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Pakistan shopping from black market to create hydogen bomb

I think America is trying to say--- "u want to be enemies? Fine!! let the games begin..."
Or there saying---- "Let show those hajis what there up against ..maybe they'll come back to us:cry:".:coffee:
but context is not permanent UN members.. its the holders of thermonuclear weapons. Its angling and flat biased approach. writer didn't not to mention India Shiriman the one which has conducted a declared thermonuclear test to be successful but is alleging Pakistan without proofs that they are working to acquire it.
I think America is trying to say--- "u want to be enemies? Fine!! let the games begin..."
Or there saying---- "Let show those hajis what there up against ..maybe they'll come back to us:cry:".:coffee:

Please keep us updated with your insightful, thorough and irrefutable analysis. Lets see if you can reach 250 posts without getting pink-ed.
Can anyone tell me address to this "BLACK MARKET" I would like to know how to get to the thermo-nuclear selling black market , really
Actually India does not have thermonuclear weapons.
According to the article it said only the five countries in the UNSC are known to have thermonuclear/hydrogen weapons.
Just claiming to blow up a thermonuclear bomb does not make you have one.
There is is a certain criteria to meet like how much kilotons the explosion is worth.
If Pakistan can get a hydrogen bomb, it would certainly bring Pakistan on the international stage.
China could certainly help Pakistan here also.

Pakistan should get a hydrogen bomb, atleast then our enemies would finally respect us.
Getting the thermonuclear bomb would also be a slap on the racists!
That brings the question why does west (read US & Western Europe) allows these illegal neuclear black markets to operate in their countries.

Neuclear tech is not something that any tom, dick and harry company can produce, all these highly sophisticated machinery and components must be coming from well known companies engged in manufacture of these parts in Washington's back yard. Is it so hard for the FBI, CIA and other western intelligence agencies to locate and crack down them?

They have documented proof of the potential buyers but no trace of the culprits selling this tech?

In court papers released last month, the United States government openly alleges for the first time that Pakistan is seeking to develop thermonuclear weapons, and has attempted to purchase the materials necessary for their production on the black market, Global Security Newswire reports.
Pakistan is already a nuclear-armed country, though it operates outside the international Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty framework. It is estimated to have a stockpile of approximately 100 weapons—the fastest growing stockpile in the world—though those are all uranium-based.
The new revelations represent the first official confirmation that Pakistan is seeking to build a thermonuclear, or hydrogen-based, weapon, which is about 1,000 times more powerful than a uranium weapon.
Only the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—France, Russia, China, the United States, and the United Kingdom—are known to possess hydrogen bombs.
Because Pakistan has not signed the non-proliferation treaty, it is mostly banned from the legal international nuclear trade, and has notoriously dabbled in the black market before.
The court papers stem from a Justice Department suit against a Chinese woman living in the United States who allegedly shipped to Pakistan high-tech paint coatings that will help the country develop thermonuclear weapons, despite U.S. laws banning such trade.
Before the woman, Xun Wang, was hired by Pittsburgh-based PPG Industries in 2006, the company had already shipped hundreds of gallons of the paint coating to Pakistan for use on an atomic reactor. A lengthy investigation by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review suggests Wang is "the fall woman" for what was essentially a company-wide practice.

Read more: Pakistan Is Shopping On The Black Market For Materials To Create A Hydrogen Bomb

I think America is trying to say--- "u want to be enemies? Fine!! let the games begin..."
Or there saying---- "Let show those hajis what there up against ..maybe they'll come back to us:cry:".:coffee:

Pakistani and Chinese people are stupid, they have no idea about the military might of uncle sam; our indian friends are very sharp in this regard, so they don't miss any opportunity to bend down and please uncle sam.
Are you sure about that ?? How you know that all the shopping was for just what you described ??

Plz provide your link or the info you have.

We heard similar things from across the border, we have no nukes and we are bluffing, but then in 98 we proved you guys wrong and then again we did prove many of you and others to be wrong about lot of things that we developed.

this guy must be working under cover raw agent
Pakistan should acquire high-yield thermonuclear devices. And put them on the new submarines they are getting from China. :tup:

That would give Pakistan a fantastic second-strike capability.

I've read that China has only 300 nukes, is that true? I don't understand why China is lagging behind so much as far as the number of nukes is concerned. China should have at least a thousand thermonuclear devices.
Its funny and tragic how ignorant illiterate folks go on about "teh nukees". Man cannot even begin to imagine the level of destruction a nuclear war can unleash; and here you folks are....going on about "nuking everything".
Its funny and tragic how ignorant illiterate folks go on about "teh nukees". Man cannot even begin to imagine the level of destruction a nuclear war can unleash; and here you folks are....going on about "nuking everything".

You don't have the balls to tell that to the americans and the Russians who have more than 30000 nukes, so you come here with your so-called 'peaceful vision'!
Thermonuclear weapons...good idea,yes we should go for them but not in a hurry.

Anyway We are still atleast 5-8 yrs away from developing a thermonuclear device,as I was told...
You don't have the balls to tell that to the americans and the Russians who have more than 30000 nukes, so you come here with your so-called 'peaceful vision'!

Because they do something bad, you must? Learn to absorb the good from others. Filter out the bad. And it really isn't about "peaceful vision". The stark reality is that none of us can hope to survive or "exist" if a nuclear war breaks out. Dont you value your life? I for one, most certainly do.
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