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Pakistan Supports India for United Nations Security Council Seat

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Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Pakistan Supports India for United Nations Security Council Seat

India’s campaign to secure a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council received a major boost on Friday as 53 nations from the Asia region endorsed its candidature.

According to an official statement from India’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations, 19 countries, including Pakistan, “spoke in favour of the proposal to endorse New Delhi’s candidature for the two-tear term in the Security Council starting January 1, 2011.”

If India does secure the seat, it will be the first time in 19 years that it will occupy a seat on the Council.

The UNSC has 15 members, including five permanent members and 10 non-permanent members, of which two are from Asia. Each member of the Council has a vote, while only the five permanent members can veto a resolution.

India is currently running unopposed after the withdrawal of the Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan from the fray. Even if India goes to the election without an opponent it will still need to secure two-thirds of the votes of the 192 member countries of the United Nations General Assembly that comprise the electoral college.

India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Hardeep Singh Puri, recently said he was “personally” optimistic about India’s prospects in the October 2010 election, as he said it was “unlikely” that another country would be a late entrant in the contest.

“We still have to win the election, we have to get the required number of votes which I think is doable,” he said.

The 19 nations speaking in favour of the proposal to endorse India’s candidature at the monthly meeting of the Asian group included all of India’s neighbours China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Indonesia and United Arab Emirates.

Pak supports India for UNSC- Hindustan Times
Is that right or a deliberate disinformation campaign by the India’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations? If thats is true, the people of Pakistan will eat Zardari regime alive.
dude they are not supporting india for a permanent seat!!!!!its for the non-permanent one......so chillax since your buddy china has veto
Is that right or a deliberate disinformation campaign by the India’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations? If thats is true, the people of Pakistan will eat Zardari regime alive.

I dont see ur logic mate, unless ur Zardari have taken a presidential oath to oppose India's every move.:disagree:
Is that right or a deliberate disinformation campaign by the India’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations? If thats is true, the people of Pakistan will eat Zardari regime alive.

Wow!! what an interpretation..

It is not a movie promotion. And these campaign don't work in UN, K then Eat Zardari himself.
Fortunately The Government of Pakistan and Government of India do not hate each other as many people in this forum do. If you do a careful research, Pakistan and India cooperate on many world forums and also support each other's candidature.

Yes there are a few areas of disagreement but remember no democratic government of Pakistan went to war with India officially. Neither do they hate each other because of religion. The jingoism of either Government is to create mass hysteria to cover up some of the shortfalls in the other areas. These threads are taken up by televangalists and they come out with their theories and hate programs. And we common people become victims and dance to their tunes.

Yes China would not support India's candidature for permanent seat (though it was India who gave away and supported China for the same !!!). Neither does India expect it to happen very soon. But yes the restructuring of UNSC is required keeping in tune with the present world order.

Let us not give away to jingoism and hatred towards each other. Let us use this forum for constructive purpose and learn from each other's experience and knowledge. Hatred does not help us come closer. There will be disagreement (which is natural between two human beings) but that should not be an impediment to learn from each others in other areas as all are (including countries) unique by nature.

I don't see any reason why Pakistan should Support India for Non permanent Security Council seat , even if we do what would be that for ... Supporting Terrorism In Pakistan ?
hmmm So is there any possibility Zardari will node to vote for Bharat/India?????
that'll be his last day as president..
Is that right or a deliberate disinformation campaign by the India’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations? If thats is true, the people of Pakistan will eat Zardari regime alive.
I would favor such support if and only if India resolves the Kashmir to the satisfaction of the people. As long as that occupation continues, no such support should be shown. However, a willingness to cooperate on other issues must always exist.
I would favor such support if and only if India resolves the Kashmir to the satisfaction of the people. As long as that occupation continues, no such support should be shown. However, a willingness to cooperate on other issues must always exist.

We should also get all OIC members on board !
I will also support india to get such 2 years non permanent unsc seat.

It would be a good chance to let india understand how international community work on global issues and thus india can figure out its own very limited importance in that matter.

A better informed and educated india can make this world safer.
Even for the non-permanent seat, its a big gesture towards normalizing relations - I hope it is seen that way.

I agree.. the sad thing is that big positive gestures (on both sides) pale in front of relatively smaller hate speeches by fundamintalists on both sides.. A lot to do with the media... They only publicize the sensational bits...
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