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Pakistan second worst country in the world for women: report

Yes, my posts don't make sense but yours and your chum @MultaniGuy's posts which you so much thanked, make a lot of sense. :agree:
Of course educated people's talk will not make sense to a college dropout loser

Its you murtads who are into every degeneracy including sodomy. As a Muslim I deplore any such unnatural acts.
Of course educated people's talk will not make sense to a college dropout loser

Then right now stop using your Windows OS because its developers included the college dropout Bill Gates.

Its you murtads who are into every degeneracy including sodomy. As a Muslim I deplore any such unnatural acts.

:lol: O multi-degree-waale jaahil, Chum matlab friend.

But since you talk about sodomy - and not that I hate non-right-wing gays - here is my thread from 2015 :
ALIGARH: An Aligarh Muslim University professor's alleged comments on madrassas that they are "dens of vice and homosexuality" has triggered a storm of protest in the campus.

The professor, Waseem Raja of the university's history department, has been accused of saying in a WhatsApp message that he sent to a TV channel that "maulanas are involved in such activities" and that the fortunes of Muslim youth will only change for the better if madrassas in the country are banned.

Chat grabs show Raja saying, "We want removal of madarsa... Where homo sexuality is rampant...Maulanas are part of it".

The professor, who has been teaching in AMU for the past three decades, has, however, denied he said any such thing. "I did not say anything like that," he told TOI on Tuesday. "I have been part of SAARC conferences in the past and I have always spoken about reformation of the community. Are madarsas not part of the community? That does not mean I said such things, my phone was hacked and I have blocked the chat group now."

But students have taken to social media to condemn Raja's remarks. Shah Alam Turk, a research scholar, said, "I was chatting on the group when Raja popped saying such things -- his personal views. I messaged him saying 'You have constitutional rights to express (your views), but don't defame (madrassas) without verifying facts first. This is prejudice, not logic, and will weaken the community, not strengthen."

Other students hit back equally hard. One of them said: "People like you spoil the name of the university. God has given you reason, so think before speaking."

Mustafa Zaidi, AMUTA secretary, said the professor should have "calculated" what to say. "Such statements can be misconstrued and can result in anger," he said, adding, "If he said so in the first place."

Rashid Shaz, director of AMU Bridge Course that deals with madrassa students, condemned Raja's views and said, "Students of madrassas are very cultured and have standards of morality. One should show evidence before questioning them en masse."

AMU PRO Rahat Abrar said course of action against the professor will be decided only when the VC returns. "VC is away, decision will be taken only when he returns," he said.
Then right now stop using your Windows OS because its developers included the college dropout Bill Gates.
Yet he became a billionaire and what did you achieve? Just moaning and bitching on PDF 24/7

not that I hate non-right-wing gays
Yes I know how much love you murtads have for sodomites. I doubt you will also become a gay one day since even the ugliest fattiest women don't want to end up with a loser like you, but don't worry sodomites have no standards they will happily screw your dirty blackhole.
Yet he became a billionaire and what did you achieve? Just moaning and bitching on PDF 24/7

The moaners are the ones to influence society in multiple ways. Always. :)

And what a "Muslim" you are. Celebrating money and the moneyed while most of the world, including yourself, live without access to that money. According to Google there are at least 150 million homeless people in the world including 20 million in your Pakistan, and many in my India. Can you bring along five Pakistani billionaires to these homeless people dwellings in the slums or on their daily moving spots on the road and wave the billions in the faces of these homeless and expect to be respected ?
Yet he became a billionaire and what did you achieve? Just moaning and bitching on PDF 24/7

Yes I know how much love you murtads have for sodomites. I doubt you will also become a gay one day since even the ugliest fattiest women don't want to end up with a loser like you, but don't worry sodomites have no standards they will happily screw your dirty blackhole.
Bill Gates was just lucky. Bill Gates left university. He is not even university graduate.
The moaners are the ones to influence society in multiple ways.
Then you need to moan harder as I see it you have yet to influence anyone other than PDF mods into banning you multiple times.
including yourself, live without access to that money.
Don't think that everyone is like you. I have a wonderful and healthy life Alhamdulillah (now get triggered on my saying Alhamdulillah)

According to Google there are at least 150 million homeless people in the world including 20 million in your Pakistan, and many in my India
Then work and earn some money instead of wasting precious time on PDF. Otherwise you will spend your entire life in those slums barely alive on charity money.
homeless and expect to be respected
Respect is earned not granted. Be a good citizen, work and earn some money and people will respect you. No one respects a freeloader.

Bill Gates was just lucky. Bill Gates left university. He is not even university graduate.
Yes he is an exception not a norm while the norm is that majority of college dropouts end up in laborious underpaid jobs, drug addicts or in prison.
meh ... we are living in a society in which directly or indirectly females have immense respect and benefits, this diversity and inclusion concept was there since inception in our religion. Just another way of making our country look bad for no reason.
You guys on this site sometimes make me laugh. So according to you guys the west has an agenda specifically against Pakistan alone. Lol out of 195 countries on earth Pakistan and Afghanistan are the only countries the West targets or have something against isn't it?. 🤣🤣 Keep living in denial.

I guess the west is favouring Bengladesh now against Pakistan since in many indexes Bengladesh is doing far better than Pakisran and India and even many south Asian countries. Its a western conspiracy against Pakistan isn't it ?
In fact even Rwanda who was among the last countries in the world in the early 90s and who has now risen up and changed for the best due to their new leader/government this past decades to the point that they are now ranked even ahead of much more developed western countries like UK, France etc is also a conspiracy isn't it? 🤣🤣
you guys can keep living in denial while the world moves forward and see what your country image is globally.

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