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Pakistan says Kashmir not its part, people there should decide

Why should we settle for only one third of Kashmir by accepting LoC as IB?
Even if we accepted it, Kashmiri vote is important for us.
No change in status quo without bringing in Kashmiri's vote on the issue.

Neo, we'v been over this!

The reason you should settle for one third of kashmir is because try as Pakistan might, they will NEVER get the rest of Kashmir, so what is the point ??

And who knows the future developments, India might get more and more powerful than before and the gap may widen slowly and steadily, then there's no turning back on other hardliners demand in India that Pakistan hand over the rest 1/3rd of Kashmir:eek: .

Like i said, for Indo-Pak relations to move forward, Pakistan has to realise, it can never win, never take Kashmir, so what is the point in keeping it an issue b/w the 2 countries? Better to make the LoC as IB, both countries realise that it is now an international border, with proper territorial integrity and move forward.
India might get stronger and richer but if she fails to provide proper security to Kashmiri's and bring properity to the comon man Kashmir would slip away since Pakistan too is growing and getting stronger and richer, only differnece here that we're all muslims.

Remember Pakistan was carved out of India for many reasons, security for muslims was one of the main issues.

Since 9/11 India has sucessfully campained agaisnt terrorism, diverted attention from indegenious freedom struggle to crossborder incursions but your looking at a time bomb.
Matter of time and it will explode.
Since 9/11 India has sucessfully campained agaisnt terrorism, diverted attention from indegenious freedom struggle to crossborder incursions but your looking at a time bomb.
Matter of time and it will explode.
With all due respect, that is a misconception, resulting from overexposure to false media reports eminating from Pakistan. The fallacy of the "indegenious freedom struggle" has misled most people in your country to believe it to be the truth.

About an Independent Kashmir, let us not even get into discussing that charade.

ISI's success in Afghanistan cannot be replicated in Kashmir. As you can see, the Soviet-Afghan war lasted 6-7 years, before the Russians quit and left. Today we are in the 18th year of the insurgency that started in 1989, and what has Pakistan achieved.

A status quo is the only solution. A Kashmir for Pakistan cannot be negotiated by any Indian polititian or govt, and militarily Kashmir cannot be won by Pakistan.
You clearly prove that you did not infact get my point.
My point was essentially is that the statement of 'what kashmiris want' is an alibi for Pakistan. Its actually what Pakistan wants and not kashmiris. the 'You' representing you and Pakistanian's view. So when i say , no1 cares what you want, it means no1 cares what Pakistan wants out of Kashmir, its our internal affair, and we will handle it.

And its nice to know that my national identity is not in doubt!:)

Let me repeat..... Thanks for proving my point. Nobody will doubt you are an Indian.
Why should we settle for only one third of Kashmir by accepting LoC as IB?
Even if we accepted it, Kashmiri vote is important for us.
No change in status quo without bringing in Kashmiri's vote on the issue.

Why is Pakistan so worried about Kashmiris? Is it because they are muslims, if they were banglas would you still have cared?
India might get stronger and richer but if she fails to provide proper security to Kashmiri's and bring properity to the comon man Kashmir would slip away since Pakistan too is growing and getting stronger and richer, only differnece here that we're all muslims..

We still see those muslims slaughtering each other.We have all relegions,yet we manage to live in comparitive peace.So who is better off..definitly we are.

Look at Azad Kashmir and Indian Kashmir, there were no proper roads even for the relief to reach after EQ in Azad Kashmir. What has happened with the relief effort,nothing,even after more than 1 year.

Paksitan doesnt care a damn about Kashmiris,Kashmir is the cause that keeps Pakistan united.Without Kashmir whinning,pakistan would finf it difficult to make shias and sunnis stand under one flag.

Remember Pakistan was carved out of India for many reasons, security for muslims was one of the main issues..

And to hell with that security.There are more muslims getting killed in Pak than in India.

Since 9/11 India has sucessfully campained agaisnt terrorism, diverted attention from indegenious freedom struggle to crossborder incursions but your looking at a time bomb.
Matter of time and it will explode.

Yes we are looking at a time bomb across the border.
Why is Pakistan so worried about Kashmiris? Is it because they are muslims, if they were banglas would you still have cared?

Yes. We care for all human beings, not just the people related by the religion.

Paksitan doesnt care a damn about Kashmiris,Kashmir is the cause that keeps Pakistan united.Without Kashmir whinning,pakistan would finf it difficult to make shias and sunnis stand under one flag.

And that is bullshit.
You clearly prove that you did not infact get my point.
My point was essentially is that the statement of 'what kashmiris want' is an alibi for Pakistan. Its actually what Pakistan wants and not kashmiris. the 'You' representing you and Pakistanian's view. So when i say , no1 cares what you want, it means no1 cares what Pakistan wants out of Kashmir, its our internal affair, and we will handle it.

And its nice to know that my national identity is not in doubt!:)

Will you give up Kashmir, if the majority of Kashmiris want you to?
Will you give up Balochistan, because Majority of Baloch people want out of Pakistan.

Has China given up Tibet, because Majority of people in Tibet want out of China.

And incidentally, its first left to prove whether majority of people want to leave India. Infact, if people want to join Pakistan, then we will open teh borders for them. They can leave India. They cannot make the state change hands.
India might get stronger and richer but if she fails to provide proper security to Kashmiri's and bring properity to the comon man Kashmir would slip away

Indian Kashmir is far more developed than Azad Kashmir. Is that proof that common man is getting better services in India than in Pakistan.

Anyways, the country is trying to bridge the gap in Kashmir, they are trying to provide security to kashmiri people, prociding services, and the plan for Kashmir is sooo different from what it is now. Kashmir is on the path to progress already. I say give Kashmir 10 years, and then i dont think there would be any illness in Kashmir barring some Pak sent tterrorists. The terrorists have already lost their major popular base in Kashmir. Now they dont get half the support they used to. So things are definitely improving.
Yes. We care for all human beings, not just the people related by the religion.

Will you give up Kashmir, if the majority of Kashmiris want you to?

Then why is Pakistan supplying arms to SL,which is being used against the Tamil rebels.
We still see those muslims slaughtering each other.We have all relegions,yet we manage to live in comparitive peace.So who is better off..definitly we are.

80,000 Kashmiris slaughtered, 10,000 Sikhs butchered, 2,000 Muslims ethnically cleansed in Gujarat, hundreds of Dalits lynched for killing cows, and dozens of missionaries barbecued. Yes India is comparatively piece full. :rofl: A culture where cow’s life is valued over human’s has to have serious issues with its primitive ethos. :angry:

Look at Azad Kashmir and Indian Kashmir, there were no proper roads even for the relief to reach after EQ in Azad Kashmir. What has happened with the relief effort,nothing,even after more than 1 year.

1. Have you ever been to Azad Kashmir?
2. Sweetheart, it may have never dawned on you, but most of roads were destroyed by the massive EQ. :rolleyes:

Paksitan doesnt care a damn about Kashmiris,Kashmir is the cause that keeps Pakistan united.Without Kashmir whinning,pakistan would finf it difficult to make shias and sunnis stand under one flag.

Yea, India has a loving way of showing their damn by massacring 80,000 Kashmiris, right?;)

And to hell with that security.There are more muslims getting killed in Pak than in India.

No. You need to learn how to count first.:coffee:
Tomcat111, go google on the state of Azad Kashmir and Indian Kashmir, all reports say Indian Kashmir is much better than Azad Kashmir, and all these were before the earth quake. The level of development of Kashmir in India is much below the rest of the country, but still better than the 'Azad Kashmir'. Just Google.

Dont get started on cows, or i can retort in an equal manner about Islam and other things related to it, including torching buildings, hurting people and property in the name of it. Like i said, you are the one who tries to inflame others. There was no need for your 'cow' comment. I ask the Mods AGAIN to please take note on this.
Why is Pakistan so worried about Kashmiris? Is it because they are muslims, if they were banglas would you still have cared?

Kashmir would have voted for Pakistan if a pleb was held in 1947/48, we'll fight till the Kashmiri's get to decide what they want.
You live in world's largest democracy, you'll surely understand the basic rights of comon people don't you?
Paksitan doesnt care a damn about Kashmiris,Kashmir is the cause that keeps Pakistan united.Without Kashmir whinning,pakistan would finf it difficult to make shias and sunnis stand under one flag.
What a load of crap Bull, you know better than this.
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