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Pakistan’s Nuclear Surge

well pakistan is fighting battle for its survival with wrong weapons. u dont need nuclear weapons to fight terrorists. they r more of liability in war agaisnt terrorists. terrorists arent threatened with nuclear weapons. they have no concept of deterrnce.

pakistan has to decide who is its major enemy. terrorism or india. for india i would say even 25 nuclear weapons are more than enough. india counldnt attack pak wen it had jus 10 so why would india attack pak wen it has 200 (supposedly).

for terrorists pakisyan dont need so much weapons.

for long in subcontinent nuclear tests/weapons have been used by govt to enhance its image/credibility. tests/weapons give a "macho" feeling to common national and it also gives an elated sense of patriotism. once tests are done, the people are gung ho abt their new found super power status and forget the problems which threaten the very existence of country.

i hope both india and pakistan get out of this nuclear stock piling habit. we owe it to our children and to god who has created this wonderfull world.

our nukes are fo indians not for taliban and alqaida

China has more than 40 nukes, what kind of crap is this?

I think it means that by 2021 China may probably just make another 40 Nuclear Weapons as they already have hundreds of these in stock.
Pakistan is said to have around 300 nukes now including thermo-nuclear weapons. Pakistan should not stop building nukes till it has at least 2,000 - 3000 nukes. This will ensure that the indian ocean will completely border Pakistan to its east.

Is your statistics credible? What is the source of your statistics? If it's true we welcome this development.
Wrong info.....Pakistan is at least 5 years away from developing a thermonuclear weapon....

200-300 nuclear warheads are enough for Pakistan against India...
Wrong info.....Pakistan is at least 5 years away from developing a thermonuclear weapon....

200-300 nuclear warheads are enough for Pakistan against India...

you would need 200-300 delivery mechanismss and its maintenance costs!! you ready for that...???
i guess 50 will do unless you want to bomb bihar and N-E!! :rofl: :rofl:
Nuclear scientist says bomb saved Pakistan - Yahoo! News

Nuclear scientist says bomb saved Pakistan

WASHINGTON (AFP) – The father of Pakistan's nuclear bomb has vigorously defended the program as sparing his country the fate of Iraq or Libya, amid signs that Islamabad is ramping up its weapons capacities.

Writing in Newsweek magazine, Abdul Qadeer Khan said that Pakistan's nuclear weapons had prevented war with historic rival India, which he accused of pursuing a "massive program" due to ambitions of superpower status.

"Don't overlook the fact that no nuclear-capable country has been subjected to aggression or occupied, or had its borders redrawn. Had Iraq and Libya been nuclear powers, they wouldn't have been destroyed in the way we have seen recently," Khan said.

Khan also argued that Bangladesh would not have won independence in 1971 if Pakistan had nuclear weapons. India supported Bangladesh's independence, which came after a nine-month struggle that was harshly put down by Pakistani forces.

Many Pakistanis regard Khan as a hero for building the Islamic world's first nuclear bomb. India and Pakistan carried out nuclear tests in 1998.

He admitted in 2004 that he ran a nuclear black-market selling secrets to Iran, Libya and North Korea. But Khan later retracted his remarks and in 2009 was freed from house arrest, although he was asked to keep a low profile.

Western powers in March launched a military campaign against Libya over concerns of violence against civilians. Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi agreed in 2003 to end his nuclear program and tried to reconcile with the West.

Pakistan has been increasingly worried about its nuclear program after US forces on May 2 managed to enter the country covertly to kill the world's most wanted man Osama bin Laden, who was living in the garrison city of Abbottabad.

While Khan said he was not familiar with the latest developments in Pakistan's nuclear program, Newsweek published a commercial satellite image that appeared to show expedited construction at the country's Khushab nuclear site.

The Institute for Science and International Security, which assessed the image, said it showed "significant progress" on a fourth reactor. A frame of a building was now visible, which did not appear in a picture taken in January.

The Washington-based think-tank said that plutonium from the new reactors would allow a "dramatic increase" in production, potentially allowing Pakistan to double its annual production of nuclear weapons.
this is simply rubbish... It is almost a cleshay for american think tanks to pro actively ring false alarms about Pakistan's nuclear program in Washington to get attention and to build a case against Pakistan. Remember in 2007 at same location we were building 1000MW nuclear reactor to produce 50 bombs a year. Which turned out to be just a 50MW reactor in preliminary stages... ... specially my indian friends here ... please don't be so propagating about Pakistan. At this point a neighbour needs a neighbour so just chill and stay positive about our country if u can. this is the first time in the history of our country that we love your enmity more than the friendship of US.
I can see the tears behind your smile. Does it hurt somewhere?

ARE you crazy .... we all would like Pakistan to have 5000 nukes... the more the number goes up the more we will smile. you will not understand as BD is not a part of bigger game.
ARE you crazy .... we all would like Pakistan to have 5000 nukes... the more the number goes up the more we will smile. you will not understand as BD is not a part of bigger game.

Play what ever and how ever you want.....but you can bet it my friend.. Pakistan is here to stay... :P
Play what ever and how ever you want.....but you can bet it my friend.. Pakistan is here to stay...

who said Pakistan is not here to stay....but in such condition ...if you are happy ....then my best wishes for you and your country to stay this way.....
off course not this way. no one is happy about it but ... no great games or blame games are gonna do what your people think is gonna happen....
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