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Pakistan surprised by its inclusion in military alliance

There is alot of talk about Isis in Afghanistan. But I do not think Isis will ever gain a foothold in Afghanistan. Isis is an Arab phenomenon. They won't be able to survive in Taliban's Pathan culture codes.

And rest assured that this coalition is just on paper and even not that. The only good thing that can come off of it, is for some countries to milk Saudis for money. Egypt just for allowing the Saudis to write the name of Egypt in this coalition got 8 billion dollars cash plus 5 years of free oil supply worth billions of dollars. And they won't even contribute a single soldier, it is just for using the name of Egypt. As they had earlier charged Saudi Arabia billions of dollars to have their name written in Yemen coalition towards which Egypt contributed exactly ZERO soldiers on the ground.

I was saying since yesterday that Iran should have been included in the muslim coalition, otherwise it would complicate regional geopolitical situation ...there are only 3 formidable militaries in 50+ muslim majority countries (Pak, Turkey & Iran)...excluding Iran is not a good decision !!!
Mohammad raza shah pehlvi,s father in Iran

they all revolt against the caliphate usmania of turkey in 1919 AD
Get your facts right, Mohamadreza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran was born in 1919, so he couldn't have revolted against holy caliphate in 1919.

And guess what?Iran wasn't an Ottoman state, then how the hell did it 'revolt' against Ottomans?

Also, Gemal Abdelnasser passed away in 1970.

Seriously, wtf?
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I think Pakistan should be a part of this alliance.Terrorism is cancer and terrorists r giving a bad name to Islam.
I was saying since yesterday that Iran should have been included in the muslim coalition, otherwise it would complicate regional geopolitical situation ...there are only 3 formidable militaries in 50+ muslim majority countries (Pak, Turkey & Iran)...excluding Iran is not a good decision !!!
They plan to fight against Iranian and Russian backed Asadi forces... I agree with you, they should of add Russia in the list too.. :P

I think Pakistan should be a part of this alliance.Terrorism is cancer and terrorists r giving a bad name to Islam.
They also plan to go to Afganistan... all together, they can cut this cancer from Islamic world... Otherwise, the world will use the term islam next to terrorism..
All the Mulims of the world were united under the caliphate usmania of turkey. ALsaud bin abdul aziz in hejaz, Jamal abdul nasar in Egypt, Kamal atta turk in turkey, hafeez al asad ( father of bashar al asad ) in Syria, Mohammad raza shah pehlvi,s father in Iran. they all revolt against the caliphate usmania of turkey in 1919 AD on the name of Independence. They are responsible for the ending of caliphate of the four centuries. they became hero of their nations. The name of hejaz convert in Saudi arab according to the name of Saud bin abdul aziz. They were the perfidious of ISLAM. They did it in the in trust of Great Britain ( the super power of that time ). we have no need of their collation. They will not participate in the Pak India war.

When exactly Iran was a part of Ottmani empire? :o:
Too bad .
They are mocking govt establishments in Pakistan
We do respect our Saudi brothers but Pakistan should not join the alliance.
ISIS can't be defeated from any super power...........not even next 100 years.

That's because it has been created with a purpose. Powers who have created it would never want to finish it.
Pakistan should join the alliance and should help other countries to combat terrorism.Muslims Alliance against terrorism will show the world that terrorists r misusing the Name of Islam.Islam has nothing to do with terrorism.
Pakistan should join the alliance and should help other countries to combat terrorism.Muslims Alliance against terrorism will show the world that terrorists r misusing the Name of Islam.Islam has nothing to do with terrorism.

Seems like some idiots, false flaggers and the Indians are eagerly waiting for Pakistan to make another huge mistake by joining the Middle East conflict. Then the Indian supported terrorist groups will start attacking Pakistan's strategic, military and nuclear installations while claiming loyalty to ISIS, Al Qaeeda, Talibans, etc. Pakistan is NOT going to join the Middle East conflict.
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