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Pakistan stock Exchange welcome new era with historic single day gain 1700+ points

So you are saying two things here: First, that the newly independent SBP (given independence under IMF pressure by PTI govt) is lying. Second, that people sharing screenshots means that the rumor is correct that 'they' lost $1.8 B; I take it to mean that you have jotted down all the receipts & validated the figure of 1.8B.

Also, you are saying that PML-N pumped the stock market before it assumed power. So tell me, how did that happen?

If you take away just the reserves parked by KSA, China, UAE, & Qatar, the reserve situation is exceptionally bad. I am not sure you can blame anyone but PTI for that.
dont ask me, ask your mariyum bb whi posted that stock market is up and dollara came down yesterday as an her achievement
dont ask me, ask your mariyum bb whi posted that stock market is up and dollara came down yesterday as an her achievement
Post her tweet & show how it proves your point.

This is such a sad scene and a shame upon humanity. The artificiality and injustice of socio-economic and political class structure where one or two classes are privileged and reminder have to live in deprivation and by the occasional demeaning patronizing acts of the upper classes like these two females are doing in the vid. The scene is repeated in different manifestations in the current world.
They don't you do. This is the last 5 years of the KSE @pak-marine and other Patwari experts please pay attention.

View attachment 833294

KSE took a nose dive towards the end of the last PMLN tenure and continued to do so until an IMF deal was struck. Then you can see the Early 2020 crash caused by COVID-19.

Since then it's been on the up and spent most of the last 18 months hovering around the same ball park.

If we take a 10 year view you can see it only performed better for 6 months at the start of 2017, after which it took a continous decline, in the hands of your allegedly suave economic operators.

View attachment 833295

Please save the BS for the whatsapp circle-jerks.
1. You think that barely matching June 2018 KSE Index numbers is somehow a win for PTI? What had your party been doing for almost 4 years? Mind, you are matching the low of PML- N tenure with a near high of PTI. The graph that you shared actually undermines your position. Stock market factors not just economic numbers, but also sentiments. Now imagine the impact once project "Get Nawaz" was launched in early 2017. We had the damaging street politics from PTI, actual shut-downs by TLP of Punjab province, Faizabad dharna, engineered disqualification of PM, & much much more. Now tell me if all that instability, induced solely for the benefit of IK's PTI, was good for Pakistan?

2. Care to check the GDP growth rate? This is what I had in mind when I said that numbers do not lie. Stock markets are sensitive to short-term sentiment, but not the GDP growth rate.

3. Such quick takes do not work. Better luck next time.

The economic and financial literacy I see in this thread is seriously disheartening, and I'm a bit tired of seeing people make false claims about the economy.

@Chak Bamu, @HammerHead081 @pak-marine @Waterboy @Death Adder: I challenge you to produce macro-economic data (e.g.; annual trend analysis) from well established sources that show PML-N's performance, and I will do the same for PTI. Suggested indicators to start (we can add more later):

- Net exports
- Current account balance
- Forex reserves
- Debt to GDP
- Employment
- Inflation
Inclue FDI & let's go.

You bring your numbers & sources and let us discuss.
1. You think that barely matching June 2018 KSE Index numbers is somehow a win for PTI? What had your party been doing for almost 4 years? Mind, you are matching the low of PML- N tenure with a near high of PTI. The graph that you shared actually undermines your position. Stock market factors not just economic numbers, but also sentiments. Now imagine the impact once project "Get Nawaz" was launched in early 2017. We had the damaging street politics from PTI, actual shut-downs by TLP of Punjab province, Faizabad dharna, engineered disqualification of PM, & much much more. Now tell me if all that instability, induced solely for the benefit of IK's PTI, was good for Pakistan?

2. Care to check the GDP growth rate? This is what I had in mind when I said that numbers do not lie. Stock markets are sensitive to short-term sentiment, but not the GDP growth rate.

3. Such quick takes do not work. Better luck next time.View attachment 833542

Inclue FDI & let's go.

You bring your numbers & sources and let us discuss.

You'r figures are inaccurate. The govt revised GDP growth rate for 2021 upto 5.3%

Also it's hardly surprising to see GDP growth low in 2020, the entire world was in lockdown.

As for the stock market, you completely disregard how the previous govt left the country on the brink of bankruptcy. How could the stock market improve in those conditions, and after that covid hit.

The fact is he left the economy in a good enough state for the CrimeMinister to start giving away pay rises, free laptops and subsidies on Atta as well as declare 3 of his residences as PM House.
How is she taking credit? It just a knee-jerk reaction from the stock market that shows that investors hope that this government would deliver better. Its just sentiment at this stage. Why quarrel over mere sentiment?

The panic has passed & there is hope for stability. PML-N has done nothing at all. Stop reading your mind into any of this.

You'r figures are inaccurate. The govt revised GDP growth rate for 2021 upto 5.3%

Also it's hardly surprising to see GDP growth low in 2020, the entire world was in lockdown.

As for the stock market, you completely disregard how the previous govt left the country on the brink of bankruptcy. How could the stock market improve in those conditions, and after that covid hit.

The fact is he left the economy in a good enough state for the CrimeMinister to start giving away pay rises, free laptops and subsidies on Atta as well as declare 3 of his residences as PM House.
"The Govt revised GDP growth rate..." do you see a problem here? If you don't then perhaps economists do.

What was happening before lockdown?

Brink of bankruptcy, as though it is in any better condition now.

SS has done absolutely nothing as of yet. It would take a while to formulate longer term policy. Do not confuse statements with accomplishments.
7. About tax collection, do bother to look up fact instead of relying on empty rhetoric. You obviously do not know any facts & your emotions are making you say things that are patently false. Here is revenue collection data from CEIC. Notice the steady climb in revenue collection from 2013-2018? Yeah, out of spite you were besmirching Pakistan.

View attachment 833515
The above is in USD which is a much more stable currency & apt for making apples-to apples comparison.

According to FBR, total revenue collection in 2017-18, last year of PML-N government, the total revenue collection was PKR 3,844 Billion. PTI's last full year's collection was PKR 4,734 Bn. You can see that the value (not PKR amount, because INFLATION) of tax collection has actually dropped in PTI's tenure. Feel free to visit FBR site to verify these numbers. I am not converting these to USD. You can do that & see the drop in value. You could also use inflation rate to calculate the drop in value. Any which way you do it, the point is well-established that the value of revenue collection DROPPED under PTI. Revenue collection peaked in 2017/18, the last year of PML-N government. There are certain factors that I could go into that would bring more nuance, but seeing that you are struck out at a very gross level, nuance would bring no more value to this discussion.

Nice mental gymnastics you did in this part :lol:

But now since you are posting stats from tradingeconomics.com same website shows the following when it comes to government revenues


Clearly PTI is beating patwari party by a good margin

But you conveniently avoided sharing stats in PKR and instead shared them in dollars that was massively undervalued by Ishaq Dollar

Nice mental gymnastics

Meanwhile this is the tax to GDP ratio as per CEIC


You can manipulate with stats sometime but not all the times
Watch and see what happens when Zardari and the Sharif clans finish off Pakistan
... Lol . You think Pakistan is what it is because of the last 3 years of Imran Khan or because of the last 30 years your favorite Diesel Mullahs??.... Lol 😂
You mean different mafias and same establishments while looting part remains the same? As said earlier, different puppet with different face.
stock exchange is just market sentiments and that's all.

any tom dick or harry comes to power, it doesn't matter to the stock exchange.

what matters is, it only need things settle down from the crisis and see it jumping.
is ka koi baap nahin.

and every coming regime quote it as their achievement, just rubbish.

i don't understand why people here are taking it as an achievement of current regime. they probably don't know what is this thing "stock exchange"

and when it will go down during same regime they won't own it, hypocrites.
Markets don’t like uncertainty or instability. Read into it whatever you want.

Technically both sides can be right, markets on balance might prefer opposition to IK’s government (marginal preference that has less to do with economic performance). But more than anything, they dislike turmoil... as evidence of this, when opposition moved a NCV against IK, Pakistan bond yields spiked and rose vs. benchmark Treasuries because they were scared about volatility. They make have taken a view on who should win, but ultimately, it’s instability that takes the wind out of their sails.
Yehi to keh raha hoon bhai, individual investors, not institutional.

Have a look

Anyways, this sort of mini-rally is expected whenever there is a stabilizing news. You invest in crypto, NASDAQ, NYSE (these three I know of personally), anywhere, stable news always bring a rally.

Expect the USD to go down even further once the roll over from China is deposited into our accounts and IMF program resumes and we get another tranche. None of that will be due to the PML govt or it's policies.

This is as always, everyday. It is the individuals who remains top sellers or buyers.
Basically the Surplus created in PTI's Time is now being injected into Economy
It is not real recovery

State Bank now operates "Anonymously" but just like Supreme court takes order from Phantom Force , SBP also can decide when to inject cash into Economy and when to keep holding back

1- 2018-2019 PML (Announced Budget before Imran Khan could take power )
2- 2019-2020 Imran Khan Government created Budget
3- 2020-2021 Imran Khan Government created Budget
4- 2022-2023 PML (Stole Mandate by Illegal Vote Manipulation against constitution )

Imran Khan was only allowed to serve people an announce budget for 2 years out of 5 he was entitled to

> He created Health Card
> Ehsaas program
> Youth Wazifa
> Technical Training
> 2 Billion Extra package for Karachi
> Completed the Stalled projects in Karachi
> Tree plantation schemes
> Panah Gah Projects

SBP is Burning cash surplus what was it 24 Billion Dollars under Imran Khan ??
Makes sense
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The money was injected into the economy not the stock market by sbp . Big difference.
Probably to increase liquidity, but this can worsen inflation.
2ndly markets are sentiment dependent and ss has a pretty good reputation as a administrator.
Also a non controversial PM who has not burned his bridges internationally to cling to power , is good news for Pakistan's economy.
Astute market speculators could be waiting for the PM change to exploit the sentiment and drive up share prices and then book profits. If i was in the Pakistani market, i would have done the same. Get in and get out.
And i can never understand which projects of the Sharif's are underutilized to get such hate.
lahore and Islamabad metro buses
orange train
All seem to be getting adequate patronage and helping the common man.
150 jf17s at 25 m usd a pop is nearly 4 b usd.
And these might turn out to be hanger queens like most of the equipment in both countries.
The above projects are atleast doing some good.
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