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Pakistan shopping from black market to create hydogen bomb

Actually India does not have thermonuclear weapons.
According to the article it said only the five countries in the UNSC are known to have thermonuclear/hydrogen weapons.
Just claiming to blow up a thermonuclear bomb does not make you have one.
There is is a certain criteria to meet like how much kilotons the explosion is worth.
If Pakistan can get a hydrogen bomb, it would certainly bring Pakistan on the international stage.
China could certainly help Pakistan here also.

Pakistan should get a hydrogen bomb, atleast then our enemies would finally respect us.
Getting the thermonuclear bomb would also be a slap on the racists!

are you guys Blind!!!....pakistan is already on international stage ......just open your eyes !!!!
Pakistan should acquire high-yield thermonuclear devices. And put them on the new submarines they are getting from China. :tup:

That would give Pakistan a fantastic second-strike capability.

Strike what?

-The main problem is happening inside their country.
-We're already within their range (so no use of taking this additional measure)
-Their missiles can't even reach halfway across to the US mainland (the retaliation would be impossible to imagine)

Are you really their friend? You should be economically encouraging them rather than make more nukes and waste more of their limited resources.
just the propaganda against us to create sanction on us after leaving USA troops from Afghanistan
Strike what?

-The main problem is happening inside their country.
-We're already within their range (so no use of taking this additional measure)
-Their missiles can't even reach halfway across to the US mainland (the retaliation would be impossible to imagine)

Are you really their friend? You should be economically encouraging them rather than make more nukes and waste more of their limited resources.

So your saying that the $1 billion/year (Inclusive of the cut the american contractors and our politicians deduct from it) aid they are giving us is going to our nuke program? Go read a bit more and/or stop trolling.
Go and catch the black marketers who are selling it..catch the source not the buyer!
Because they do something bad, you must? Learn to absorb the good from others. Filter out the bad. And it really isn't about "peaceful vision". The stark reality is that none of us can hope to survive or "exist" if a nuclear war breaks out. Dont you value your life? I for one, most certainly do.

They do 'bad' things but you don't say anything to them, that is the point. Your motive is to justify or ignore what your uncle sam has been doing and blaming others for the same action. Behind your 'peace vision' you're a hypocrite.
Strike what?

-The main problem is happening inside their country.
-We're already within their range (so no use of taking this additional measure)
-Their missiles can't even reach halfway across to the US mainland (the retaliation would be impossible to imagine)

Are you really their friend? You should be economically encouraging them rather than make more nukes and waste more of their limited resources.

Of course, he is not a friend of Pakistan, you and your uncle sam are. Sing your queer songs in Washington, you might get the f****** Nobel Prize.
Of course, he is not a friend of Pakistan, you and your uncle sam are. Sing your queer songs in Washington, you might get the f****** Nobel Prize.

Hmm...hate to bring this "love fest" for a reality check.Let's keep the relations between Washington and Islamabad as well as Washington and New Delhi in perspective.

US and Pakistan

US has active bases in Pakistan

US forces as well as independent US security agencies can conduct operations without any consent.

US drones are free to fly and bomb any territory in Pakistan they deem fit.Even Israel wouldn't let US pull that kind of nonsense.

The Pakistani airspace is essentially an extension of US airspace.

US C.I.A agents have a free run to go on shooting sprees here without any fear of consequences(because they are diplomats!)

I could go on at this for a while,but I presume you get my point

US and India

US wants India to sign and ratify CISMOA,we told them to take a hike

US wants us to sign the nuclear deal on their terms,we told to take a hike

US wanted us to buy F-16s for the MRCA deal,we told them to take a hike

US wanted support for operations in Libya,guess what we told them? take a hike? bingo!!

I could go on at this for a while,but I presume you get my point.

and yet,you think we are the Washington stooges?????
Hmm...hate to bring this "love fest" for a reality check.Let's keep the relations between Washington and Islamabad as well as Washington and New Delhi in perspective.

US and Pakistan

US has active bases in Pakistan

US forces as well as independent US security agencies can conduct operations without any consent.

US drones are free to fly and bomb any territory in Pakistan they deem fit.Even Israel wouldn't let US pull that kind of nonsense.

The Pakistani airspace is essentially an extension of US airspace.

US C.I.A agents have a free run to go on shooting sprees here without any fear of consequences(because they are diplomats!)

I could go on at this for a while,but I presume you get my point

US and India

US wants India to sign and ratify CISMOA,we told them to take a hike

US wants us to sign the nuclear deal on their terms,we told to take a hike

US wanted us to buy F-16s for the MRCA deal,we told them to take a hike

US wanted support for operations in Libya,guess what we told them? take a hike? bingo!!

I could go on at this for a while,but I presume you get my point.

and yet,you think we are the Washington stooges?????

You have comprehension problem, read again what I've stated. There's one 'wise' indian who claims that the Chinese are not Pakistan's friends but the 'wise' indians are and I say take a hike, 'wise' indian.
Sounds like only raw materials were purchased... The device may already exist.

More or less America's smear campaign against Pakistan.
Oh for heavens sake. How does a coat of paint equate to a Hydrogen Bomb? If you could coat something and make a Hydrogen bomb, do you not think that the Libyans would have done it by now. Please don't insult your and the forum members intelligence by stating these stupid assumptions.
According to M. Ahmad of Pakdef.info, there are at least 20 different cycles that you need to master before you can think of producing a device. There in lies the problem and the difficulties with producing a nuclear device. Now add to that the revelation that at least one of the devices in '98 was a boosted fission device, means that we already have the capability to produce the Plutonium devices which is a testament to our progress in the field. At the time it was stated that we were in a position to progress even further provided the funding was there.
So in short, we already have and have had the capacity to produce advanced nuclear devices for some time. Do you think that the US does not know this? If they did why did they not cry wolf then and why now? There is a concerted smear campaign going on against Pakistan in the light of recent thaw in PAk-US relations which should be blatantly obvious to any one who even has a single neuron firing in his thick skull. So then we are forced to ask why so much interest in Indian members to dish the dirt out . Are you now Lackeys to the US? What is the agenda behind all this? These are the real questions that need asking rather than the fact whether Pakistan is or is not smuggling in items it cant manufacture.
So to reiterate again, in case it is not clear, Pakistan does not need to smuggle in items since the facilities are in house and research has been going on for decades.
I hope it clears all the confusion behind the posts.
This is part of continuous propaganda against Pakistan.No worries, take it easy.
You have comprehension problem, read again what I've stated. There's one 'wise' indian who claims that the Chinese are not Pakistan's friends but the 'wise' indians are and I say take a hike, 'wise' indian.

Earnest apologies.I might be able to comprehend you better if your understanding of the English lexicon wasn't as limited as it is.Not even call-center material to be honest
They already got one.

In court papers released last month, the United States government openly alleges for the first time that Pakistan is seeking to develop thermonuclear weapons, and has attempted to purchase the materials necessary for their production on the black market, Global Security Newswire reports.
Pakistan is already a nuclear-armed country, though it operates outside the international Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty framework. It is estimated to have a stockpile of approximately 100 weapons—the fastest growing stockpile in the world—though those are all uranium-based.
The new revelations represent the first official confirmation that Pakistan is seeking to build a thermonuclear, or hydrogen-based, weapon, which is about 1,000 times more powerful than a uranium weapon.
Only the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—France, Russia, China, the United States, and the United Kingdom—are known to possess hydrogen bombs.
Because Pakistan has not signed the non-proliferation treaty, it is mostly banned from the legal international nuclear trade, and has notoriously dabbled in the black market before.
The court papers stem from a Justice Department suit against a Chinese woman living in the United States who allegedly shipped to Pakistan high-tech paint coatings that will help the country develop thermonuclear weapons, despite U.S. laws banning such trade.
Before the woman, Xun Wang, was hired by Pittsburgh-based PPG Industries in 2006, the company had already shipped hundreds of gallons of the paint coating to Pakistan for use on an atomic reactor. A lengthy investigation by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review suggests Wang is "the fall woman" for what was essentially a company-wide practice.

Read more: Pakistan Is Shopping On The Black Market For Materials To Create A Hydrogen Bomb


How long are you gonna try to dance with dummy, cause one day the bitter truth will hurt..
Staying in neglection, wont bring any good, but heart-attacks like in 98'.

If Pakistan, lets suppose, buys from Black market, who runs the black market? Why cant the mighty USA and UNO stop them?

Wet Dreams- Wake up, cause it aint the truth.
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