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Pakistan seeks recording of Jinnah calling for secular state

Some people are resistant to learning. You've been reported for your disrespect and inability to show character.

Good for you. Now stop talking to me please. You're harshing my mellow.
had that been the case, there wouldn't have been pakistan. we would have had a united india now.

No, we are talking about the internal situation of Pakistan, i.e. after the creation of Pakistan.

There was only one possibility that Pakistan would not have existed incase there was no rift between Muslims and Hindus in British India. There was enough hatred and problems that Muslims felt the need to have a separete country. Indian Muslims,not Islam itself as a faith, needed a country.
Indian Muslims needed a country, not Islam.

Sorry, that is just plain wrong on so many levels.

Indian muslims always had a country. The same one they still do today.

Pakistan muslims needed a country. Which they got.
Stop shouting man. Your red font is giving me a migraine.

Be warned not to repeat that again.

DOC........ it seems u have realized that its better to troll in this forum.... i realized it too on my frst week.... have fun:chilli:
Sorry, that is just plain wrong on so many levels.

Indian muslims always had a country. The same one they still do today.

Pakistan muslims needed a country. Which they got.

No, its not wrong. All Muslims who live in Pakistan now were previously Indians. They were a minority in British India. People in current geography of Pakistan opted for a separate country so they got it, many other Muslims from eastern states migrated to the newly created country.

Or in other words, Indian Muslims (who live in Pakistan and Kashmir now) wanted to have a country where they would be in majority and would have able to run the country the way they want.
DOC........ it seems u have realized that its better to troll in this forum.... i realized it too on my frst week.... have fun:chilli:

No I'm not trolling man. I suddenly see this gentleman getting hyper for no reason. I probably had a runin with him sometime in the past. But I cannot remember. The brain is a precious resource. Not to be wasted on insignificant trivia.

No, its not wrong. All Muslims who live in Pakistan now were previously Indians. They were a minority in British India. People in current geography of Pakistan opted for a separate country so they got it, many other Muslims from eastern states migrated to the newly created country.

Or in other words, Indian Muslims (who live in Pakistan and Kashmir now) wanted to have a country where they would be in majority and would have able to run the country the way they want.

That is a cross your side has to bear man. Do not expect us to sympathize and make space on the chair for you.

Saying Indian Muslims wanted another country is doing a great disservice to Indian Muslims.

Neither they in particular nor us in general are willing to put our shoulders to that cross.

P.S. In saying Pakistan and Kashmir (ok :)), you forgot Bangladesh. Wonder why ....
No I'm not trolling man. I suddenly see this gentleman getting hyper for no reason. I probably had a runin with him sometime in the past. But I cannot remember. The brain is a precious resource. Not to be wasted on insignificant trivia.

That is a cross your side has to bear man. Do not expect us to sympathize and make space on the chair for you.

Saying Indian Muslims wanted another country is doing a great disservice to Indian Muslims.

Neither they in particular nor us in general are willing to put our shoulders to that cross.

hahah ,, my usage of term Indian Muslims is causing you pain.

Well, you admit or not,, but technically all of our (Pakistani, Bharat, Bangladesh) ancesters were Indians before we started fighting and keeping grudges against each other which led it to creation of eventually three states. And saying so, since the majority of Muslims in British India wanted a separete country, it is safe to say Indian Muslims wanted a separate land.

Now, I am not yet commenting on the fate of currnet Indian Muslims. Surely those doing well there would be happy to be Indian. Others may not be.
There is video of this event then why not a recording?

Quaid-e-Azam's address to the First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan - YouTube

I'm sure the full thing must be out there too.

Is the recording being sought for the record , implementation or education ?

Aiwai. I hope India provides it, it will give a great boost to our cause.
hahah ,, my usage of term Indian Muslims is causing you pain.

Yes it is. Great pain and righteous outrage. You do not speak for our muslims sir. You never have. You never will.

Well, you admit or not,, but technically all of our (Pakistani, Bharat, Bangladesh) ancesters were Indians before we started fighting and keeping grudges which led it to creation of three states. And saying so, since the majority of Muslims in British India wanted a separete country, it is safe to say Indian Muslims wanted a separate land.

That is a load of crap. Your ancestors (its not so long ago dude .... grandfathers and great-grandfathers is more like it) were Indian. Sure.

That does not mean today you can say that "Indian muslims" wanted Partition. The only people today who have the right to continue to be called Indian Muslims, never did.

Those who did, can either be called Pakistani Muslims or Bangladeshi Muslims, as the case may be.

And please remember that more than half of undivided India's muslims, CHOSE TO REMAIN INDIAN.

Now, I am not yet commenting on the fate of currnet Indian Muslims. Surely those doing well there would be happy to be Indian. Others may not be.

You do not speak for Indian muslims. Never have. Never will.

hahah ,, my usage of term Indian Muslims is causing you pain.

Well, you admit or not,, but technically all of our (Pakistani, Bharat, Bangladesh) ancesters were Indians before we started fighting and keeping grudges against each other which led it to creation of eventually three states. And saying so, since the majority of Muslims in British India wanted a separete country, it is safe to say Indian Muslims wanted a separate land.

Now, I am not yet commenting on the fate of currnet Indian Muslims. Surely those doing well there would be happy to be Indian. Others may not be.

actually m very happy u said that..... coz here are some pakistanis who think india never existed before 1947..... its just a geographical expression, and pakistanis had alien ( alien to this indian land) ancestors and blah blah.....
Those who did, can either be called Pakistani Muslims or Bangladeshi Muslims, as the case may be.


Of course, by Indian Muslims I mean Muslims in British India. Now those (or whose generations) now live in Pakistan or Bangladesh are very proud to be identified as Bangladeshi or Pakistani. Refering them as Indian to a Bangladeshi or a Pakistani would be causing a offense I suppose.
Of course, by Indian Muslims I mean Muslims in British India. Now those (or whose generations) now live in Pakistan or Bangladesh are very proud to be identified as Bangladeshi or Pakistani. Refering them as Indian to a Bangladeshi or a Pakistani would be causing a offense I suppose.

Less offense I'm sure than you saying Indian muslims wanted a separate country.
Now, I am not yet commenting on the fate of currnet Indian Muslims. Surely those doing well there would be happy to be Indian. Others may not be.

By this logic and given the condition of Pakistan, I wonder how many of Pakistani Muslims would be happy to be a Pakistani today :)
Less offense I'm sure than you saying Indian muslims wanted a separate country.


come on mate. Accept the past reality of 60-70 years ago, those were Indian Muslims who wanted a separate country.

Similarly, those who wanted to be separate in what is now Bangladesh were previously Pakistanis (and before that Indians). What's the big deal with that?

By this logic and given the condition of Pakistan, I wonder how many of Pakistani Muslims would be happy to be a Pakistani today :)

hmm... good question. Since I think majority of users here are Pakistanis. Make a poll for Pakistanis asking them are you proud to be Pakistani or you want to be Indian again,, this will give you the answer.
What's the big deal with that?

Its a big deal for us. You left a land that was mother to you for millenia. You left a people that were your brothers and sisters for millenia.

Because you were told and led to believe that the faith you now practiced was at odds with the faith you practiced for millenia.

hmm... good question. Since I think majority of users here are Pakistanis. Make a poll for Pakistanis asking them are you proud to be Pakistani or you want to be Indian again,, this will give you the answer.

You're really on a roll if you think the majority of users here are Pakistani.
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