context of ISIS. There were no Iraqis or afghanis at home whom nations who sent troops had to fear.

In this case the ground work by ISIS is well underway.

In any case what would troops be sent for if they were not to engage the ISIS ? The fact that they have been sent would be sufficient for ISIS protagonists to have the tails up .

What then in your mind would be the role of troops sent ?

Are you sure ?

KSA funded elements have deep roots in your nation.

Joining a military alliance is not like accepting an invite for dinner. Mere ' Inshallah' wont do.

Once joined, nations will be asked to put their troops where their mouth is.

The easiest thing is to bite the bullet & pull out of the alliance. It would imply putting your cards on the table once & for all.

Actually it would. It is the same Inshallah Pakistan gave KSA for years regarding Iran.

Good luck

Oh it is needed. After all.. the power of Inshallah(and not God's will itself) is truly limited by the gullibility of the target.

who are you quoting and replying? your is the first post in this thread
I don't know whether to laugh or get angry at the incompetence and arrogance displayed by the Saudis here.
Guys instead of presenting suggestions and fighting with each other we should think about the real threat to sunnis ,
First threat is ISIS( a proxy of Israel, america and Iran)
Second threat is economic, all muslims Sunni countries should form an alliance not only for military purpose but for economic purpose as well,
Iran has a dream to reestablish the Persian empire again and Israel is pushing muslims into proxy wars to regain control over historical kingdom of judah. So all sunnis must be very aware and alert.
This is what i call a big lie from people like you. You know its Saudi,Isreal and US behind ISIS not Iran. Iran is a muslim country. Saudis are more pro Isreal than pro Iran. Someone who reads kalma vs someone who totally deny it. If pakistan will be allied it needs to be allied with Islamic world not shiaa nor sunni alliance. You seem like a shia hater dude i am shia and am a proud pakistani would you walk all over my opnion just to please another master? Prince Salman thinks he owns Pak army and consistently trying to undermine Pakistan. Someone needs to straigthen him out Pak fauj kisi kay baap ki nahi kay jo chay jo bhi baq they.Let me be clear Pakistan will not shall not become part of any sunni or shia alliance. Saudis are our brothers so is Iran.
No one is looking at the bigger picture here. Despite having some of the most advanced american high tech weaponary in the world, the Saudi military has performed disasterously against the Houthi rebels. Because of this the Saudi's are painfully aware that they need others for protection. As the Pakistan military (much like the Iranians) are used to keeping enemies that 5-9 times bigger than us with much more high tech weaponary at bay, they see us as a valuable asset in terms of defence. Hence our inclusion in the alliance. What the Saudi-Houthi conflict has shown is that advanced high tech weapons cannot guarantee victory. It's the fighting man that does. And the Saudis know that we have many such men all over Pakistan.

This is what i call a big lie from people like you. You know its Saudi,Isreal and US behind ISIS not Iran. Iran is a muslim country. Saudis are more pro Isreal than pro Iran. Someone who reads kalma vs someone who totally deny it. If pakistan will be allied it needs to be allied with Islamic world not shiaa nor sunni alliance. You seem like a shia hater dude i am shia and am a proud pakistani would you walk all over my opnion just to please another master? Prince Salman thinks he owns Pak army and consistently trying to undermine Pakistan. Someone needs to straigthen him out Pak fauj kisi kay baap ki nahi kay jo chay jo bhi baq they.Let me be clear Pakistan will not shall not become part of any sunni or shia alliance. Saudis are our brothers so is Iran.

Brother, I am a sunni Pakistani and I love Iran and the Shia. So do most Sunni Pakistanis.
this is 2nd time the saudis have done this on purpose (placing pakistani flag amongst other nations). This is done to put pressure on Pakistan, very sinister games being played. Lets be realistic which of those muslims countries have helped pakistan fight terrorists. This coalition first stop should be Pakistan

Furthermore this is PR stunt to sell to docile saudi citizens how great and islamic their royals are. Failure in yemen and Syria falling out of their reach.

Why? Its just an expression of the Saudi "brotherly feelings".
And now the saudis need all the brothers that they can find, to extricate them and the GCC from the Yemeni mess.

Saudis are so desperate in yemen they will take who ever they can Yemen: Briton killed leading secret Latino legion of mercenaries shines light on murky world of 'dogs of war'
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