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Pakistan soon be a failed state: Vice Air Marshal IAF

This Indian Vice Air Marshall is trying to blame PA for drumming up yesterday " IAF intrusion in Karachi".
Even though, there is no media hype in Pakistan regarding it, and its citizen in Karachi are not even aware or witnessed a blackout as claimed by Indian media.
It is Indian media which is trying to hype up in an effort to divert the attention of its people from the humiliation it is suffering in Laddakh.

This Vice Air Marshall thinks that India already have enough air assets to cause troubles for the Chinese. He says that Chinese have only 3/4 bases in the area, while India support up to 15 air bases. it can over run PLAF even with its current assets and without coming Rafales.

The TV presenter tried to prove that Rafale are be and all of it.
Now it is incumbent on PAF and PLAF to teach a lesson to India after arrival of their Rafales.

NewsX, WOIN are not worth quoting there standard is lower than normal indian media which is quite low to start with.
how assmart indian generals are they are trying their best to deflect bakhts attention away from Ladakh spanking.

Modi cha gaya hai!
I don't know whats bitten ex servicemen since the advent of mass media and social media in India. Everyone wants his 2 seconds of fame .
And most are not sophisticated enough to not be used by interested parties.
Precedence! Easy way to get into politics without having to be in public life for decades.
This Indian Vice Air Marshall is trying to blame PA for drumming up yesterday " IAF intrusion in Karachi".
Even though, there is no media hype in Pakistan regarding it, and its citizen in Karachi are not even aware or witnessed a blackout as claimed by Indian media.
It is Indian media which is trying to hype up in an effort to divert the attention of its people from the humiliation it is suffering in Laddakh.

This Vice Air Marshall thinks that India already have enough air assets to cause troubles for the Chinese. He says that Chinese have only 3/4 bases in the area, while India support up to 15 air bases. it can over run PLAF even with its current assets and without coming Rafales.

The TV presenter tried to prove that Rafale are be and all of it.
Now it is incumbent on PAF and PLAF to teach a lesson to India after arrival of their Rafales.

If these indian generals could stop thinking about Pakistan for one moment then perhaps they could focus on their real job and how to get back over 38,000 square kms of indian territory that has been conquered & annexed by China...........:disagree::


Falling apart is an Indian tradition. We've been falling apart for 70 years, never completed the job, got overtaken by smarter people.
Apparently not just falling apart itself but wishing everyone around them also falls apart.
"Pakistan is a failed state and will fall apart".
"China is held together by Corrupt Political system and will fall apart any day."
Any country that Indian Establishment dislikes is falling apart in a few weeks. At least according to most of Internet Analysts from Bharat. What is next, If somehow India-US relations deteriorate, Will USA also Fall apart in a month?
Seriously, We are blamed of being a country run my our Military by Indians and all policies are apparently made by Army so our foreign policy is aggressive and we want war or something.(According to most Indian analysts). That might make sense to Most of Indian Analysts.

But what sense Indian aggressive attitude makes to its own Intellectuals?. Civilians Rule supreme, Businessmen have strong influence, Institutions are strong and everything.
And yet after 70 odd years of Administration.
"We will resettle population of Kashmir and dilute the anti India Local Population with Settlers from mainland"? What is this, Are we living in 18th century Colonial Era? (Look at 99% of Indians even on this forum)
"220 Million Population Neighbor is an absolute terrorist State" Like even where Indian Government have 1% influence it will be fully used to blockade Anything Positive coming toward Pakistan. Literally a "Total War" Policy in everything when it comes to Pakistan?
Apparently not just falling apart itself but wishing everyone around them also falls apart.
"Pakistan is a failed state and will fall apart".
"China is held together by Corrupt Political system and will fall apart any day."
Any country that Indian Establishment dislikes is falling apart in a few weeks. At least according to most of Internet Analysts from Bharat. What is next, If somehow India-US relations deteriorate, Will USA also Fall apart in a month?
Seriously, We are blamed of being a country run my our Military by Indians and all policies are apparently made by Army so our foreign policy is aggressive and we want war or something.(According to most Indian analysts). That might make sense to Most of Indian Analysts.

But what sense Indian aggressive attitude makes to its own Intellectuals?. Civilians Rule supreme, Businessmen have strong influence, Institutions are strong and everything.
And yet after 70 odd years of Administration.
"We will resettle population of Kashmir and dilute the anti India Local Population with Settlers from mainland"? What is this, Are we living in 18th century Colonial Era? (Look at 99% of Indians even on this forum)
"220 Million Population Neighbor is an absolute terrorist State" Like even where Indian Government have 1% influence it will be fully used to blockade Anything Positive coming toward Pakistan. Literally a "Total War" Policy in everything when it comes to Pakistan?


But please explain me the behaviour of Pakistan Army.
In Feb 2017 we had a chance to destroy few facilities where Indian Generals were present, down at least 9 Indian fighter jets, which were locked.
So why did we show restrain!!
Against an enemy which has "Total War" policy against Pakistan!! Which attacked your Sovereignty only a day earlier!!

Lots of Pakistani Generals like Kiyani helping the Corrupt Ex CJ Kanna Dajal and cutting deals with corrupt thugs like Sharifs and Zardaris. Giving them NRO. Resulting in the destruction of Pakistani economy in the next 10 years after the NRO.

Like Raheel Sharif protecting Maryam Nawaz the "beti" in Dawn's article row. Result that "Beti" is flaunting Pakistani laws regularly. Submitting fake documents in the highest court in the land without any consequences. Regularly attacking the same military which provided her shelter and safety from the law.

Pakistani corrupt judiciary let her out of the jail on the ground that she is a "female" why!! When thousands of other "females" are stuck in the jail system.

Like Bajwa with the convince of corrupt judiciary once again helped the corrupt Nawaz out of the jail and out of the country based on false and fabricated medical reports. And still buttering up corrupt Shahbaz Sharif, who is spared the jail by giving him bail, yet again by Lohar High Court.

Why the Generals and Judges doing all this!!

Whose purpose does it serves!!

Why are we all tolerating it!! Why there is no upheaval in Pakistan!!

These questions baffle me. Can someone help!!

I know in my country, if someone makes even one stupid comment against the country and the nation, he/she doesn't last the day. Why these corrupt thugs are imposed on Pakistanis for decades upon decades!!
Why no one gets punished in Pakistan!!!
Sher aya sher aya wali story mein thora twist hai jab sher aya tha tab abhinandan jaisay pillay hath lag jatay hain... These indian have been barking from long time that Pak is a fail state i even have heard american indian analyst calling Pakistan a fail state in his comments on main tv.
its maybe their wish but before failing we make sure big part in Pak east will fail to exist.


But please explain me the behaviour of Pakistan Army.
In Feb 2017 we had a chance to destroy few facilities where Indian Generals were present, down at least 9 Indian fighter jets, which were locked.
So why did we show restrain!!
Against an enemy which has "Total War" policy against Pakistan!! Which attacked your Sovereignty only a day earlier!!

Lots of Pakistani Generals like Kiyani helping the Corrupt Ex CJ Kanna Dajal and cutting deals with corrupt thugs like Sharifs and Zardaris. Giving them NRO. Resulting in the destruction of Pakistani economy in the next 10 years after the NRO.

Like Raheel Sharif protecting Maryam Nawaz the "beti" in Dawn's article row. Result that "Beti" is flaunting Pakistani laws regularly. Submitting fake documents in the highest court in the land without any consequences. Regularly attacking the same military which provided her shelter and safety from the law.

Pakistani corrupt judiciary let her out of the jail on the ground that she is a "female" why!! When thousands of other "females" are stuck in the jail system.

Like Bajwa with the convince of corrupt judiciary once again helped the corrupt Nawaz out of the jail and out of the country based on false and fabricated medical reports. And still buttering up corrupt Shahbaz Sharif, who is spared the jail by giving him bail, yet again by Lohar High Court.

Why the Generals and Judges doing all this!!

Whose purpose does it serves!!

Why are we all tolerating it!! Why there is no upheaval in Pakistan!!

These questions baffle me. Can someone help!!

I know in my country, if someone makes even one stupid comment against the country and the nation, he/she doesn't last the day. Why these corrupt thugs are imposed on Pakistanis for decades upon decades!!
Why no one gets punished in Pakistan!!!

I agree 100% with you we burning our home with our own hands by letting these stooges let lose.
Why we put these rubbish on our forum ... I fail to understand.
This Indian Vice Air Marshall is trying to blame PA for drumming up yesterday " IAF intrusion in Karachi".
Even though, there is no media hype in Pakistan regarding it, and its citizen in Karachi are not even aware or witnessed a blackout as claimed by Indian media.
It is Indian media which is trying to hype up in an effort to divert the attention of its people from the humiliation it is suffering in Laddakh.

This Vice Air Marshall thinks that India already have enough air assets to cause troubles for the Chinese. He says that Chinese have only 3/4 bases in the area, while India support up to 15 air bases. it can over run PLAF even with its current assets and without coming Rafales.

The TV presenter tried to prove that Rafale are be and all of it.
Now it is incumbent on PAF and PLAF to teach a lesson to India after arrival of their Rafales.

If you make post or thread about every single random Indian news, tweet you would just give them publicity and access to Pakistani wider audenices. That is what they needed.
May be, the other way of looking is that they get exposed.
Exposed they already are friend.
This is propaganda war fare.
You might understand this.
But a common ordinary uneducated Pakistan guy doesn't. He would belive them. And this propaganda would full his mind. You influence his thinking process.
I hope you get my point here and there is no point making a fuss about statements of former something. Our former military men say so many things about India and do they even give a shit. They don't expose that to their public. In fact they try to hide it from YouTube and Google though their stooges.
Our subcontinent people are sadly not educated and even educated do not have the ability to access properly. Add in the emotional aspect we are too emotional and emotions always make people do bad decisions.
So much so that today indias anti Pakistan narrative has penetrated into majority of liberals. , majority of Liberals such as najam sethi, marvi sermad, sohail warriach are influenced by the Indian narritve on partition and parrot it, work for India and don't even care for attacks or things and just blame our army if a crow dies. So is the case with the liberals. Now who the hell would stop Muhammed hanif a no body psycophant, would stop him from speaking whatever he want. Now he consider himself so important to be banned. Why? Nobody know. That's the sickening mindset. That has preveiled.
The narrative have captured the pakistani liberals.
While you don't see Indian liberals parrots pakistani narrative. No sir.
Some even speaks for kashmir. But nobody would say ke kashmir main referendum kera do. No body would say ke missing person gain. No body would say ke extra judicial killings hain. No body would blame army for killing youth. Even 79 percent of the liberals support army for killing freedom fighters.
This Is propaganda warfare.
This is how you influence innocent heads.
By reaching the liberals they have penetrated pakistani media.
Now all of the anchors claim to die for kashmir. But they support the forces and parties that do not believe in talking kashmir back.
Now nawaz policy was to declare loc as international border. He has support for bjp before. In his tenure intafada started. 200 kahsmiri died. He didn't give a single statement. He was forced by amry to utter a single line about kashmir in un. He stopped Abdul basit meeting kahsmiri leaders. He stopped foreign office hard stance on India. He and his ministers were sad when kulbhushan was caught. They want to hand him over quietly. I till date don't forget the look on the face of their information minister, the look of hate for army while declaring kulbhushan a spy.
And they want to be banhaldesh, living side by side dependant on India.
Ok I agree he and liberals wants that, but that's not what's he mandated for.
In public they say kashmir.
In secret meeting they want loc settled.
This is another propaganda war fare.
Atleast imran exposed India and fight for kashmir even verbally respecting his menadate. Politicians are not even ready to do that. India never took a beating on foreign front then they do in 2 years and this constant reminder to the world again and again might sound repetitive to us, but it is actually registering in the minds of the leaders, it is actually make think tanks minds etc. It actually help shape the general idea. And we are nation whose old pm ask foeiegn office to go soft on India and hand over kulbhushan
Indian schools Grade 1 lesson 1 = Pakistan is a failed state.
Indian schools Grade 10 lesson 1= Pakistan will be a failed state
I don't have time to waste helping idiots, whether on line or off line :D

He's made chai of the institutions, he's made chai of the economy, he's made chai of communal relations, he's made chai of foreign relations....why can't he make chai of Gujarat and leave the rest of us alone?

I love reading Sleep Joe's polemics. :patsak:
This Indian Vice Air Marshall is trying to blame PA for drumming up yesterday " IAF intrusion in Karachi".
Even though, there is no media hype in Pakistan regarding it, and its citizen in Karachi are not even aware or witnessed a blackout as claimed by Indian media.
It is Indian media which is trying to hype up in an effort to divert the attention of its people from the humiliation it is suffering in Laddakh.

This Vice Air Marshall thinks that India already have enough air assets to cause troubles for the Chinese. He says that Chinese have only 3/4 bases in the area, while India support up to 15 air bases. it can over run PLAF even with its current assets and without coming Rafales.

The TV presenter tried to prove that Rafale are be and all of it.
Now it is incumbent on PAF and PLAF to teach a lesson to India after arrival of their Rafales.

I still don't get the idea behind this starting this thread

Unless you wanted all of us to know that this nobody called Pakistan a failed state

What is the purpose?
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