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Pakistan set to launch space programme to keep an eye on Indian side: Report

China will launch 2 Pakistani satellite this year
1 in June and other after few months

Infact both satellite will be launched in June 2018

not asking what we will do for you. I know that already.

Im asking when is your own launch will take place?
A space agency's primary ambition should be human space program. Even private Western organizations like SpaceX and Bigelow have ventured into human space program.
May I ask why human flights are so important?
not asking what we will do for you. I know that already.

Im asking when is your own launch will take place?
It's all about the budget allocation

This year only $40 million or $41 million has been allocated to SUPARCO and no one can launch the satellites in this tiny budget
It's all about the budget allocation

This year only $40 million or $41 million has been allocated to SUPARCO and no one can launch the satellites in this tiny budget

Yes, you need more money. Space is a high cost affair. 41 mil usd is peanuts. wont even cover for fuel cost of one chinese launch.
May I ask why human flights are so important?

One reason is like Elon Musk says, human settlement ( on Mars in the near term ) allows us to be a multi-planetary species in case of an event like a asteroid strike on Earth.

Secondly, space is simply there, waiting for exploration and settlement. Space exploration is a natural outcome of technological advancement. This is why so many civilians across the world answered to the 'Mars One' project.

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