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Pakistan says Western countries still proliferating nuke technology

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Nov 1, 2005
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Pakistan says Western countries still proliferating nuke technology

(Kyodo) _ A Pakistani official said Tuesday that Western countries are still proliferating nuclear technology and expressed regret that no action has been taken against companies or individuals in the West accused of proliferation.
"Proliferation as many experts say is still taking place from Western countries," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Tasneem Aslam told a weekly press briefing.

Aslam made the remarks when asked to comment on proposed legislation in the U.S. Congress which links foreign aid to Pakistan with a complete dismantlement of scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan's network of nuclear proliferation.

She said that Pakistan had dismantled Khan's network but in Western countries no action has been taken against companies and individuals accused of supplying nuclear technology to countries engaged in nuclear weapons programs.

She referred to several recent studies by experts on proliferation issues, which concluded that proliferation is still taking place from Western countries.

"We have not seen similar action elsewhere," she said.

Pakistan rounded up more than a dozen nuclear scientists and military officials in 2003 and 2004 including Khan, father of the country's nuclear program, for allegedly supplying technology and information to North Korea, Libya and Iran.

While all those detained have been released, Khan and his senior aide Mohammad Farooq are still under virtual house arrest.

Implementation of the 9/11 Commission Recommendation Act of 2007, passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, links disbursement of economic and military aid to Pakistan in fiscal 2008 and 2009 to wholeheartedly fighting the Taliban and dismantling Khan's proliferation network.

The bill stipulates that foreign assistance and military equipment be provided in fiscal years 2008 and 2009 only if the U.S. president certifies "the government of Pakistan is making all possible efforts to prevent the Taliban from operating in areas under its sovereign control, including in the cities of Quetta and Chaman and in the Northwest Frontier Province and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas."

The bill also states that in the opinion of the Congress "Pakistan's maintenance of a network for the proliferation of nuclear and missile technologies would be inconsistent with Pakistan being considered an ally of the United States."

It requires the United States to develop and implement a long-term strategy to improve relations with Pakistan and work with the government of Pakistan to stop nuclear proliferation.

The Pakistani government has expressed reservations about the passage of the bill in the House of Representatives and is hoping that it will be amended before it is passed by the Senate and signed by the U.S. president.

This is good that the western forces have been exposed!
Now i want to see sanctions against them countries, in the same manner the other countries are given sanctions e.g. against civillians. Lets see how they like it...
Not going to happen as long as we live in a unipolar world. :disagree:
She didnt told in article to which countries are western nations proliferating nuclear technology :oops: ?
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