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Pakistan’s Nuclear Surge

Post-Osama Pakistan’s nuclear safeguards

Posted on May 12, 2011
By Feyyaz M Pasha
Exclusive Article

The dramatic raid by US Special Forces into hinterland Pakistan on 2 May continues to be an enigma. Surprise achieved by the raiders was total and humiliating, calling into question the oft-boasted impregnability of national defence. How the US was enabled to strike deep into Pakistan, and during 40 minutes’ faceoff why they were neither intervened nor chased thereafter, begs serious introspection. The disquiet is compounded by the fact that Abbotabad is one of the densest military garrisons of the country. Given the paralytic impulse generated by the episode, a natural spinoff is conjecturing among some quarters whether an identical can happen vis-à-vis Pakistan’s nuclear assets?

Historically, if a side is determined to secure surprise against the adversary and prepares hard to operationalise it, the feat is doable. German invasion of Poland, France; Egyptian Suez crossing and Israeli strikes against Iraqi nuclear facilities are few examples. None however was struck against a nuclear armed country and where it was (Pearl Harbor), retribution by even a nascent nuclear power was massive. Strategic weapons were later consequential in holding off the antagonists during cold war era from hot confrontation. There were instances of red alerts; these remained short of actualization owing to deterrence radiated by fear of retaliation.

Possibility of a strategic surprise in contemporary environment against Pakistan is real and greatly accentuated especially if there is vulnerability in defence systems exposed by an event under review. Stealth strike airborne package, missile rain from sea based platforms, land centric ballistic or terrain huggers cruise can undertake such an adventure. Hypothetically, if a hostile power emboldened by the surprise raid, attempts to take out Pakistan’s nuclear sting, can it strategically neutralize the country or the former have the potential to respond to the confronted challenge. Pending the judgment, few considerations need attention first.

Any military power including nuclear weapon states (NWS) can be subjected to a surprise attack during period of relative calm. Yet, different protective structures and mechanisms perennially remain in place to withstand unconventional strikes. Media reports suggest that at present Pakistan has the nuclear arsenal of upto 90-100 warheads of varying yields deliverable by a variety of indigenous developed mechanical frameworks coupled with round the clock commitment to churn out fissile material to add on to the existing stocks. Generally, while this infrastructure is secured against ground threat, it is believed to be held, following international practices, under hardened shelters of the magnitude to absorb tactical nuclear strikes, in addition to built-in SOPs for transiting chain of succession to initiate and execute fire orders under crisis situations.

Stretching imagination further, if that be the case, a hostile power consequently might contemplate an attack of megaton category to vaporize the target area. This is a rare probability which would warrant dozens of such launchings to completely destroy Pakistan’s widely dispersed nuclear potential albeit not with certainty. A dire implication of the attack will be envelopment of entire South, West and South East Asia as well as the Middle East into radioactive swamp, making life nearly extinct in these regions, drying up all energy sources for the world and rendering sea trade and communications redundant. Obviously, under such a scenario there will be no one to respond to the attacker which in this particular case has to be a superpower distantly located from point of delivery of nuclear ordnance. Practically therefore, the superpower might attempt to replicate OBL like raids to secure warheads and disable delivery means. If well rehearsed and ready, physical defence of strategic locations should repel such an assault.

In the event, a regional power like India decides to venture into a strike of the sort employing low yield weapons; this is brightly possible. Here, after absorbing the initial brunt, the responder possessing credible second strike capability has a wide spectrum of choices. It may not necessarily initiate a launch on warning of an attack or even immediately afterwards but shall deliberate in terms of cost and benefit to decide on response pattern and its intensity just like the attacker must have done prior to the strike. The target country may have been surprised but in the event of a nuclear episode, the response scenario will be altogether different from what has been witnessed recently. Pakistan possesses the capability and the resolve to respond along entire ladder of escalation. Precisely, it is guessed it was for that reason that the entire US civilian and military hierarchy engaged Pakistan leadership soon after their crew exited own air space to obviate any miscalculation or speculation by Pakistan especially against India.

Above debate apart, national security of Pakistan ought to be predicated on a maximalist model rooted in public discourse. Survival of a state manifests only when its citizenry associate their own survival with the existence of the state. Politico-military leadership has consistently failed the nation to this end. The Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani should have issued his policy statement on US raid not days past the event. Intelligence and operational failure has to be conceded and defaulters publicized in a transparent manner through a judicial commission as demanded by PML (N) leadership to restore public trust in national institutions. Rhetoric alone may not work this time.
For now, i think the economic number for Pakistan's nuclear stockpile should be around 300-500.

Pakistan only needs an adequate number of ICBMs that grants Pakistan the capability to send around hundred nukes to both USA and West Europe.

By then, i think they should stop militarily harrassing you guys.
We could become whole sales of nukes to entire trusted islamic bloc like Malaysia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc etc...when a dozen countries posses them US and EU will not dare an embargo.
For now, i think the economic number for Pakistan's nuclear stockpile should be around 300-500.

Pakistan only needs an adequate number of ICBMs that grants Pakistan the capability to send around hundred nukes to both USA and West Europe.

By then, i think they should stop militarily harrassing you guys.

There's one member on this forum called Ahseeba who will scream at you for giving this practical advice. I just don't understand from which planet they come from!
We could become whole sales of nukes to entire trusted islamic bloc like Malaysia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc etc...when a dozen countries posses them US and EU will not dare an embargo.

For that to happen first you need to bring uncle sam within the range of your guns.
For now, i think the economic number for Pakistan's nuclear stockpile should be around 300-500.

Pakistan only needs an adequate number of ICBMs that grants Pakistan the capability to send around hundred nukes to both USA and West Europe.

By then, i think they should stop militarily harrassing you guys.

Is it possible for Pakistan to possess 300-500 nukes at this very momment? Does China know the actual figure?
Is it possible for Pakistan to possess 300-500 nukes at this very momment? Does China know the actual figure?

Its already speculated Pakistan has approx. 300 nukes. The figures in the media are vastly understated.

In my previous post where I said Pakistan should stop when they have made 2,000-3,000 nukes. I was wrong the number should be at 10,000 nukes.
Its already speculated Pakistan has approx. 300 nukes. The figures in the media are vastly understated.

In my previous post where I said Pakistan should stop when they have made 2,000-3,000 nukes. I was wrong the number should be at 10,000 nukes.

If so, why is Pakistan procrastinating about the really long range delivery system? It doesn't add up to your fact.
There are three stages of the nuclear deterrence: minimum level(100-500 nukes), sufficient level(1000-5000 nukes), highest level(10000-50000 nukes).

For the present economic condition for Pakistan, it should take the minimum level as the most suitable choice. Make sure to possess the ability to knock down some major metropolitans and industrial areas in US and West Europe.

Later with improved economy, Pakistan could start to think about the middle one, just like China's past experience. But for now, it is better to take the minimum level for the sake of economy and the cost of maintenance.
Its already speculated Pakistan has approx. 300 nukes. The figures in the media are vastly understated.

In my previous post where I said Pakistan should stop when they have made 2,000-3,000 nukes. I was wrong the number should be at 10,000 nukes.

Just 10,000 nukes? Dude atleast 1 Million Nukes would be appropriate for us. . .
Is it possible for Pakistan to possess 300-500 nukes at this very momment? Does China know the actual figure?

Pakistan could have this figure, but the most important thing is having the launch system and the second strike capability.

This means the seabased ICBM and boomer are needed.

UK bought the D5 missiles from US, France's SLBM also derived from the US technology, Russia's solid fueled Bulava is not completed yet, China has just recently deployed JL-2.

This means the only nations that truly possess the SLBM technology is US/Russia/China.

That's why to help Pakistan to obtain these capabilities must be done underground.
silo based second strike capability is another option. pakistans nuclear missiles being mobile may still.survive a first attack and be launcbes as scond strike.
silo based second strike capability is another option. pakistans nuclear missiles being mobile may still.survive a first attack and be launcbes as scond strike.

The silo based missile is the most vunerable one, even the mobile one is much resilient.
Nukes are something Pakistan cannot let go. We all know the threats bharat was making after it tested its nukes publicly and before Pakistan tested its. And it's becoming increasingly obvious that the US aims to take those nukes away.

No doubt we need an ICBM urgently. Pakistan's military has utterly f*cked it up and been played by the US. The 9/11 drama was done to get CIA agents into Pakistan so they can develop plans to take the nukes. It was only delayed by the Iraq war, but now its back in play. They got their agents into Pakistan, and now have full plans to take the nukes. Pakistan let them in on the pretext of WoT and we've been played big time. Now suddenly relations with Pakistan are getting strained as planned with the eventual attempt to take the nukes. We need to be vigilant and develop an ICBM ASAP.
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