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Pakistan summons Iranian envoy over army chief's provocative remarks


Jun 28, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan today summoned Iranian ambassador to express its concern over Iran army chief's remarks that Tehran will hit "safe havens" of terrorists in Pakistan until Islamabad takes steps to stop militants from carrying out cross-border attacks.

Iran's state news agency IRNA yesterday quoted Major General Mohammed Baqeri as saying that "unless Pakistan control(s) the borders, arrest(s) the terrorist and shut(s) down their bases...we will hit their safe havens and cells wherever they are".

Baqeri's remarks came after Iranian border troops were killed in a clash with militants.

Ten Iranian border guards were killed by militants last month. Iran said Jaish-al-Adl, a militant group, had shot the guards with long-range guns, fired from inside Pakistan.

Pakistan's Foreign Office (FO) said in a statement that the Iranian Ambassador to Pakistan was called for "conveying Pakistan's concerns".

"It was conveyed to the Iranian Ambassador that such remarks were against the spirit of brotherly relations existing between the two countries," it said.

The Foreign Office said recently the frequency of high- level exchanges from both the sides has strengthened the bilateral cooperation and during the visit of the Iranian Foreign Minister to Islamabad on May 3, the two sides agreed to enhance cooperation on the border issues.

The porous Iran-Pakistan border has long been plagued by drug smugglers and Sunni militants, both of whom occasionally clash with Iranian security forces.


The terror state of Iran is barking about a single incident while it recruits and trains thousands of Shia Pakistanis to fight for the terrorist Mullah and Murderous Assad in Syria, once the war is finished in Syria, those people will return home to form a Hezbollah-like terrorist organization to destabilize Pakistan.
The Iranian and Afghanistan's recent acts reminds me a poem about Talking skull,

Don't do or talk when you know you have to apologize at the end with humiliation.
Just work together and increase border security, its in both of our interests
Its Proxies everywhere now.Iran has also jumped in at multiple fronts but They Dont realise messing with your own neighbours dont leave you untouched for long.Long Live Iran Long Live pakistan.
The Foreign Office (FO) on Tuesday cautioned Tehran that a warning issued by the Iranian army chief a day earlier was against the "spirit of brotherly relations" between Pakistan and Iran.

The FO summoned Iranian Ambassador Mehdi Honardoost to convey Pakistan's concerns regarding a warning issued by Maj Gen Mohammad Baqeri that Tehran would hit 'militant safe havens' inside Pakistan if the government did not confront militants who carried out cross-border attacks last month.

"We expect Pakistani officials to control the borders, arrest the terrorists and shut down their bases," Baqeri had said on Monday. "If the terrorist attacks continue, we will hit their safe havens and cells, wherever they are," he added.

During his meeting with the ambassador, FO Spokesperson Nafees Zakaria, highlighting an improvement in bilateral relations between the two countries, urged Iran to refrain from making statements that would harm relations, according to the statement.

Zakaria said an agreement had already been reached to "enhance cooperation on border issues" during the visit of Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif on May 3.

Zarif in his visit had asked Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to improve border security, and Pakistan had assured Iran it would deploy additional troops along its border.
Its good that the foreign ministry for once in their existence has decided to be more proactive; lets see whether the Iranians will double down, or admit that the statement was unnecessary.

procative at wrong place in wrong time. Now Pakistan has one more front in addition to india and Afghanistan. Had Pakistan taken some action against these terrorist (which acts against Pakistan interest as well), situation would have been better.
It started with the "Last" Afgan, now BD, who's next??? Iran!!!!

*Here Last "xxx" implies Karzai/Ghani/Adbullah/Hasina/Hamini/Ruhani/Solemani etc. Will these folks bandwagon Modi the Melun and Doval the Devil till the gates of Jehennem???? By the by, Modi/Yogi/Doval will be dropped at the 6th Jehennem. So, the 7th is the last stoppage for these scums along with Iblis and his cohorts!!!!

Is iran capable to face the counter attack by Pakistan??
Last time they fought a "real" war for 9 years they lost a million folks and sent even 14-yaer olds, collected from football fields, to the front!!!! I could never find what was the ultimate outcome!!! Ahh, if it is like kids and women and old folks like in Halep, they can slay even Dragons!!!!!
if pak want to tackle india then increase intelligence with afghans.. fence the border with radar surveillance, small forts & check posts.. secondly start the economical projects with iran i.e iran-pak gas pipeline & chabahar-gwadar to china & russia via black sea...3rd try to make a trade junction in afghanistan for ME (impossible until china & russia don't participate in afghanistan )

you have to understand the reality that this is not a NAPALEONE BONAPARTE era.. now strategies have been changed to counter opposite side and the 5th generation strategy is chinese strategy to counter the enemy which is economy. let india waste their time and money meanwhile pak should focus on economy and should eradicate the loopholes in defence. i am not going to argue with you. but let me say that any country cant be offensive until defensive strategies are too weak.. india can be defeated by only mentioned advice in my comment above otherwise there will be a war.. and seriously no one cant get anything by war except losing everything. every country have more then one enemy and we cant lose everything by fighting war with just one enemy.
It started with the "Last" Afgan, now BD, who's next??? Iran!!!!

*Here Last "xxx" implies Karzai/Ghani/Adbullah/Hasina/Hamini/Ruhani/Solemani etc. Will these folks bandwagon Modi the Melun and Doval the Devil till the gates of Jehennem???? By the by, Modi/Yogi/Doval will be dropped at the 6th Jehennem. So, the 7th is the last stoppage for these scums along with Iblis and his cohorts!!!!

Last time they fought a "real" war for 9 years they lost a million folks and sent even 14-yaer olds, collected from football fields, to the front!!!! I could never find what was the ultimate outcome!!! Ahh, if it is like kids and women and old folks like in Halep, they can slay even Dragons!!!!!

Bro you know Iranians are dancing on the beats of Indians just like the Monkey , they don't even know any attack on Pakistan will legitimize the GCC alliance and boost its important cause eventually Saudi's will jump in , they wont be leaving any chance to have a fight between Iran and Pakistan, and with Arab state helping Pakistan, later Pakistan moving its forces in to Yemen means end of Houthies within a year or so ..
thing is as many senior and sensible members are talking its just a statement issued for a certain people, you know who they are :) they are already jumping on how Iran can invade and attack Pakistan .. those cow loving monkey's are feeling the heat on LoC and their Kashmir operations are getting failed one after another, its just a divide tactics and Iranians are just looking for some billion dollars investments from the same Holy cow :)
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