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Featured Pakistan strongly condemns attack by Armenian forces on Tovuz district of Azerbaijan

"I killed Muslims by every means possible. Yet it is sometimes a pity to waste bullets for this. The best way is to gather all of these dogs and throw them into wells and then fill the wells with big and heavy stones. as I did. I gathered all of the women, men and children, threw big stones down on top of them. They must never live on this earth." A. Lalayan, Revolutsionniy Vostok (Revolutionary East) No: 2-3, Moscow, 1936

This is the enemy.

Ya Allah. may Allah swt never let us falter in helping our brothers in their time of need.

Even if whole afwaj (forces) of dunya gather against us, Pakistan should never abandon Turkey or Azerbaycan. We would embarrass our ancestors and our elders.

Sure and today the youth of Bosnia know very little of Pakistan's contribution towards their defence and liberation. I don't know why Pakistan bothers. Pak has its own internal issues to deal with.

Every Bosnian I ever met always praised Pakistan for their help in the war.

Would recognising Armenia jeapordise our friendship with Azerbaijan? I don't see why we can't still maintain political and defence ties.

He have to be clear in instances like this. Israel and Armenia are enemy states. We even should not recognize Serbia either. I say, we should end all ties with India also, esp overhead flights.
Ya Allah. may Allah swt never let us falter in helping our brothers in their time of need.

Even if whole afwaj (forces) of dunya gather against us, Pakistan should never abandon Turkey or Azerbaycan. We would embarrass our ancestors and our elders.

Every Bosnian I ever met always praised Pakistan for their help in the war.

He have to be clear in instances like this. Israel and Armenia are enemy states. We even should not recognize Serbia either. I say, we should end all ties with India also, esp overhead flights.

We should fight the Zionists and their allies in every way possible.
"I killed Muslims by every means possible. Yet it is sometimes a pity to waste bullets for this. The best way is to gather all of these dogs and throw them into wells and then fill the wells with big and heavy stones. as I did. I gathered all of the women, men and children, threw big stones down on top of them. They must never live on this earth." A. Lalayan, Revolutsionniy Vostok (Revolutionary East) No: 2-3, Moscow, 1936

This is the enemy.

They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah.” – Qur'an 8:30.
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