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Pakistan suffers reverses in offensive against militants

"why do you want a journalist pass for? "

Might keep me alive if captured by the taliban. Might keep me from being arrested as a C.I.A. agent or BLACKWATER guy until I get captured by the taliban.

I'll feel fine once I'm with a battalion downrange. They're soldiers and I can relate...:agree:

“”If PA has to make a deal with the devil and in the process it saves the lives of brave soldiers and finishes off these WILD Eyed Guys at the earliest, then I am sure the good General Kayani will be the first to sign on.””

I agree! Some day the united British Indian Army circa 1930 will be revived, Forward Area Policy put in place and these wild people pacified. Back in 1946 Sqn Ldr Arjun Singh served as the Base Commander IAF Station Kohat. He was a kinda expert in bombing tribesmen to submission.
Sh!t dude, no time at all some rifle battalion would have two old white fcuks running around with pencils in one hand and G-3s in the other.

So much for our non-combatant status. Right out the window.

P.S.: Get momma to air-express us some big fat steaks and brewskis for night-time in the boonies...

Uh huh...:agree:

Just like the Air-Cav Colonel in Apolcalypse Now-steak fry on the L.Z. down in the heart of darkness!

Wouldn't ol' Joseph Conrad be eating his heart out up in Heaven/hell?:smokin:

P.S.: Met Francis Ford Coppola in his little trattoria in San Francisco two years ago. Him, my buddy, a groovy looking afghan bartendress, and me on a rainy night. Nobody else.

Talked about Alexander the Great, the movie, and wine for about 45 minutes. Very cool evening...
Well it would not happen.
1. Our backgrounds. We would be considered a liability; ie we might make suggestions on what to do and how to do it and then go do it.

2. We would not be seen as pliable by the system.

In reality the idea is not stupid and would have merit, but I don’t see them being approachable on the topic.

By the way one can write with any rifle, just join up the dots, and the words are some what indelible to the recipient.:agree:

Just took on a new load of steaks all small like the one you have seen plus a small supply of Coopers Sparkling Ale. :cheers:

They don't need our help and I don't want to get THAT close to the action. I would prefer, I think, to do most of my traveling on foot. Them damned IEDs really screw up vehicles and everybody in them.

Probably couldn't talk them into a chopper. That'd be the way to go until we get sucked into a couple Dshk 12.7mm. Maybe we could bring one along or charter one.

Bet fatman could lay his hands on one. But then he'd want to go. BIIIIG GUY. Don't know if there'd be room for all of us and the steak, beer, G-3s, ammo, sleeping bags, and #2 pencils.

We could bomb the taliban with pencils. Sorta mini-hellfire. Maybe fill up empty beer cans with water and toss those too.

Think we could get an interview with Haqqani senior? Sorta fly in on the heli, have fatman go talk to the guy while we finish the beer, see if we could meet his boys and share a brew or two.

I think there's a book here...:cool:
Man you deffinately dont wana go there . You can find such adventure along the anti norcotics force dying to stop those Latinos .
"You can find such adventure along the anti norcotics force dying to stop those Latinos ."

Been to Mexico and I've all the adventure I need elsewhere.

The future of our world isn't being decided there. Not yet anyway and likely never.

The Islamic Emirate Of Waziristan is where it's at and where mankind, IMV, will likely define the course of events over at least the next two decades.

In late 1984 a very good friend of mine went into Afghanistan with the Muj. He did it two more times over the course of two years for a total of eighteen weeks.

Just for the hell of it. No C.I.A. No U.S. Army special forces. Just him. All he got out of it was his experiences, some incredible photos and three stories that made headlines...

...in the Milwaukee Journal. A very good paper and the stories were very well written but it didn't propel him into media celebritydom. He knew a life-altering and monumental opportunity when he saw it though.

I've been following your region closely since 1974. What's happening there is immensely important to me although I'm not certain why on a personal level. Most Americans couldn't care one way or the other unless they've relations or friends there.

I do care.

Yeah. I think I would like to go.
Another sonic boom article about PA by our prestigious member who just like western journalists finds article which in one way or another tell us about the corrupt, ineffective, inefficient Pakistan Army, without knowing about what they are writing or posting without knowing how fighting takes place or what is taking place.

Let me correct you. First of all, you are very wrong in your assumption that I post articles written by foreign journalists. For you kind information, almost all of my postings have been from Jang, Dawn and News. And if there are few from outside, then it’s to give the forum readers a chance to read the opinion of others with a different prospective and hence promoting a healthy dialogue. You are not an expert on Pakistan Army and I consider you just another sympathetic to the Pakistan Army who gets defensive all the time for no reason.

Secondly, this article was written by one of the Pakistanis, so no need to blame western media and writers. You are not the only one but every Pakistani (and even the Muslim Ummah) has a tendency to blame on Jews, Christians and west for all their miseries and problems and continue to complain how these external forces are cooking some kind of conspiracy against them. I think it’s about time that you and Pakistani nation wake up from dreamland and face the reality before things get out of hand.

And lastly, Pakistan Army is not a sacred cow. They have successes and failures and there is nothing wrong in talking about there failures. It seems to me that, “Tum nay Pakistan Army ka theeka lia hua hai”. Tell me who is responsible for all this mess? Do you want to know the answer? It’s the Pakistan Army. There were days when one could have sent couple of policemen to arrest that Mullah of Swat but Mush did not. The Mush let it get out of hand to squeeze more money from the West and the USA. Then the story of Lal Masjid and hence the suicide bombing. And hence you reap what you sow. You, being sympathetic to Army, need to get out of your comfort zone and fight along with Army men against the terrorists instead of crying on the forum.

And lastly, it’s not your army. It’s our army. We are all for it’s success. I can’t wait to see all those bearded thugs get killed who are killing innocent people in the name of God and Islam. So relax and calm down.

I believe the writer & poster of the article must be wondering after watching the today's morning 8.00AM news that Kotkai is in PA hands & also the houses of Qari Hussain & Hakeem Ullah Mehsud are now not standing but leveled to the ground. But i guess if they come to know about it on time, how are they gonna write & post such stuff.

I hope they are now thinking that hey Azzam Tariq was lying as he just told us yesterday that we have beaten back the army & just hours later Kotkai falls. What a bunch of liars & losers.

Just for your information from the Jang:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

By Irfan Burki & Daud Khattak

PESHAWAR: Fighting between security forces and militants continued around Kotkai and Sherwangai areas on the fifth day of the Rah-e-Nijat operation on Wednesday.

The sources also said security forces had stopped their advance in Kotkai after tough resistance. In one such attacks, the troops suffered casualties, said a local source, who did not mention the exact number. The ISPR confirmed the killing of four soldiers on Tuesday and three on Wednesday. Now who are liar and loser?

....how they will be caught & killed with more activity they do exposing themselves.

That has to be seen and I do have some concerns and doubts as follows:

1. There were approximately 5000 terrorists in Swat according to an estimate by the army and did you know how many were killed by the Army action? Just few hundreds and rest are no where to find. If the objective of the army was to retake the land from the terrorists, then they have successfully done that. But if the objective was to kill all or most of the terrorists, then they have miserably failed in that objective. So all of you, who are already celebrating and singing a victory song, just have to wait until the army leaves Swat and then see those terrorists back again.

2. There are 12000 to 15000 terrorists in South Waziristan and the rate at which the army is killing them will take at least 2 years. I hope the Pakistan and the Army has the resources and will power to fight this kind of war for so many years.

Have you read Hiaders. Post “We feel this is a war against our whole tribe, elderly Mehsud tribesman”? Just wondering what your thoughts are? Must be another west conspiracy? lol


Pak Army! Go and get them; live or dead!
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No S-2 is not crazy. Also he would not be alone. I don't see much problem with the idea either.

At least I have my own sleeping bag and plenty of #2 pencils and note pads:D

Sod the #2's if your both going we expect you-tube posts and daily updates here its camera and laptops, if you could swing it i could airfrate a case of Steinlager so you dont have to drink that terrible aussie beer :partay:
Wow... we have some guys in out midst according to whom COIN ops is turning a switch on and off... and they are wondering and getting angry why PA has not turned that switch OFF yet.

My request to Pakistani patriots is simply ignore them.
I've been following your region closely since 1974. What's happening there is immensely important to me although I'm not certain why on a personal level. Most Americans couldn't care one way or the other unless they've relations or friends there.

I do care.

Yeah. I think I would like to go.

I think it's quite clear that your beliefs and opinions are shaped by the advocates of "Clash of Civilizations" freaks. the neocons and zionists conglometrate that view the ****** war theater as the last test in their adventure of world domination. whether you admit or not your mind's pretty much shaped by those two ideologies.

Though I think you'd make a great grandfather telling kids stories on your adventures and misadventures around the world :lol:
Wow... we have some guys in out midst according to whom COIN ops is turning a switch on and off... and they are wondering and getting angry why PA has not turned that switch OFF yet.

My request to Pakistani patriots is simply ignore them.

Yes Sir! Stay in OFF mode.

That's what the patriots of Pakistan have been doing for the last 61 years. It’s time for payback. And don’t forget to continue following the culture of Salman khan and immorality of Indian movies.

“Allah ka hazab” has just started and it's just the beginning. I just pray for you folks.

God bless Pakistan!

Pak Army! Go and get them; live or dead!
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They don't need our help and I don't want to get THAT close to the action. I would prefer, I think, to do most of my traveling on foot. Them damned IEDs really screw up vehicles and everybody in them.

Probably couldn't talk them into a chopper. That'd be the way to go until we get sucked into a couple Dshk 12.7mm. Maybe we could bring one along or charter one.

Bet fatman could lay his hands on one. But then he'd want to go. BIIIIG GUY. Don't know if there'd be room for all of us and the steak, beer, G-3s, ammo, sleeping bags, and #2 pencils.

We could bomb the taliban with pencils. Sorta mini-hellfire. Maybe fill up empty beer cans with water and toss those too.

Think we could get an interview with Haqqani senior? Sorta fly in on the heli, have fatman go talk to the guy while we finish the beer, see if we could meet his boys and share a brew or two.

I think there's a book here...:cool:

hey come on down - we can imbed with the 26 FF and have a party - the XO (2IC) is a family friend - dont need to bring the booze - we got plenty!!!

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