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Pakistan Should respond Agressively to Quetta and Lahore attacks 13/2/17

No matter how you respond, this proxy war will end only when Pakistan stops sponsoring terrorism in Kashmir......bitter truth!

It stopped during musharraf time ..Did that made any difference. ?

On Topic: I would like to see the Deep penetration with a quick response team ..
If a blast occurs in Pakistan within an hour a blast with same or double magnitude should hit major indian city.. payback on time is a good way to stop their propaganda machine..
IMHO this is the only way forward for Pakistan.
Many country is investing in India is different, Only one country is investing in one country and buying Land and 40% Market shares is different. think about it.

we are investing in over more than 100 country including US, UK, UAE, Dubai and etc so they are investing in here this is what every country doing.

but Your position is totally different. only China is dominating your Economy now.

there is noting related to my command.

i just reply to guy who wrote the promoting the terror

also one thing our Media is shows everything to word what is happening here.

Your media has nothing to show.
U guys living in dark world I think where u hardly see anything but feel ur own self.
Pakistan is growing fast .. faster than India imagin if kashmiries start becoming sucide bombers and insurgents get more modern ammunition and support from NATO then on top of Pakistan does what it can. Do u think india can grow like Pakistan is..
37 counties is in pakistan for naval exercises everyone wants to join CPEC.
Don't make urself fool with majority who are blind in india be unique and try to involve with reality.
Today's wars are decided and hidden behind closed doors,It is a fact India supports terrorism ,It cannot be denied.
The long history of India supporting terrorism started from 1948 in Baluchistan is not unknown the first military operation was conducted in 1950 to crush insurgents in Baluchistan.
Then India has supported MQM in karachi to create an economic sabotage in late 1970s with the rise of MQM which murdered people in thousands.
An enemy has to be Politically socially and more importantly economically weakened, That is the truest nature of war today and the policy of India.
Pakistan's threat comes from Internal for which a new policy has to be fermented.
  1. All Public Places to certify that People In large numbers or Crowds will not gather for,Protests or Civil reasons across all provinces and cities.
  2. Quetta has been bled for decades now ,Its time to Isolate this city completely ,Provide City Identification to all the resident of the city free of cost ,From little children to elders.
  3. Any person or Person (s) leaving quetta city will have to take permission from the city authorities.
  4. Any movement from outside to Metropolises will have to identity themselves, including their area of stay and purpose.
  5. All cities will have to be barricaded and Anti-explosive detectors should be provided to all authorities.
  6. More importantly Pakistan has to speed up its Educational reforms and disband all religious schools and get them into mainstream education..
Pakistan's threat comes from External for which new aggressive posture has to be taken.
  1. Pakistan should take a clear International stance on Indian sponsored terrorism in our country,For which Military and Government has to work together for it to be successful.
  2. Pakistan should collaborate with the American authorities to improve the situation of afghan national army ,So they get their salaries in time ,Any deserter in ANA should not be spared.
  3. Pakistan should be relentless in its anti-terror campaign which is currently emanating from Afghanistan ,Pakistan air force should be readily available to conduct strikes against TTP and BLA.
  4. Dedicated Special forces trained for Deep enemy incursions should be trained and assisted by all major intelligence assets for conducting strikes against BLA and TTP.
  5. Pakistan needs to take a direction to either let the Afghan Taliban unchecked or ask them to step aside so we can annihilate our enemies.

We have to completely exterminate these Terrorist scum,if the state doesn't respond aggressively then we will be again struck by terror and innocent Fathers ,Sons and mothers will live rest of their lives with tears.
Do we realize that??????? Is the question needs to be asked from GHQ and Federal Government..
u can start wit the Mulla sitting in red mosque.
We are not supporting any proxy war but freedom fighters from a land which is rightfully ours.
We have always been ready for negotiatons on kashmir but it's you who don't want peace.

That is why all so called freedom fighters are from across the border and local kashmiris are second to none.

Indian muslims have rejected terrorism on the name of Islam a long back. Except some fringe elements, No indian muslim is involved in terrorism.
It stopped during musharraf time ..Did that made any difference. ?

On Topic: I would like to see the Deep penetration with a quick response team ..
If a blast occurs in Pakistan within an hour a blast with same or double magnitude should hit major indian city.. payback on time is a good way to stop their propaganda machine..
IMHO this is the only way forward for Pakistan.


Three Indian soldiers and a suspected militant were killed in a gunbattle in held Kashmir Tuesday after an army patrol came under fire in the north of the territory, officials said.

Our establishment needs to realise that killing some Indian soldiers wont have the impact that is needed on India. They are dispensable for India anyway, they dont even admit the killings of their soldiers on LOC. What we say in Urdu, "Jungle main mor nacha, kis nay daykha?". Hitting India in far flung areas will have no impact, like in Kashmir or north east. We need to take this war among them, right in their cities. Prime targets should be Hindu terrorists and their know anti Pakistani organization like RSS and their cadres.

Three Indian soldiers and a suspected militant were killed in a gunbattle in held Kashmir Tuesday after an army patrol came under fire in the north of the territory, officials said.

Our establishment needs to realise that killing some Indian soldiers wont have the impact that is needed on India. They are dispensable for India anyway, they dont even admit the killings of their soldiers on LOC. What we say in Urdu, "Jungle main mor nacha, kis nay daykha?". Hitting India in far flung areas will have no impact, like in Kashmir or north east. We need to take this war among them, right in their cities. Prime targets should be Hindu terrorists and their know anti Pakistani organization like RSS and their cadres.

If this is Indian act, then its just a retaliation for Train sabotage. It means you have already done your karma, now its payback time.
No matter how you respond, this proxy war will end only when Pakistan stops sponsoring terrorism in Kashmir......bitter truth!
Kashmir is not a proxy war , it is war of independance which is part of UN agenda while what India is doing is terrorism .
If i would had power i would have fired fed govt as well as army and isi leadership. From Pakistan side, it is more of the same failed policies, same silly rhetorics on and on....
If this is Indian act, then its just a retaliation for Train sabotage. It means you have already done your karma, now its payback time.

You need to decide among yourself if that train incident was an accident or otherwise.


No ISI in Kanpur Train Derailment: UP Top Cop Junks Blast Theory

These kind of things doesn't benefit Pakistan in any shape or form. We need to bring pain to the hindu terrorists and their organizations. The Modi constituency that is. The terrorists of RSS.
Kashmir is not a proxy war , it is war of independance which is part of UN agenda while what India is doing is terrorism .
You need to decide among yourself if that train incident was an accident or otherwise.


No ISI in Kanpur Train Derailment: UP Top Cop Junks Blast Theory

These kind of things doesn't benefit Pakistan in any shape or form. We need to bring pain to the hindu terrorists and their organizations. The Modi constituency that is. The terrorists of RSS.
The quint is another ISI sponsored media with Barkha as agent. unreliable. Arrests have already been done. More evidence is being collected.

Also i doubt that RAW has done it (if ISI wasn't involved in TS).

Three Indian soldiers and a suspected militant were killed in a gunbattle in held Kashmir Tuesday after an army patrol came under fire in the north of the territory, officials said.

Our establishment needs to realise that killing some Indian soldiers wont have the impact that is needed on India. They are dispensable for India anyway, they dont even admit the killings of their soldiers on LOC. What we say in Urdu, "Jungle main mor nacha, kis nay daykha?". Hitting India in far flung areas will have no impact, like in Kashmir or north east. We need to take this war among them, right in their cities. Prime targets should be Hindu terrorists and their know anti Pakistani organization like RSS and their cadres.

Not same dear..Civilians should be avenged with civilian deaths.. and more magnitude required.. not in kashmir but in major indian cities.. like lahore should be avenged by mumbai or Bangalore
I agree to after Hafiz saeed arrest if India don't comply just **** up Trump and India once it for all
Response should be low to high intensity attacks all over India.
It would've been a great time to release hafiz saeed, hence even sending a clear message to the International community and traitors who defame Pakistan abroad.
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