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Pakistan sees Saudi Arabia beefing up deposit 'in a matter of days'

They waste these billions on subsidizing commodities for the public to get votes and the ignorant public falls for it every single time not realizing that this will cost them heavily in the long run.
When close to 100 million in our country cant read or write these politicians will take advantage. This is why education is so important.

  • Saudi Arabia to increase deposit "in days, not weeks", says Dar.
  • He says govt committed to completing IMF programme.
  • FinMin Dar says PTI's White Paper a move to "deceive" nation.
Minister for Finance and Revenue Senator Ishaq Dar said Wednesday he sees Saudi Arabia beefing up its deposits in Pakistan "within a matter of days, not weeks", as the country grapples with an economic crisis.

The statement comes as a default risk looms over Pakistan, the rupee continues to depreciate against the US dollar, and forex reserves have plunged to record lows — covering merely a month's imports.

Financial pundits, voicing concerns since the ouster of the previous government, say the country's financial side will remain vulnerable until there is political stability.

The incumbent government has tried to get the International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme back on track and is attempting to complete the ninth review, however, the Fund and Islamabad have not made any headway so far.

In a press conference in Islamabad today alongside federal ministers, Dar said that the government was committed to completing the latest review and expressed hope of receiving the loan soon.

But despite the bleak situation and Pakistan having to pay billions of dollars worth of loans in the next three months, the finance minister assured of meeting the international obligations and ruled out default.

"[Our government] saved the country from default. And with complete conviction, I can say that Pakistan will never default," Dar, who has held the finance portfolio multiple times, said.

FinMin Dar said the government is taking steps for economic stability and has cleared letters of credit (LCs) worth $100,000 so far. "The government has also opened LCs for the import industries as well."

"We will repay all the debts and people should not worry about it. [The PDM] came into power to save the state, not for mere politics," the finance minister stressed.

Govt calls PTI's White Paper 'deceiving'​

Castigating the PTI and its chief, Imran Khan, Dar asked the PTI to stop "propagating" misleading reports of Pakistan's default as he said that due to the party's governance, all international rating agencies had downgraded the country.

Earlier in the presser, FinMin Dar sharply criticised the PTI for "deceiving" the masses through its "White Paper" on the economy.

The finance minister said the economy was in a "better condition" during Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz's government (PML-N) compared to PTI's four-year tenure.

In its document, the PTI said inflation in the country has seen a sharp rise, in the past eight months, and all economic indicators — including exports, foreign direct investment, and remittances — have shown a downward trend.

But responding to the PTI's claims, the finance minister said in 2018, the budget deficit was 5.8% and not 7.6%, as stated by the Imran Khan-led party's document.

"During PTI's first year in government, the growth rate of the economy was 3.12%. In 2018, the inflation was at 4.7% and during PTI's first year, it reached 7.5%," the finmin said.

He added that the PML-N government kept the monetary policy at 7.5%, but the PTI increased it to 13.25% in July 2019. Dar added that the PML-N ended load shedding, but PTI's government could not carry the legacy forward and load shedding hit the masses once more.

The finance minister said PTI added Rs19,000 billion in loans, while it left total loans worth Rs53,544 billion for the coalition government.
Too much reliance on Saudi Arabia will one day drag the country into a commitment of nuclear proliferation.
Would still be a loan to be paid with interest, or dividend if invested.

These adhoc, stopgap measures have turned the country into a flailing, falling economy.
When close to 100 million in our country cant read or write these politicians will take advantage. This is why education is so important.
Brother, I have seen the educated people of our country commit more stupidities than the uneducated ones. Our society completely lacks critical thinking and only thinks about short-term gains.
I see free rooms for TTP and its networks to breath again.

What Pakistani COAS did and done before him by former generals, is exchanging saftey of Pakistani citizens and people wonder why terrorists and rebels cannot be defeated completely.
buy a gun buy a farm make a solid community because hard times will be coming pakistanis.
LOL you still have hope for the nukes? They are a done deal.
Yes we are providing extended deterrence to KSA. But proliferation would be entirely a different game. Pakistan has already been in the focus due to AQ Khan.
pak jernails asking for beek pesay saudis are asking if jernails are willing to pick up saudi sh it in a bag and deposit.
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