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Pakistan Shelling on Kunar Province Resumes

Who made them Beggar? Pakistan-USA-KSA the axis of "Saints"?? Afghanistan was a beautiful place, you 3 made it hell,

Now suffer the hell-fire..

oh please when was it a "beautiful place"? they were always fighting among themselves, or trying to make Pakistani controlled pashtun areas to rebel, we just re-payed in the kind.
It seems pashtuns in your country are denied even their identity....you people surely treat them worse than negroes.

Ayub Khan was a pathan, Imran khan s one, many examples of Pashtuns/Pathans in Pakistan who have led us, and apart from that we are the ones that gave you people sanctuary and a place to live, and this is how you repay us? ungrateful b*stards. afghans are the most cowardly nation on Earth, whenever anyone invades them they run and hide and leave their people to be killed instead of standing and fighting to death
It seems pashtuns in your country are denied even their identity....you people surely treat them worse than negroes.

Yeah true, they just somehow happen to become the presidents (Ghulam Ishaq Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), dictators/field marshals (Ayub Khan (Field Marshal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), Supreme Court Judges (Shah Nawaz Khan (Chief Justice) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), Generals (Abdul Waheed Kakar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) and some of the most loved individuals in the country (Shahid Afridi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Imran Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). But yeah other than that they are totally like the blacks in 1800 America. Totally denied their rights and forced to work in the fields.
This is an ineresting strategic development, pakistan is digging it's own grave by alienating afghans. Karzai government can keep driving it's agenda by coercing pakistan into a fight, this will nothing but unite afghans against pakistan which is currently presenting itself as a bigger stronger threat. This will lead to uniting afghans against pakistan leading to stonger centralized afghan government. Karzai needs to start playing punjabi army attacking afghan card pretty soon.

Dont worry we will dig it deep enough to accommodate some billion+ trolls init. Or how will we get our expert weekly comedy provided for free by yall.

Time to sit with taliban and convince them that capturing nuclear power pakistan should be their priority.

Do tell them that I would fancy some radiated gulab jamuns, a box shall do. Well while they are stealing the nuclear rusgullas of Pakistan from the army bakery that is.
now I see why taliban were supported all the other afghan groups are just sh*tty, backstabbing B@stards
and where were these begharat Afghanis when Taliban were crossing in 100+ groups and killingand beheading our soldiers? Begharat Afghans where were they when Americans were killing their own women and children?
Finally a frank and honest pakistani lol. The "beghairat" local pathans are supposed to protect these soldiers of martial castes from taliban? hahahaha. Are they pampered babies with milk bottles in their mouths?
And thank you for calling pak pakhtuns as beghairat, it proves my point. You punjabis call them revultionaries when they vote for your punjabi imran khan and beghairat when one of your punjabi soldier dies at the hand of taliban.

I was calling Afghan begharat, Secondly Pakistani pathans are thousand times better then you, thirdly where were Afgan army when 100's of taliban crossed from kunar and killed our soldiers in 2011, 2012. Go die in a whole you pathetic soul. One who can't defend their borders shouldn't cry when someone kick your a.s.s hard
Who made them Beggar? Pakistan-USA-KSA the axis of "Saints"?? Afghanistan was a beautiful place, you 3 made it hell,

Now suffer the hell-fire..

Dont buy oil,weapons and beg for transit routes from these axis allies...

But you still will....

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