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Pakistan seeks more visas from India for people visiting Ajmer shrine

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Justin Joseph

Mar 4, 2010
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Pakistan seeks more visas for people visiting Ajmer shrine

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has sought an increase in the number visas issued for its people to attend the annual Urs at the shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti in Ajmer, saying it will strengthen Indo-Pak peace process.

Religious Affairs Minister Hamid Saeed Kazmi, who is on an official visit to India as the head of the Pakistani delegation taking part in the Urs celebrations during June 14-24, said only 500 Pakistanis are granted visas for the event in Ajmer.

A lot of Pakistanis are keen to visit Ajmer every year but they get disappointed due to the limited number of visas issued by India, he said.

"If India increases the number of Pakistani pilgrims to at least 2,000 from 500, it will give a positive message to Pakistanis and strengthen the ongoing peace process between the two countries," Kazmi was quoted as saying in an official press release.

Kazmi said he would take up the issue of increasing the number of visas for Pakistani pilgrims with Indian authorities.

Referring to Pakistan's ongoing operation against militants and extremists, he reiterated the government's firm resolve to tackle this menace and said the armed forces are determined to eradicate terrorism from the country's soil.

He said there is no question of losing this war as public opinion is in favour of continuing the operations against militants till all objectives are achieved.

Referring to the status of madrassas (religious seminaries) in Pakistan, Kazmi said the government is mulling a plan to impart vocational training to students of these institutions so that they can earn a decent livelihood.

He contended that no madrassas is providing any type of military training to students and that the government is strictly monitoring all seminaries.

Kazmi, who survived an attempt on his life by militants last year, said the Sufi Council of Pakistan plans to establish educational institutions to be associated with shrines of important Sufi saints.

The purpose of establishing such institutions is to spread the message of love and peace as preached by mystics of the subcontinent.

Pakistan seeks more visas for people visiting Ajmer shrine - India - The Times of India
India should provide more visa's for piligrims.

I am all for it. :tup:
India should provide more visa's for piligrims.

I am all for it. :tup:

Yes, we should provide more visa for Urs.

But i don't believe the Pakistani Religious Affairs Minister Hamid Saeed Kazmi's statement that it will send a good message or help in peace.

No matter what we do, even if we cut our head for them the hate will be there and their will be no peace.
Yes, we should provide more visa for Urs.

But i don't believe the Pakistani Religious Affairs Minister Hamid Saeed Kazmi's statement that it will send a good message or help in peace.

No matter what we do, even if we cut our head for them the hate will be there and their will be no peace.

He was trying to make a political statement out of it, he is afterall a politician.
yes! fulfill the pakistan visas demand for ajmer shrine. it increase popularity of ajmer shrine in pakistan.
Yes, we should provide more visa for Urs.

But i don't believe the Pakistani Religious Affairs Minister Hamid Saeed Kazmi's statement that it will send a good message or help in peace.

No matter what we do, even if we cut our head for them the hate will be there and their will be no peace.
Yeah.....it was us who killed a cricket fan.....

I dont know why is it your habbit to make dirty troll.
Yeah.....it was us who killed a cricket fan.....

I dont know why is it your habbit to make dirty troll.

Its already pointed out by many that the cricket fan was caught with some sensitive documents.. why we need to go back to that again??
Piya haji ali - piya haji ali - piya haji ali piya ho

Yeah India should provide more visas to Pakistani visitors (i don't think pilgrims is the right word here).

It will help us improve our relationships with India
Pakistan provides thousands of visas without much hassle to Sikh Pilgrims every year.
I do not mind if you associate Ajmeri baba with other religion but visiting so called shrine has nothing to do with Islam. As matter of fact, it is total opposite of Islamic principal. :)


visiting Holy Shrines is not against the principals of Islam. Its just like what you do there may or may not conflict with your beliefs. If there is no unislamic activity going on there, its fine.... Remember Allah sees you intentions and not your work.

If you have a shop and you are selling books, its hallal or if you have a shop and selling wine, its haram. But it does not mean that shop in itself will become haram. You go shrine, read the quran and pray for the deceased and come back there is nothing wrong in it but if you go and ask the grave to give you something or worship the grave thats wrong. But it does not mean visiting shrine will become wrong in anyway

Its off-topic so lets come back to topic now
Its already pointed out by many that the cricket fan was caught with some sensitive documents.. why we need to go back to that again??
yeah......thats why you killed him....whao
Guys follow the religion in a way what you belive and let the others follow what they believe..if some one wants to pilgrimage to a shrine,let him be ..why are you offending some one else believes??

Nobody is stopping anybody from visiting shrines or attending Urs (death anniversary). Even in Pakistan people go to shrines and follow their rituals. In Islam anybody can pray and ask favors from God and there is no intermediary. These people pray to these Sufis so that they can pass on their requests to God. There is no chain of command in Islam and anybody can pray directly to God. That is the crux of the argument against visiting Sufi shrines.
Now people like Mr Evil will tell us what is Islam, I dont agree with people going to shrines to ask some one who is dead for something rather then asking Allah himself. People do it, in india, in Pakistan, and alot of other places. Yes! their deeds are what they will be responsible for their believe and their actions. Calling it pilgrimage give me a break. And you guys who dont have an iota of knowledge about Islam and its teachings lecturing Muslims about Islam, and then floating around the words taliban or extremist like giving away candies. Give me a double break. Stick to your own religion, please. Dont tell us what is allowed in Islam and what not. If some one want to go to a shrine for what ever reason, as I said their deeds and their actions and their responsibility.
I am disappointed Zaki.

Is there are any one bigger saint then our Nabi(s.a.a.w) yet there isn't any fancy Shrines on his Roza-e-Mubarak.

We are to discurage this vulgar activity where man/women/muslim/hindus mingle in the name of divine Islam.

Moinuddin Chisti was a great Islamic scholor who came to subcontinent with some deciples to spread light of Islam and he also prayed to only Allah. We must only ask Allah's help but no other.

what kind of fancy shrines are you talking about? you have problem with Shrines or fancy stuff? :undecided:
Nobody is stopping anybody from visiting shrines or attending Urs (death anniversary). Even in Pakistan people go to shrines and follow their rituals. In Islam anybody can pray and ask favors from God and there is no intermediary. These people pray to these Sufis so that they can pass on their requests to God. There is no chain of command in Islam and anybody can pray directly to God. That is the crux of the argument against visiting Sufi shrines.

Sir some section of the muslims belive in praying like that na..so whats the problem if they belive like that??no body know which religion and belives is the correct one till then why cant we just try not to impose our belives to others
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