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Pakistan Should Bomb Illegal Indian Dams

That country must accept that it is in bad times, it must accept that its nukes and missiles are not a solution to their present problems. It must strive to build other strengths, it must try to resurrect its economy, it must pretend to be friends with its enemies and cooperate with them and make them give concessions to it, and it must pray to god.

If people had thought like you, sir, then India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan would have been still under british rule. Or maybe all of subcontinent should have committed suicide because they were no match to British according to you. Thats a wrong approach. When you are powerless, you must accept the situation and work to building your strength meanwhile allow your enemey greater leeway.

There is no reason not to agree with you on few points , let me be clear !

Pakistan does not want a war , in my previous post i have clearly said that this problem must be dealt on Table.

We cant fight , why would we? dont we need to develop our own people?

Our people have rights to have peace , stability , good financial conditions , educational and health reforms and facilities.

You must accept that it is not only Pakistan it is India too , there is a reaction to an action situation and sometimes hostility too!

None of us thinks about a nuclear war , but if India shows aggression once again we do not have many options:tup:

This ..


or This:


is our choice , lets chose the first one!!!

There is no reason not to agree with you on few points , let me be clear !

Pakistan does not want a war , in my previous post i have clearly said that this problem must be dealt on Table.

We cant fight , why would we? dont we need to develop our own people?

Our people have rights to have peace , stability , good financial conditions , educational and health reforms and facilities.

You must accept that it is not only Pakistan it is India too , there is a reaction to an action situation and sometimes hostility too!

None of us thinks about a nuclear war , but if India shows aggression once again we do not have many options:tup:

This ..


or This:


is our choice , lets chose the first one!!!



I agree with all your points. But policymakers of India and pakistan were never people. People always want peace and prosperity. But Govts(all govt not just India or Pakistan) have lot of other agendas. My assessment is that once upon a time, there was a great chance for peace and friendship, because essentially Indian and Pakisani people are same kind. Both of them are self respecting, intelligent and strong. Imagine if both the nations had come together to cooperate, we both would have been quickly unstoppable, I dont say this just for the sake of saying it. The sheer number of people, land, resources, locational advantage,...etc would have made the sub-continent the centre of the world. But that did not happen then, now that choice is lost. India and Pakistan have already chosen confrontation. Lot of other countries have their interests in keeping India and Pakistan conflict alive. Example, US would have had no role in sub-continent if India and Pakistan were friends. Because we are not friends, US meddles here and cleverly sells weapons to both of us. Similarly, China, it would have not been able to reach warm waters if India and Pakistan were friends. Lot of calculations of big powers around the world are running on India and Pakistan conflict. If some tall leader raises from sub-continent who can bridge the gap, we dont know. But right now, India and Pakistan are not going to be friends in near future.
we should remain well-prepared for war against Hindus as they were casting bad eye on Pakistan and our independence, which is a blessing of Allah.

what about atheists like me sir (would u spare me):azn:?
After Mumbai attacks and the start of Taliban terror in Pakistan, more and more Pakistanis are talking about peace although still threatening with an "or else scenario of nuclear war and Taliban attacking India". Even saner columnist like Irfan Hussain could not resist throwing in a threat of victorious Taliban to India in his latest column. I think if Pakistan was serious about peace, Mumbai attacks would not have happened. I don't know how many more Mumbai style attacks it will take - but at one point the nuclear threat will stop working. After all there are times when emotions take over reasoning.

When that time comes, it will not matter if we win or loose, or live or die, or if it is a conventional war or nuclear war.

Until then we will keep taking the blows, let us see how many more Kasab's you got.

There is no reason not to agree with you on few points , let me be clear !

Pakistan does not want a war , in my previous post i have clearly said that this problem must be dealt on Table.

We cant fight , why would we? dont we need to develop our own people?

Our people have rights to have peace , stability , good financial conditions , educational and health reforms and facilities.

You must accept that it is not only Pakistan it is India too , there is a reaction to an action situation and sometimes hostility too!

None of us thinks about a nuclear war , but if India shows aggression once again we do not have many options:tup:

This ..


or This:


is our choice , lets chose the first one!!!

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None of us thinks about a nuclear war , but if India shows aggression once again we do not have many options:tup:

Not ur fault u pakistanis talk in this way since this is wht has been fed by the military regime post 1970.
Read kk Aziz to know the true history.

India has never been the aggressor, i am not saying this, Pak's Ex Air Marshal says it.


Stop all of you this war hysteria this is pathatic nothing will be done by anyone. Pakistan will not gonna fire those illegal dams don't you worry about those all indians.
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