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Pakistan soon be a failed state: Vice Air Marshal IAF


Why are we all tolerating it!! Why there is no upheaval in Pakistan!!

That one word answers all your questions.
there is no WE in Pakistan. their are a lot of groups of influences who share power and decision making depending on their sphere of influence.
WE are just there. Living our daily lives barely making both ends meet.
99% of WE cannot spare a single day without working our AS* out to provide for our family. their is barely any time to think about anything else except needs of our children and family.
WE are not provided medical care, Justice protection, education by state. WE have to earn every breath we take. Hell we are not even provided a couple of weeks of annual holidays to clear our minds in which we can think about anything else.

THEY will decide and THEY own this country. THEY will do whatever they want. WE will just work and die sustaining our Families.

If some day situation get so much worse that WE are unable to provide for our families ever after 6 days a week 9 hours a day duty. Then may be we start to rise and question THEM
That one word answers all your questions.
there is no WE in Pakistan. their are a lot of groups of influences who share power and decision making depending on their sphere of influence.
WE are just there. Living our daily lives barely making both ends meet.
99% of WE cannot spare a single day without working our AS* out to provide for our family. their is barely any time to think about anything else except needs of our children and family.
WE are not provided medical care, Justice protection, education by state. WE have to earn every breath we take. Hell we are not even provided a couple of weeks of annual holidays to clear our minds in which we can think about anything else.

THEY will decide and THEY own this country. THEY will do whatever they want. WE will just work and die sustaining our Families.

If some day situation get so much worse that WE are unable to provide for our families ever after 6 days a week 9 hours a day duty. Then may be we start to rise and question THEM

Brother, more reasons that "WE" get organised, stand up and start the upheaval. Without that upheaval, those "We" wouldn't get medical care, education and justice.

Because of the lack of influence We carry, the politicians loot Pakistan without any fear of consequences.
The Police commit brutality and get away with it. So much that people like Anwar gets away with multitude of murders, without any punishment and consequences.

Because of the weakness of "we" judges openly side with criminals, provide them reliefs and let them get away with every imaginable crime.

If "We" do not stand up for the "We", "We will have no future. So it is up to "We" to decide, if they want to live with honours and dignity or keep living the slaves lives.
This Indian Vice Air Marshall is trying to blame PA for drumming up yesterday " IAF intrusion in Karachi".
Even though, there is no media hype in Pakistan regarding it, and its citizen in Karachi are not even aware or witnessed a blackout as claimed by Indian media.
It is Indian media which is trying to hype up in an effort to divert the attention of its people from the humiliation it is suffering in Laddakh.

This Vice Air Marshall thinks that India already have enough air assets to cause troubles for the Chinese. He says that Chinese have only 3/4 bases in the area, while India support up to 15 air bases. it can over run PLAF even with its current assets and without coming Rafales.

The TV presenter tried to prove that Rafale are be and all of it.
Now it is incumbent on PAF and PLAF to teach a lesson to India after arrival of their Rafales.

ok.... i have been hearing this for last 15+ years.
Arent we already a failed state, or is it different from the previous label of bieng a banana republic, did we get promoted, lol.
We need to redefine failed state and be careful when and where to use it. Problem is in South Asia, politicians, force chiefs, tv anchors and tv actors speak too much and deliver little.

failed state is like india who cannot take care of it;s people... watch as Ms Dutt ripes indian state to pieces...

failed state is like india who cannot take care of it;s people... watch as Ms Dutt ripes indian state to pieces...

Had you understood my post you won't have quoted me to tell me the above.
Another best thing which is happening in favor of Pakistan that such people with such mindset are leading IA/IAF.
Another best thing which is happening in favor of Pakistan that such people with such mindset are leading IA/IAF.


Indian military seems to be filled ideological idiots than true professionals. A good thing for us.

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