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Pakistan steps towards 'Full-Spectrum Nuclear Deterrence'.

Increase the payload of the nuclear warheads, Pakistan needs to have in storage at least 25 megaton nuclear warheads.

Pipe dream?

Currently we are at less than 5 megaton.
May be far less.

Increasing it 5 folds as you suggest will take time and currently CIA is sniffing us like blood hounds .
Production of new warheadss may only be possible after 2014 when their attention gets diverted elsewhere.
Actually i cant see anything Pakistan can do to increase her military nuclear footprint unless PN gets hold of large submarine capable of firing Ballistic missiles.
track record!!! We did not proliferate nuclear material to libya, iran or NoKo, that makes the difference...

I merely tried to answer your earlier question as to WHY Pakistan would want NSG membership, that is all. I also noted why we are not likely to get in anytime soon too.
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