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Pakistan scores a diplomatic brownie point: Kayani gets Russia to 'ignore'

I donot think what @ajtr is saying is wrong...Russia is eyeing something more than just Afganistan....Russia would like to increase its influence starting from Pakistan/Afgan/iran/Syria to Central Asia as a whole...And what more can be a big win rather than to bring Pakistan to sides...Its better India should get prepared and make necessary foreign policy change in accordance with it...

Now what i feel that although Pakistan scores more from Political point of view...but from relation point of view...Pakistan is nothing to loose...Pakistan will get all the political backing from Russia in future...but from the changing geo political relation between India and Pakistan....I can forsee a future where India may join the axis of RUSSIA China and Pakistan Afgan Iran combine to create a strong ASIAN Block in near future....

What ppl dont get is tht Russia suffered a lot at the hands of the islamist Bs runnig amok in Kazak,Tajik etc.

There will be no Axis. Russia is essentially neutralizing and stabilizing the region,providing America with an alternative.

To create an Axis is simply looking fr trouble. only the Idots make and form Axis and alliances these days.
(America ca not be forced out, cus this extremist **** will never end otherwise.)

Russia is essentially trying to counter China and Pakistan in the region because who ever fills the vacuum inside AFG in the distant future will essentially be able to control the flow of Islamic idiots in and out of the country and Russia doesn't want it falling in the wrong hands.

Pakistan just said it out as the Russians wanted to hear it, Russians have been subtly trying to indicate for a while now.
Pakistan has been trying hard to not widen the disconnect between i t and the rest of the world so this comes as no surprise.

What Russia and India on the other hand are look forward to is stabilizing the region, Pakistan will essentially get neutralized as going against the interests of two powers in such close proximity simultaneously, even to the Pakistani leadership mind would be stupid.

China is a wild card it cannot be trusted in doing the right thing, over all it will look to improve its own situation first and if it get too good, then it will definitely exploit and try to erode the position or the advantage of others in even unrelated areas.Hence China will never get good support.

Russia has a problem with both China and the Islamist monkeys.. and to isolate oneself of this is the worst strategy in history .
as it is said "keeps u r friends close and enemies closer" ?

I think India is just trying to postpone Russia foray into this region for many underlying factor ,one the India hasn't milked it for its worth yet(i wont elaborate further) and i dont think Russia is gona go against Indian concerns.

But in the long run India is definitely behind Russians involvement in this region ,

This whole movement is more about canceling out the formation of Axis than making one.
and realistically America is not gona forfeit its involvement here.

Russia has essentially come in between like a 5th party tilting its influence on either side would mean more unstability and i know tht Russia recognizes tht.

i haven't even mentioned Iran and its involvement in the northern alliance but thts another story.
Iran has a high probability to go against Pakistani interests.
Let me ask 'How the hell is this a Brownie point' ???

The Russian President was supposed to go to Pakistan in the first week of October. - He cancelled It.
The Russian Defence minister was supposed to come to India on October 4th. He postponed it to October 10th so that he could meet the Pakistani Army chief and assuage feelings of Pakistanis.

He, by the way has already come to India and we have concluded a number of deals which is going to make Pakistan shiver!

the two countries have set the stage for another flurry of bilateral defence projects over the next few months.

This came through after the 12th Indo-Russian inter-governmental commission on military technical cooperation (IRIGC-MTC), chaired by defence minister A K Antony and his Russian counterpart Anatoly Serdyukov on Wednesday.
Russia is still a main player of defence supplies, and if Pakistan can get into the Russian market. It will save Pakistan $$$ and effectively increase its military power.

Russia may be ready to help pakistan economically or may be few choppers like Mi-17 for transport but wont give any thing that threatens india or indian adversaries

They still have not changed their policies.
Looks like folks here have forgotten what happened to the deal around french avionics for Jf 17 ;)
Anatoly is busy in India right now talking business and probably must have talked about Kayani's visit and both the Anatoly and Antony must have had a laugh about it.

Sad Anatoly is not a member of PDF.

He wants Russia to partially fill the vacuum that will be created with the withdrawal of the US-led Nato forces from Afghanistan in 2014.

Oh Russia.. Come again in Afghanistan . We are fed of Facepalms after our relationship is US has gone awry seems to be tone here.

Russians sure will enjoy this.
What you did in the past is not going to negate the fact of what Pakistan is trying to do here with Russia.

definitely not ...but plz remember, India will do whatever is necessary to protect its national interests...
Anatoly is busy in India right now talking business and probably must have talked about Kayani's visit and both the Anatoly and Antony must have had a laugh about it.

Sad Anatoly is not a member of PDF.

Oh Russia.. Come again in Afghanistan . We are fed of Facepalms after our relationship is US has gone awry seems to be tone here.

Russians sure will enjoy this.

U.S. will always be a role player for Pakistan, supporting Pakistan is the only option.

definitely not ...but plz remember, India will do whatever is necessary to protect its national interests...

Well, it is a win-win situation for the Russians, Indian will have to put money where the mouth is.
U.S. will always be a role player for Pakistan, supporting Pakistan is the only option.

Well, it is a win-win situation for the Russians, Indian will have to put money where the mouth is.

Is bringing more role players , a good idea for Pakistan?

I dont think the chances of getting benefited by threatening to move to a particular camp would bring benefits from the rival camp for not doing so. US is too deep into the system and balancing everything is a messy thing.
Is bringing more role players , a good idea for Pakistan?

I dont think the chances of getting benefited by threatening to move to a particular camp would bring benefits from the rival camp for not doing so. US is too deep into the system and balancing everything is a messy thing.

Somebody else has to come in and contribute to the regional peace, Russia fits the bill perfectly while enhancing the defence ties.
Why has my post been deleted?? Jeeez! This sucks!

Just because I commented on Gen Gul's baloney of a Russia-China-Pakistan alliance? And that it's a doom and gloom scenario for India? :undecided:
Brownie point ? :blink:

"Russia does not have borders with Afghanistan but is concerned about the spread of religious extremism through the Central Asian republics. Russia also sees Pakistan as a key regional player. "

There are many aspects of this change in stance. Its too soon to say anything concrete as it will take many years to see the block mentioned here and thinking that India won't meddle in between will be too much optimism.

The shift in region is not that fast. Things will remain for some time to come. Role of US and Russia in SA is changing. I won't expect any alliance for Afghanistan before end of 2014 except few defense deals.

The same minister also said there is no policy change of Kremlin for not arming the foes of India. So diplomatic victory, I see it as a first step with miles to go. Waiting for Indian reaction on diplomatic front.

Lt-Gen (retd) Hamid Gul, former ISI director-general, believes it's the first step towards forming a Pakistan-Russia-China block (its mentioned in the end) yr a very senior member. I have respected yr post n like always i respect yr posts here too.

Whatever u said is right n realistic but like the Gen. said its a first step of one that could be a very strong regional alliance n i really want yr country to b the member of that because the flavor, the charm n the sincerity it offers. Its not about money because we believe that money belongs to the Greedy people.

In that way the Humanity will gain more in prosperity of the region, yes we could have reservations but we can always sit n talk abt that.

There is a Chinese saying that ''the journey of a thousand miles begins with first step'', if u know what i mean in this post's context.
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